T.I. - Live Your Life parody

Apr 21, 2004
NTers, need your input:

My friend is a beginning filmmaker (shot this with a $6G HD Camera
) and justput this together, opinions/advices/love/hate etc. are all welcome
It would've been better had they not done the lip syncing.

That girl was pretty cute, though.
Originally Posted by mFury

It would've been better had they not done the lip syncing.

That girl was pretty cute, though.
what video were you watching?
i guess?
this isnt a parody BTW..... Parodies are what Weird Al does.
Originally Posted by rjones416

i thought a parody is supposed to be funny? its just people lip syncing to the song.

Word...they just singing along.
I use the term parody to attract attention to this thread, i figure people would be interested in a comic ridicule of T.I. sorry if I let you down.

And I think he is using a Sony camera but I'm not sure the specific model
-Lip synching ruined the vid to me. It wasn't a parody at all. Parodies are Weird Al like.
-Keep anything political out of the video. I don't know if its just for a class but he's pushing an agenda that is not favorable with a lot of people.
-I liked the theme of people just having fun because that's living your life but your friend tried too hard to be like TI.
-Tripod, use one.
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