Tariq Nasheed's Response To, "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

He really doesn't like white people

What he said was true though.

The White media does do some downright disrespectful and demeaning stuff.

They would never approach problems in the white community in that way...they wouldn't even focus on a national problem faced by White Americans period.
Oh yeah I agreed with what he said about the media, but what he said about white men dating black women
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

He really doesn't like white people

What he said was true though.

The White media does do some downright disrespectful and demeaning stuff.

They would never approach problems in the white community in that way...they wouldn't even focus on a national problem faced by White Americans period.
Oh yeah I agreed with what he said about the media, but what he said about white men dating black women
Oh ok.

I can't call that.one.

A White Man would have to let a speak on that subject.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

He really doesn't like white people

What he said was true though.

The White media does do some downright disrespectful and demeaning stuff.

They would never approach problems in the white community in that way...they wouldn't even focus on a national problem faced by White Americans period.
Oh yeah I agreed with what he said about the media, but what he said about white men dating black women
Oh ok.

I can't call that.one.

A White Man would have to let a speak on that subject.
I like black women
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Maybe y'all take this as bashing because you haven't heard much of dudes other work but like someone else said earlier, he's always talking about Black Men and Women bettering themselves. He's not a Black Woman basher at all. He shoots from the hip and whoever deserves the shots get hit, male or female.

Programs like "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"are exactly like he explained it, tools of division and subversive propaganda piece. Why are so many Black Women (allegedly) looking for Black Men unmarried ...why not ask some Black Men?

This ain't about dialogue its about entertaining and pandering to certain demographics.

So many of these "successful" Black Women do have this chip on their shoulder and put up all types of walls, qualifiers and prerequisites without giving good brothers a chance. Then they huddle around their equally bitter friends on girls night out. wondering why they can't find a good man.

This doens't apply to all Black Women off course just the ones who clutch that "successful" Prefix to their chest like their lives depended on it...when like he said, they are just doing what everyone should be doing...getting an education and making a decent life for themselves. Many "educated" Black Women somehow feel like that puts them on a pedestal and no equally or more "successful" Man with self respect is going to deal with that.

Too many off our sisters are picking up these Destiny's Child mantras and looking for a "solider" then crying when they get smacked up or walking around declaring themselves "Independent Women", then getting depressed when they can't find a man.

How about you drop the "successful" and "independent" before your name and just be a good woman looking for love? Maybe throw a smile back at the clean cut dude smiling at you in the '04 Camry, instead of turning your nose in the air, looking over to your girl and whispering "can you believe this clown?!"...Give the regular brotha a shot, take the walls down, tone down the diva and accept your brothas that are eager to accept you...those same women would see how much more luck they would have in their romantic lives.

I love my sistas and I know that there are so many great Black Women all over the country (s_ right here on NT) but those that get caught up in the "educated and successful" gaffle, waiting for Matt Damon or Grant Hill to sweep them off their feet, shower them with gifts and take all of their BS...well, they need a strong dose of reality and Tariq just gave it to them.

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV
take a bow young man

also, episode was cool, but dude was OD angry.
he said $ doesn't create success, cool.
then at one point it seemed as if he was insinuating that any kind of academic success was a form of giving up to the white man and disloyal to the black men
He did say that ignorant +@@@. You heard right.
Puts awhole slant on the whole message when somebody comes like that. I actually didn't to go in with an open mind to what he was saying. Makes me wonder if thatapplies to the black men that are educated as well.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV
take a bow young man

also, episode was cool, but dude was OD angry.
he said $ doesn't create success, cool.
then at one point it seemed as if he was insinuating that any kind of academic success was a form of giving up to the white man and disloyal to the black men
He did say that ignorant +@@@. You heard right.
Puts a whole slant on the whole message when somebody comes like that. I actually didn't to go in with an open mind to what he was saying. Makes me wonder if that applies to the black men that are educated as well.

Thats why everything you said went out the window. Thanks for calling out the ONE thing out of this whole thread.
That was actually a typo and it clear with context of sentence but whatever.
You got hype to bold it.
Didn't bother to read through the thread. But I personally feel as if Tariq is the appropriate voice for a lot of brothers today...I listen to everythinghe says, and quite honestly I do not agree w/ everything.

...But the brother drops knowledge on a lot of subjects, and I'm eye to eye w/ him when it comes to women, dating, and a lot of things in general. I seethat DC is also a fan of the brother, I see a lot of Tariq's views expressed in his post.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Maybe y'all take this as bashing because you haven't heard much of dudes other work but like someone else said earlier, he's always talking about Black Men and Women bettering themselves. He's not a Black Woman basher at all. He shoots from the hip and whoever deserves the shots get hit, male or female.

Programs like "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"are exactly like he explained it, tools of division and subversive propaganda piece. Why are so many Black Women (allegedly) looking for Black Men unmarried ...why not ask some Black Men?

This ain't about dialogue its about entertaining and pandering to certain demographics.

So many of these "successful" Black Women do have this chip on their shoulder and put up all types of walls, qualifiers and prerequisites without giving good brothers a chance. Then they huddle around their equally bitter friends on girls night out. wondering why they can't find a good man.

This doens't apply to all Black Women off course just the ones who clutch that "successful" Prefix to their chest like their lives depended on it...when like he said, they are just doing what everyone should be doing...getting an education and making a decent life for themselves. Many "educated" Black Women somehow feel like that puts them on a pedestal and no equally or more "successful" Man with self respect is going to deal with that.

Too many off our sisters are picking up these Destiny's Child mantras and looking for a "solider" then crying when they get smacked up or walking around declaring themselves "Independent Women", then getting depressed when they can't find a man.

How about you drop the "successful" and "independent" before your name and just be a good woman looking for love? Maybe throw a smile back at the clean cut dude smiling at you in the '04 Camry, instead of turning your nose in the air, looking over to your girl and whispering "can you believe this clown?!"...Give the regular brotha a shot, take the walls down, tone down the diva and accept your brothas that are eager to accept you...those same women would see how much more luck they would have in their romantic lives.

I love my sistas and I know that there are so many great Black Women all over the country (s_ right here on NT) but those that get caught up in the "educated and successful" gaffle, waiting for Matt Damon or Grant Hill to sweep them off their feet, shower them with gifts and take all of their BS...well, they need a strong dose of reality and Tariq just gave it to them.

point blank....::salutes Haze ::

Also check out Tariq's old podcasts and PPV specials----you have to pay but its worth the $$$----check out the Culture of Ignorance, Who Are You, andMessage to Black Women. Great stuff.
Like i just told my "shawty"

I have yet to see an "independent" woman not have problems finding a man. I love the actual hustle of one...just not the mindset when it comes tomale/female relations.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Maybe y'all take this as bashing because you haven't heard much of dudes other work but like someone else said earlier, he's always talking about Black Men and Women bettering themselves. He's not a Black Woman basher at all. He shoots from the hip and whoever deserves the shots get hit, male or female.

Programs like "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"are exactly like he explained it, tools of division and subversive propaganda piece. Why are so many Black Women (allegedly) looking for Black Men unmarried ...why not ask some Black Men?

This ain't about dialogue its about entertaining and pandering to certain demographics.

So many of these "successful" Black Women do have this chip on their shoulder and put up all types of walls, qualifiers and prerequisites without giving good brothers a chance. Then they huddle around their equally bitter friends on girls night out. wondering why they can't find a good man.

This doens't apply to all Black Women off course just the ones who clutch that "successful" Prefix to their chest like their lives depended on it...when like he said, they are just doing what everyone should be doing...getting an education and making a decent life for themselves. Many "educated" Black Women somehow feel like that puts them on a pedestal and no equally or more "successful" Man with self respect is going to deal with that.

Too many off our sisters are picking up these Destiny's Child mantras and looking for a "solider" then crying when they get smacked up or walking around declaring themselves "Independent Women", then getting depressed when they can't find a man.

How about you drop the "successful" and "independent" before your name and just be a good woman looking for love? Maybe throw a smile back at the clean cut dude smiling at you in the '04 Camry, instead of turning your nose in the air, looking over to your girl and whispering "can you believe this clown?!"...Give the regular brotha a shot, take the walls down, tone down the diva and accept your brothas that are eager to accept you...those same women would see how much more luck they would have in their romantic lives.

I love my sistas and I know that there are so many great Black Women all over the country (s_ right here on NT) but those that get caught up in the "educated and successful" gaffle, waiting for Matt Damon or Grant Hill to sweep them off their feet, shower them with gifts and take all of their BS...well, they need a strong dose of reality and Tariq just gave it to them.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Maybe y'all take this as bashing because you haven't heard much of dudes other work but like someone else said earlier, he's always talking about Black Men and Women bettering themselves. He's not a Black Woman basher at all. He shoots from the hip and whoever deserves the shots get hit, male or female.

Programs like "Why So Many Black Women Are Single"are exactly like he explained it, tools of division and subversive propaganda piece. Why are so many Black Women (allegedly) looking for Black Men unmarried ...why not ask some Black Men?

This ain't about dialogue its about entertaining and pandering to certain demographics.

So many of these "successful" Black Women do have this chip on their shoulder and put up all types of walls, qualifiers and prerequisites without giving good brothers a chance. Then they huddle around their equally bitter friends on girls night out. wondering why they can't find a good man.

This doens't apply to all Black Women off course just the ones who clutch that "successful" Prefix to their chest like their lives depended on it...when like he said, they are just doing what everyone should be doing...getting an education and making a decent life for themselves. Many "educated" Black Women somehow feel like that puts them on a pedestal and no equally or more "successful" Man with self respect is going to deal with that.

Too many off our sisters are picking up these Destiny's Child mantras and looking for a "solider" then crying when they get smacked up or walking around declaring themselves "Independent Women", then getting depressed when they can't find a man.

How about you drop the "successful" and "independent" before your name and just be a good woman looking for love? Maybe throw a smile back at the clean cut dude smiling at you in the '04 Camry, instead of turning your nose in the air, looking over to your girl and whispering "can you believe this clown?!"...Give the regular brotha a shot, take the walls down, tone down the diva and accept your brothas that are eager to accept you...those same women would see how much more luck they would have in their romantic lives.

I love my sistas and I know that there are so many great Black Women all over the country (s_ right here on NT) but those that get caught up in the "educated and successful" gaffle, waiting for Matt Damon or Grant Hill to sweep them off their feet, shower them with gifts and take all of their BS...well, they need a strong dose of reality and Tariq just gave it to them.


G, tell me why I'm standing in my chair clapping right now....That's some real +*!%.
I can understand why many of you feel Tariq is a woman basher (the same way you think I am one). He simply promotes manhood. It is as simple as that. He tellsmen to NOT put the vagina on a pedestal. He tells us that WE are the prize and stop treating the woman as if she is the prize. It goes against everything thatwe are taught as kids. As kids we are pretty much told that a woman should be respected because she is a woman. For that reason alone, we are conditioned toplace these women on another level.

He doesn't want us to think with this mindset.

Again, I can UNDERSTAND why some of you feel it is woman bashing but it isn't bashing at all. He just feels that WE as men need to hold these woman moreresponsible and stop allowing them to walk all over us and putting us in submissive roles/positions.

He is promoting manhood people.

Also, check out this website which is dedicated on promoting manhood. Great articles and isn't as "in your face" as Tariq. http://www.artofmanliness.com

Like Tariq said before, the whole independent attitude of black women is exclusive to black women and dates back to slavery.

He spoke on that in this episode: http://http://www.archive.org/download/MackLessonsRadio8/macklessons8_64kb.mp3

VERY good episode. Touches on this very subject without the "anger" as some of you are taking it as.
I truly love these types of threads and discussions on NT, it's a breath of fresh air. This has been a great on-going discussion of ideas and thoughts.
ive never been with a black chick

i just always been on the mixed mamis o well.

i wish black women the best of luck in their romance.

edit: HueyP speaks truth
it's not the bad actually.

the gist of the point is.. stop making black men the prototype for dysfunction...when there are many many black men out there who are "successful andeducated" but aren't given the time of day b/c these "successful and educated" women have it in their mind due to the media that they areabove these "normal" guys...when in reality...they are every bit as normal as the men they are turning down.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

it's not the bad actually.

the gist of the point is.. stop making black men the prototype for dysfunction...when there are many many black men out there who are "successful and educated" but aren't given the time of day b/c these "successful and educated" women have it in their mind due to the media that they are above these "normal" guys...when in reality...they are every bit as normal as the men they are turning down.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

He really doesn't like white people

What he said was true though.

The White media does do some downright disrespectful and demeaning stuff.

They would never approach problems in the white community in that way...they wouldn't even focus on a national problem faced by White Americans period.
Oh yeah I agreed with what he said about the media, but what he said about white men dating black women
Oh ok.

I can't call that.one.

A White Man would have to let a speak on that subject.
I like black women

i've dated black woman. i have a soft spot for them. i am white, i date an indian girl now. But it seems black women do have an uphill battle.

media wise, you don't see a lot of black women in interracial relationships. we all know deniro loves em but you rarely see pictures of him with his chick.the black man/white woman thing seems more accepted.

i'll say this about interracial relationships, and i'm sure it can apply to any type of interracial relationship. black women and probably any womanthat dates outside their race face a lot of scrutiny. i know whenever i've been out with a woman of another race its always the dudes of their race thatgive us the dirtiest looks. its a territorial thing i think. women will hate but no so openly as men do.

that being said about their struggle...HELL YEAH THEY GOT CRAZY ATTITUDE! Many have self-esteem issues. Just because your a supervisor of a call centerdon't mean your OPRAH. Calm down. If you drive a damn altima dont' be hating on the guy in a maxima. Seems like you gotta have a benz or DR. in frontof your name to talk to some of em. They really narrow their available selection and only go for the "superficial" dudes. I've known plenty offriends that were black and couldn't get at a black chick but could get at a white chick who was more successful.

I saw this chick last night on nightline that wrote that book eat. pray. love. She was all about female independence until she married this brazilian dude shemet. Then she said, marriage can work if we lower our expectations. I think that can apply here. I'm not saying go date a homeless guy, but girls idealizethe men they want and don't realize whats out there is just fine, it takes two to make it work.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

it's not the bad actually.

the gist of the point is.. stop making black men the prototype for dysfunction...when there are many many black men out there who are "successful and educated" but aren't given the time of day b/c these "successful and educated" women have it in their mind due to the media that they are above these "normal" guys...when in reality...they are every bit as normal as the men they are turning down.
bravo bravo.
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