Tax Return Season Appreciation! Vol. 6k :eek

$7,000 back?
Ya all going to some crooked tax preparers. And if theyare legit then they suck as a tax preparer because they should have advised you to redo your W-4 forms every single year based on your circumstances. (Newchild, bought a home, got married, etc.)

Remember kids.. there are no statute of limitations for FRAUD. So ten years from now, the IRS can and will go after you... so *ahem* keep your receipts.
Originally Posted by Mr718

Originally Posted by Hannh209

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I'm waiting for the money the gov held for me, yes.

you aint lying bro
this year the GOVERMENT
took nearly $600 every pay check, thats $3,000 per month and thats $36,000 per year... to make my point last year they took away like $28,000 i got like $7,000 back, hopefully this up coming season OBAMA gives back a bunch of my money..
I need his job.

The government took over $22,000 from me......FOR ONLY 6 MONTHS OF WORK. I expect only like 5Grand back this year. Going to a higher tax bracket sucks. That is just Federal withholding...The total taken from me in 6 months was over $30k. They figure Imake so much and I don't claim any kids, and I don't own a house, so I get the max taken away from me. Is why I am thinking about being a Republican.
I have two questions for anybody who might be knowledgeable on this subject. As a college student working part time (15 hours a week) would it be morebeneficial to claim my self or have my mom claim me as a dependent? Not sure if it matters but she only makes around 25k a year. Also, do you guys do your owntaxes or a do you recommend going to a place like HR Block? Thanks in advance.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by Mr718

Originally Posted by Hannh209

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I'm waiting for the money the gov held for me, yes.

you aint lying bro
this year the GOVERMENT
took nearly $600 every pay check, thats $3,000 per month and thats $36,000 per year... to make my point last year they took away like $28,000 i got like $7,000 back, hopefully this up coming season OBAMA gives back a bunch of my money..
I need his job.

The government took over $22,000 from me......FOR ONLY 6 MONTHS OF WORK. I expect only like 5 Grand back this year. Going to a higher tax bracket sucks. That is just Federal withholding...The total taken from me in 6 months was over $30k. They figure I make so much and I don't claim any kids, and I don't own a house, so I get the max taken away from me. Is why I am thinking about being a Republican.
Why not buy a house?
Originally Posted by Mr718

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by Mr718

Originally Posted by Hannh209

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I'm waiting for the money the gov held for me, yes.

you aint lying bro
this year the GOVERMENT
took nearly $600 every pay check, thats $3,000 per month and thats $36,000 per year... to make my point last year they took away like $28,000 i got like $7,000 back, hopefully this up coming season OBAMA gives back a bunch of my money..
I need his job.

The government took over $22,000 from me......FOR ONLY 6 MONTHS OF WORK. I expect only like 5 Grand back this year. Going to a higher tax bracket sucks. That is just Federal withholding...The total taken from me in 6 months was over $30k. They figure I make so much and I don't claim any kids, and I don't own a house, so I get the max taken away from me. Is why I am thinking about being a Republican.
Why not buy a house?

Only because I am not in the final place I am going to live yet. Still moving around andaccomplishing things. But by 2011 I should be in the city that I will stay for my whole career.
Real talk though...I am HORRIBLE with money. Absolutely terrible, so bad that it actually holds me back alittle in life. I do accomplish some pretty good things, and make good money, but to be honest I was better off financially when I wasn't making thatmuch.
Originally Posted by Hannh209

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I'm waiting for the money the gov held for me, yes.

you aint lying bro
this year the GOVERMENT
took nearly $600 every pay check, thats $3,000 per month and thats $36,000 per year... to make my point last year they took away like $28,000 i got like $7,000 back, hopefully this up coming season OBAMA gives back a bunch of my money..

Try $145,250 homie...and that is on FEDERAL ALONE!!!!! I'm not even counting state...although I will tell you I also paid just about $16,000 in propertyand school taxes based on where I live.

And I ain't getting NONE of it back. NO-ONE on this board hates taxes more than me.
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

OP straight leeching off his family smh.

On another note, I'm looking forward to tax season this year because my wife and I bought our first home this year . . . looking forward to that $8k credit. We're gonna finish paying off our kitchen appliances (house was really outdated when we bought it - had the original 1960 kitchen) before the no-interest period expires, maybe put in a modest terrace/deck in the back yard, and put the rest away.
Post some pics of your updated kitchen.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by Hannh209

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I'm waiting for the money the gov held for me, yes.

you aint lying bro
this year the GOVERMENT
took nearly $600 every pay check, thats $3,000 per month and thats $36,000 per year... to make my point last year they took away like $28,000 i got like $7,000 back, hopefully this up coming season OBAMA gives back a bunch of my money..

Try $145,250 homie...and that is on FEDERAL ALONE!!!!! I'm not even counting state...although I will tell you I also paid just about $16,000 in property and school taxes based on where I live.

And I ain't getting NONE of it back. NO-ONE on this board hates taxes more than me.

What the H ya'll do for a living? I need to know so I know what to go back to school for
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by Hannh209

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I'm waiting for the money the gov held for me, yes.

you aint lying bro
this year the GOVERMENT
took nearly $600 every pay check, thats $3,000 per month and thats $36,000 per year... to make my point last year they took away like $28,000 i got like $7,000 back, hopefully this up coming season OBAMA gives back a bunch of my money..

Try $145,250 homie...and that is on FEDERAL ALONE!!!!! I'm not even counting state...although I will tell you I also paid just about $16,000 in property and school taxes based on where I live.

And I ain't getting NONE of it back. NO-ONE on this board hates taxes more than me.

Well at least you make pretty good money judging by the withholding. But I do know where youare coming from. Had I just stayed in in the Middle East for a year I would have made just under 200K. But I am about to get a really a really good positionwith the government which makes FAR less, but so rewarding.
Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by biggatree

You talking about the same sister that's putting a roof over your bummy head for no charge?

Please tell me you gave the money back to her.

nope thats my oldest sister who is an accountant! and she makes 150k+ a year.
i have another sister who has 4 kids and a ok job at republican waste. 60k a year and somehow she gets over 5k back a year in refunds. last year she made 6k and gave me a thousand dollars, so im hoping for the same this year. and its not just her, my fam always spread love around this time.

and please tell me how im bummy for staying with my sister who has damn near taken care of me all my life because my father and mother wasnt there? bro ima freshman in college barely 18 with no job, how would you expect me to pay rent somewhere? sell dope? %$@%!

You epitomize every stereotype visible in every hood movie.

Good luck...
Originally Posted by SharpiePoint

Oh, you are talking about others' tax returns benefiting you.

yup. the last time i tried to get a refund i only got $158 back in 2008 when i worked at rice epicurean.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by biggatree

You talking about the same sister that's putting a roof over your bummy head for no charge?

Please tell me you gave the money back to her.

nope thats my oldest sister who is an accountant! and she makes 150k+ a year.
i have another sister who has 4 kids and a ok job at republican waste. 60k a year and somehow she gets over 5k back a year in refunds. last year she made 6k and gave me a thousand dollars, so im hoping for the same this year. and its not just her, my fam always spread love around this time.

and please tell me how im bummy for staying with my sister who has damn near taken care of me all my life because my father and mother wasnt there? bro ima freshman in college barely 18 with no job, how would you expect me to pay rent somewhere? sell dope? %$@%!

You epitomize every stereotype visible in every hood movie.

Good luck...

well have you ever stopped to think that some of it is true?
notryning to sound stupid but homie, the truth is black people in the hood buy sell food stamps for half price, eat fried chicken, ball after the tax refundcheck comes in, worry more about their ride than there home, and guzzle 40z. sad but its true..
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by Hannh209

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I'm waiting for the money the gov held for me, yes.

you aint lying bro
this year the GOVERMENT
took nearly $600 every pay check, thats $3,000 per month and thats $36,000 per year... to make my point last year they took away like $28,000 i got like $7,000 back, hopefully this up coming season OBAMA gives back a bunch of my money..

Try $145,250 homie...and that is on FEDERAL ALONE!!!!! I'm not even counting state...although I will tell you I also paid just about $16,000 in property and school taxes based on where I live.

And I ain't getting NONE of it back. NO-ONE on this board hates taxes more than me.
Last year I got $148 back from federal and owed the state $7... and I couldn't have been happier.
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