Tariq Nasheed's Response To, "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"

Oct 13, 2001
Very good listen. Can download and just put on your ipod if you don't have time. About a 30 min listen, breaks down this issue.

Episode 220 - http://www.macklessonsradio.com/

Like Tariq said before, the whole independent attitude of black women is exclusive to black women and dates back to slavery.

He spoke on that in this episode: http://www.archive.org/download/MackLessonsRadio8/macklessons8_64kb.mp3

VERY good episode. Touches on this very subject without the "anger" as some of you are taking it as.
Dude was droppin knowledge. I boomarked his website

-The Juice
Listened to this in the previous thread. Funny as all hell but he broke it down and made a good point.
listened the otherday tariq is allways on as usual, dead at them not showing them chicks houses
"do I need to move my car so you can back in that Brinks truck with all the money you're making as a PAYROLL SPECIALIST?!"

Dude went IN.

But yeah, this was posted in the Black Women Thread...still good people hear it.
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

We nned a new link

mr. genuis added a spacebar when u click da link, thats why it doesn't work

just copy & paste or when u click it, delete da extra space
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Some girl got mad at this...here's here response...sorry i cant make it a link

"Every comment that he made was overly negative and filled with contempt and animosity towards black women. The "Nightline" piecehad nothing to do with black male-bashing and white male-praising, so I don't understand why he felt the need to spend over 30 minutes calling us"%!%@$*!" and discussing how successful black women constantly put black men "under the bus.""

I stopped right there.

If she would have actually watched the special, she would have noticed that they emphasized black women getting into interracial relationships. And itwasn't the successful thing he was saying is a diss, it was the education.

i almost want to get an account just to say "get back to the kitchen."
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Some girl got mad at this...here's here response...sorry i cant make it a link

"Every comment that he made was overly negative and filled with contempt and animosity towards black women. The "Nightline" piece had nothing to do with black male-bashing and white male-praising, so I don't understand why he felt the need to spend over 30 minutes calling us "%!%@$*!" and discussing how successful black women constantly put black men "under the bus.""

I stopped right there.

If she would have actually watched the special, she would have noticed that they emphasized black women getting into interracial relationships. And it wasn't the successful thing he was saying is a diss, it was the education.

i almost want to get an account just to say "get back to the kitchen."

I agree with her. I fail to see the "truth" and/or "appeal" of this man. Why are y'all so mesmerized with what he says when all he doesis generalize, ridicule, and objectify black women. IMO, dude does more to harm the "black male-female complex" than he does to help it. He goes outof his way to demonize black women and it would seem as though y'all love that...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Edit:[/color]

"A lot of these women have decent jobs but they're not successful"--really, is that what it has come down to. Question--what exactly is theSUPREME definition of "successful", judging by "normal-peoples-terms" (

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Edit #2:[/color]

[scoffing] "This woman is a HS counselor, how much money does that pay"[scoffing]

So let me get this straight. This Tariq dude is ridiculing this particular woman because she is a HS counselor, which somehow means that she makes no money,which is proof to him that she is NOT successful. Now what I'm wondering is, why it is OK for him to judge based on "money" and"success" when he is "attacking" these women for exercising that very same judgmental and scrutinizing tendency.

Also, note that he cut of the part about the woman working towards her DOCTORAL in psychology. Interesting huh. I'd like to see his educational resume.

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen
man you dont know what the lulz are anymore.

always got a serious reply to every thread, what happened to the days when you was on your NT detective game, stirrin up trouble, creating hilarity for all.

now you like the bizarro world version of Haze

No...no need for name calling in a debate.

Tha'ts my homegirl. i put her onto the podcasts and I see you all have done the rest LOL
Good post. Brought me out my nt hiatus lol. Gottawatch the ABC special first, it'll put a whole different spin on what he spitt'n/preach'n
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