Taking a charge under the basket

Never liked the rule.

I agree there should be a charge rule, players just can't run over dudes. But the whole "Jump in front of the guy that's driving to the basket and hold position" technique, that's not defense to me.

Duke used to kill me with that crap in the 90's, but now everybody does it.

Taking charges shows me that you can't guard me and your best bet is to try to get a foul called on me.
When I take a charge I just shift my weight to my heels and if there is contact the guy takes me down. I don't do anything "extra" besides the weight shift to draw the charge.

The calls that sucks are not only the flops, but the ones where its clear the guy who is taking the charge still has a foot moving or has moved once the player takes off.

IMO if the player takes off he has a right to the path of the basket, unless the defensive player has established position prior to his leaving the ground, and too many refs don't enforce that.
When I take a charge I just shift my weight to my heels and if there is contact the guy takes me down. I don't do anything "extra" besides the weight shift to draw the charge.

The calls that sucks are not only the flops, but the ones where its clear the guy who is taking the charge still has a foot moving or has moved once the player takes off.

IMO if the player takes off he has a right to the path of the basket, unless the defensive player has established position prior to his leaving the ground, and too many refs don't enforce that.
I hate that. Derek Fisher does that so much and gets praised for it. That's not defense, that's %%%*! *!*. If its a legitimate charge its fine, but when you sprint full speed to the spot then flop, nah that's not defense.
I hate that. Derek Fisher does that so much and gets praised for it. That's not defense, that's %%%*! *!*. If its a legitimate charge its fine, but when you sprint full speed to the spot then flop, nah that's not defense.
I think everyone is talking about two different things here. There are "legitimate" charges drawn -- where because of keen defensive instinct a player is able to legitimately get to a spot before the offensive player and hold their position, and then an out-of-control offensive player just bowls them over.

Then there are "illegitimate" charges drawn where someone just rushes to a spot and only BARELY makes it (if at all), not really having established position.

Legit charges, I think most people can agree are fair and is a sign of good movement on D and good instinct towards shutting down an offensive player's options.
Illegitimate charges, I think most people can agree are silly and shows bad defense more than anything.

But I think people are disagreeing on something when we're actually talking about two different things. In a sense, they're both right (legitimately drawn charges are fair, illegitimately drawn charges are stupid).
I think everyone is talking about two different things here. There are "legitimate" charges drawn -- where because of keen defensive instinct a player is able to legitimately get to a spot before the offensive player and hold their position, and then an out-of-control offensive player just bowls them over.

Then there are "illegitimate" charges drawn where someone just rushes to a spot and only BARELY makes it (if at all), not really having established position.

Legit charges, I think most people can agree are fair and is a sign of good movement on D and good instinct towards shutting down an offensive player's options.
Illegitimate charges, I think most people can agree are silly and shows bad defense more than anything.

But I think people are disagreeing on something when we're actually talking about two different things. In a sense, they're both right (legitimately drawn charges are fair, illegitimately drawn charges are stupid).
Yeah both of those Nash plays are blocking fouls. Both Kobe and West were already in their motion before he was even set. All he did was stiffen up his body and act like he was set.
 I hate that.
Yeah both of those Nash plays are blocking fouls. Both Kobe and West were already in their motion before he was even set. All he did was stiffen up his body and act like he was set.
 I hate that.
A simple search on youtube for flagrant foul will show you just howmuch more incidents there have been of players risking serious injurydue to a block attempt than a charge. Even if the laws of physics sidewith me, I agree that it's a moot point since that is not the matter athand.
My point is that what a Collison or Nash does isn't done in the spirit of good basketball. These aren't defensive plays made to stop the progress of the offensive player. They're made to draw a whistle from the refs.
The term "spirit of basketball" keeps getting brought up, as if attempting to take a charge isn't designed to stop the progress of the offensive player. It's a strategic play that does exactly that. And let's not pretend that offensive players don't try to get whistles from the refs, such as pump faking and jumping into the defender, or the Kevin Durant rip through move. As long as it's within the rules, trying to win a game is the only definition of the "spirit of basketball."

As I've stated earlier, a charge is much more valuable than a block. A block, in most cases, gives the offense another possession. A charge gives the offensive player a foul and gives the defense the ball back. In that sense, it is one of the smartest plays that a defender can make.

And if your litmus test for a charge occurs during a street ball game, then I really don't know what to tell you. I won't even go into all the things that don't translate from the asphalt court to the NBA because you are much more intelligent than that. 
A simple search on youtube for flagrant foul will show you just howmuch more incidents there have been of players risking serious injurydue to a block attempt than a charge. Even if the laws of physics sidewith me, I agree that it's a moot point since that is not the matter athand.
My point is that what a Collison or Nash does isn't done in the spirit of good basketball. These aren't defensive plays made to stop the progress of the offensive player. They're made to draw a whistle from the refs.
The term "spirit of basketball" keeps getting brought up, as if attempting to take a charge isn't designed to stop the progress of the offensive player. It's a strategic play that does exactly that. And let's not pretend that offensive players don't try to get whistles from the refs, such as pump faking and jumping into the defender, or the Kevin Durant rip through move. As long as it's within the rules, trying to win a game is the only definition of the "spirit of basketball."

As I've stated earlier, a charge is much more valuable than a block. A block, in most cases, gives the offense another possession. A charge gives the offensive player a foul and gives the defense the ball back. In that sense, it is one of the smartest plays that a defender can make.

And if your litmus test for a charge occurs during a street ball game, then I really don't know what to tell you. I won't even go into all the things that don't translate from the asphalt court to the NBA because you are much more intelligent than that. 
I hate the block/charge rule. If a player is set but is inside the circle, it shouldn't be a foul because he's inside. I mean it should be a no call. All the flopping is the worse. Saw Deshawn Stevenson last night try to fall down everytime durant breathed. Effing comical. I hate players who play as if they're from the street but flop all over the place. Dont get me Started on Corey Maggete. i'm a Duke fan and hate him with a passion.
I hate the block/charge rule. If a player is set but is inside the circle, it shouldn't be a foul because he's inside. I mean it should be a no call. All the flopping is the worse. Saw Deshawn Stevenson last night try to fall down everytime durant breathed. Effing comical. I hate players who play as if they're from the street but flop all over the place. Dont get me Started on Corey Maggete. i'm a Duke fan and hate him with a passion.
I agree with OP there should be no offensive foul call for charging in the paint when dudes are just standing there waiting to get hit or slip under you when you're in midair. Shouldn't be a blocking call either.

I hate seeing weak @*@ players get props for standing in the paint waiting to get hit. When I see them do that I just be hoping somebody big jumps knees first in to their chest. Maybe when they start coughing up blood they'll learn how to defend penetration.
I agree with OP there should be no offensive foul call for charging in the paint when dudes are just standing there waiting to get hit or slip under you when you're in midair. Shouldn't be a blocking call either.

I hate seeing weak @*@ players get props for standing in the paint waiting to get hit. When I see them do that I just be hoping somebody big jumps knees first in to their chest. Maybe when they start coughing up blood they'll learn how to defend penetration.
Originally Posted by gko2408

Does anybody else find the whole "see player driving, run to basket and hope you get the whistle" concept absolutely ridiculous? There's no defensive play being made and it takes no real defensive skill on the part of the player to get this call. The only time there should be an offensive foul called against a driving player is when the defender is out on the perimeter. That would actually require a good defender to stay in front of his man. Rant out 

Not as often and as bad as the stuff offensive players getaway with. Offensive players jumping into defenders also faking 3's so you canhit the defenders arm (KD) cuz the defender has his arm extended. Fouls are ajoke anyway in the NBA if you’re a superstar that guarantees you 5 fouls a gamein your favor.
Originally Posted by gko2408

Does anybody else find the whole "see player driving, run to basket and hope you get the whistle" concept absolutely ridiculous? There's no defensive play being made and it takes no real defensive skill on the part of the player to get this call. The only time there should be an offensive foul called against a driving player is when the defender is out on the perimeter. That would actually require a good defender to stay in front of his man. Rant out 

Not as often and as bad as the stuff offensive players getaway with. Offensive players jumping into defenders also faking 3's so you canhit the defenders arm (KD) cuz the defender has his arm extended. Fouls are ajoke anyway in the NBA if you’re a superstar that guarantees you 5 fouls a gamein your favor.
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