Swishers vs Papers

Ya'll dont miss papers/blunts even with a vape? I love mine too but..
Papers on the quickness

blunts with the homies.. starting to prefer papers cause its sometimes a hassle to get a blunt
Papers on the quickness

blunts with the homies.. starting to prefer papers cause its sometimes a hassle to get a blunt

but shout out to honey dutches and bongs for killing my lungs errytime I fiend for that extra lung stinging sensation

I tried vapes, its just not the same.

anyone else notice on the king size zig zag box it always says No. 420. On the orange box it say no. 225

but shout out to honey dutches and bongs for killing my lungs errytime I fiend for that extra lung stinging sensation

I tried vapes, its just not the same.

anyone else notice on the king size zig zag box it always says No. 420. On the orange box it say no. 225
Originally Posted by Kramer

How are either better than pipes? Just wanderin
Swishers have nicotine whereas zigs don't. Pipes & straight shooters have carcinogens. (unverifiable)   Vaporization is the best option right now although the study of injections seems one of the best ways to administer right now.
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