Nov 4, 2007
Its tax season again and im sure we all have tons of questions, so i figured i'd ask NT since we have a lot of people with different knowledge in our community.

Ok so here it goes. Every year i do my taxes and i end up owing. Am i doing something wrong when filing or can there be a problem with my jobs and what they deduct from each check. I have 3 jobs if that means anything.

Thanks for any help.
It's pretty hard to tell the specifics of your situation by just saying that you owe taxes at the end of the year. It could be that you're not having work deduct enough, or it could be that you're not claiming all the deductions that you can.

If you're just owing a couple hundred, I wouldn't worry about it because that would be fairly close and means that you're not giving them an interest free loan. However, if you're owing thousands at the end of the year, then it could likely a combination of the above.
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