Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

The western world is quiet because the Jews cobtrol the banks and thus the money
Sorry fam I do gotta call this out. It's propoganda.

I grew up hearing this too and honestly history shows that's just not true.

As I said earlier the Jewish people have had an extremely rough go of things throughout history. That particular piece of propoganda is usually spread to incite distrust and place blame on historically failing economies.

There are some very rich Jewish people but there are a number of wealthy people across all races.
I really do hope the UN or the US steps in firmly to stop the chaos. It’s awful to see young children live in a place where their lives are in constant danger:frown:

Support the BDS movement fam. Our country speaks with it's pockets.

If we were to boycott companies that support this, they will force change in government on a macro level.
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me love nutella me love nutella thanks for clearing that up. It's shocking how so much of the world practices Islam, there are neighboring Arab countries with huge Arab populations, yet no one opens its doors or offers aid to Palestinians.

sneakaprince sneakaprince it is a myth idk why it keeps being brought up over and over again. It was the same story in WW2. Germans stated that "jews had too many businesses and had control of the money in their banks". It was another excuse to attempt the genocide.
me love nutella me love nutella thanks for clearing that up. It's shocking how so much of the world practices Islam, there are neighboring Arab countries with huge Arab populations, yet no one opens its doors or offers aid to Palestinians.
So I will say that for most of the history, Arabs were secular and and would run on ethnic, secular and nationalist tropes, rather than religious. It is only more in recent history after external and internal factors that I find Arabs went shifted to support more religious political movements as it stood against colonial and imperial western power and foreign interests. Arabs got tired of the secular corrupt factions and governments who were more prone to backhandedly give in to Western interests and then religious fundamentalism gained more popularity, especially after the takeover by the Islamic revolution of Iran that overthrew the Western puppet Shah.

Also, not all of these religious fundamentalist groups are all monolith and allied together. There are different sects of Islam so tied to different religious groups with different aims and goals. For example, Saudi Arabia HATES Hamas. Why? Hamas is allied with the Muslim Brotherhood and are loosely allied with Lebanon's Hezbollah and Iran, both enemies of Saudi Arabia. Turkey also is allied with the Muslim Brotherhood. and will back Hamas publicly So Saudi and Turkey are each other's nemesis vying for power. Different alliances and ties to Western superpowers. Remember that Saudi are Wahhabi Muslims, they are a different breed.

To me, it is not about religion for the Palestinian cause. Palestinian Christians, although most now live in diaspora, but a very small minority that still exist. So we cannot just say it is a Muslim issue. Even if the Al-Aqsa was not present and Islam's 3rd holiest site, Palestinians are tied to their LAND. It is the right to return to their ancestrial motherland.
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So I will say that for most of the history, Arabs were secular and and would run on ethnic, secular and nationalist tropes, rather than religious. It is only more in recent history after external and internal factors that I find Arabs went shifted to support more religious political movements as it stood against colonial and imperial western power and foreign interests. Arabs got tired of the secular corrupt factions and governments who were more prone to backhandedly give in to Western interests and then religious fundamentalism gained more popularity, especially after the takeover by the Islamic revolution of Iran that overthrew the Western puppet Shah.

Also, not all of these religious fundamentalist groups are all monolith and allied together. There are different sects of Islam so tied to different religious groups with different aims and goals. For example, Saudi Arabia HATES Hamas. Why? Hamas is allied with the Muslim Brotherhood and are loosely allied with Lebanon's Hezbollah and Iran, both enemies of Saudi Arabia. Turkey also is allied with the Muslim Brotherhood. and will back Hamas publicly So Saudi and Turkey are each other's nemesis vying for power. Different alliances and ties to Western superpowers. Remember that Saudi are Wahhabi Muslims, they are a different breed.

To me, it is not about religion for the Palestinian cause. Palestinian Christians, although most now live in diaspora, but a very small minority that still exist. So we cannot just say it is a Muslim issue. Even if the Al-Aqsa was not present and Islam's 3rd holiest site, Palestinians are tied to their LAND. It is the right to return to their ancestral and motherland.

Are you referring to the broader Shia vs. Sunni conflict as far as Saudi's contempt for Iran and vice versa?

Saudi and Turkey's conflict steps back to the early 1900s when the Ottoman empire controlled Mecca & Medina. Saudi has been demolishing some sites and areas considered holy/sacred to Turkish people as they've got massive construction and infrastructure projects going on/around Mecca & Medina.
Are you referring to the Shia vs. Sunni conflict as far as Saudi's contempt for Iran and vice versa?

Saudi and Turkey's conflict steps back to the early 1900s when the Ottoman empire controlled Mecca & Medina. Saudi has been demolishing some sites and areas considered holy/sacred to Turkish people as they've got massive construction and infrastructure projects going on/around Mecca & Medina.
Oh you went back back. I was talking the big beef between in current geopolitics. Though Saudi and Turkey are both vastly Sunni majority nations, experiences over the Salafist movement, rivalry over leadership of the Islamic world and a recent neo-Ottoman outlook has caused extreme distrust between the two countries.

That whole assassination of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Turkey just brought it all to the next level.

a dima sighting?!

Nearly all the words and phrases used by the Democrats, Republicans and the talking heads on the media to describe the unrest inside Israel and the heaviest Israeli assault against the Palestinians since the 2014 attacks on Gaza, which lasted 51 days and killed more than 2,200 Palestinians, including 551 children, are a lie. Israel, by employing its military machine against an occupied population that does not have mechanized units, an air force, navy, missiles, heavy artillery and command-and-control, not to mention a U.S. commitment to provide a $38 billion defense aid package for Israel over the next decade, is not exercising "the right to defend itself." It is carrying out mass murder. It is a war crime.
I wonder what KSA, UAE and Bahrain will do next. Not that I expect them to engage in a war but they seem to have miscalculated how much international support there was for the cause of Palestinians. For countries with poor human rights records that aim to present themselves as more palatable to the west, I wonder if they backtrack on these new ties to Israel. I think MBS went so far as to break off contact with Netanyahu after it was leaked.
My hours of "useless" internet knowledge is starting to come back to me.

The main financial supports of Israel (this is facts) are evangelical white american christians from the bible belt. The reason being for this is b/c they're pretty much trying to force Yahweh to bring upon the Rapture/World War III. I beleive, in the scripture (bible) according to them that that land is the promise land to the jews b/c Jesus was born in Jerusalem or some ****. That's why jews are welcomed back to Israel in open arms and allowed to Palestinian land & property like that.

So yeah, once Israel becomes a completely Jewish state the battle of end times will began b/t the United Nations & Israel or something like. Pretty much WWIII. At some point during this time when Israel is down bad like Captain America in Endgame, Jesus & his army will come appear to help and **** **** up, throw the antichrist into the lake of sulfur, emprison Lucifer for a thousand until the crowning of Jesus. Oh. and only 1/3 of Israel will survive this once they accept Jesus Christ as their "Lord & Saviour".

In short:
This Israel & Palestine conflict is happening rn as is b/c some White Christians in the south wants to force Jesus to come down from Heaven & accept their evil asses.

The Bible Belt:
"A Haaretz investigation reveals that Christian groups have invested up to $65 million in projects in the ‘Biblical Heartland’ over the past decade. That doesn’t include services they provide free of charge, like volunteer laborers"

Look at this ****:
^That's a big part of it. There are also plenty of Democrats that were never going to get a vote from those evangelicals that have been supporting Israel for a long time

We've talked about Russia a lot but no country has benefited from influencing US foreign policy like Israel. They've invested a lot of money in US elections
^That's a big part of it. There are also plenty of Democrats that were never going to get a vote from those evangelicals that have been supporting Israel for a long time

We've talked about Russia a lot but no country has benefited from influencing US foreign policy like Israel. They've invested a lot of money in US elections
i think Mark Gagnon had a joke about that
" they want all the jews in one place, to eventually bomb them "
So that’s why the whole situation looks familiar, it was started by white people...
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