Superman: Man of steel

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

They just need to stop. Superman was my favorite superhero growing up, but these newer movies are just crap.

There has been one movie 1987. 

You act like there's been a trilogy of horrible Superman films recently. 

This is barely their second crack at it for the new generation and Snyder is directing with Nolan writing and godfathering the film. 
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Love Superman as a character, but I do not want to see Zod. 
Brainiac, Doomsday, or Darkseid. Hell, I'd even take Gog.

I feel the same way but Zod is supposedly going to have CGI armor so it'll be interesting to see what Snyder comes up with. He is pretty good with cgi and green screen and always makes great visuals, plus dude makes great action sequences/scenes so I am looking forward to his take on the film. Superman might actually roll up his fist and punch someone this time around. 
Originally Posted by onewearz

where's the red drawers ?

cmon man , he ain't superman without em

New 52 Superman doesn't have them anymore, which is where the movie costume is based from.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Seeing all the Superman hate in here is depressing.

I'm sayin'...'s THE MAN OF STEEL we're talkin' about here.

I'm so amped for a quality reboot...

..."Chronicle" showed me how cool flying can look on screen when it's done right.

And yeah, I'd love to see Doomsday too 
Originally Posted by MrONegative


where's the red drawers ?

cmon man , he ain't superman without em

not everybody needs Depends, grandpa.


i'm just saying , to me, thats a big part of superman. first thing that villians look at and laugh before getting their %$% kicked
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by MrONegative


where's the red drawers ?

cmon man , he ain't superman without em

not everybody needs Depends, grandpa.


i'm just saying , to me, thats a big part of superman. first thing that villians look at and laugh before getting their %$% kicked

Is There a Secret Villain in Man of Steel?

Few details are really known about Zack Snyder's upcoming Man of Steel except that it of course has Superman and that he will be fighting General Zod in the film. But what if there was a secret villain in the film that no one had mentioned? The cat might be out of the bag now.

Screen Crush (via Brickset) has found something very interesting in an upcoming LEGO set. A list of soon to be released DC and Marvel LEGO tie-ins has come up and at the bottom you will find an interesting addition:

76000 Arctic Batman vs. Mr.Freeze – Aquaman on Ice
76001 Batman vs. Bane – Chase with Tumbler
76002 Superman Metropolis Showdown
76003 Superman Battle of Smallville
76004 Spider-Man – Hunting with Spider-Cycle
76005 Spider-Man – Mission at Daily Bugle
76006 Iron Man Extremis
76007 Iron Man Malibu Mansion
76008 Iron Man vs Mandarin
76009 Superman Black Zero Escape

Since most of these sets are somehow tied into the upcoming and previously released films of these respective characters, it stands to reason that Black Zero will appear in Man of Steel. Why else would such a random character be chosen for a LEGO set?
Black Zero first appeared in a Superman comic titled "The Man Who Destroyed Krypton," wherein he revealed to Superman that he was paid to destroy his home planet of Krypton. Will the character make the leap to the big screen for the new film? Or was this simply a creative choice by LEGO because they're big fans of the character? Time will tell, but check back here for any more updates.

Henry Cavill plays Superman in the June 14, 2013 release. Amy Adams stars as Daily Planet journalist Lois Lane, and Laurence Fishburne as her editor-in-chief, Perry White. Starring as Clark Kent's adoptive parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent, are Diane Lane and Kevin Costner.

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