TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Woke up from a dream this morning where me and my boys were in Canada WILDING. I'm talking o's galore, somehow India Westbrook came into the picture. Taking selfies eating the P, all that. She was on the D heavy, bro. Woke up and wifey just staring at me :lol: WATTBA

Would've cried

Gold laughs in here..
The OG. :pimp:
On moral grounds I can agree with not messing with the engaged broad. But I can't get with the scary talk. If you know how to handle yourself do your thing, it ain't your fault buddy wifing a ****. I don't live my life living in fear of the next man.

now that's what I call a gamble lol
Damn it seems like everyone but wavycrockett is cuffed up now. :lol:
From Thread About Yambs to Thread About Relationships. :lol:
Proud of y'all boys getting all bae'd up n ****.
As for me, somebody's gotta do the scumbagging. I got a decent offer on the table right now but I'm not too sure I'm ready for cuffing yet. With bae season right around the corner I expect more to drop like flies [emoji]128064[/emoji]
My homegirl and I have been friends for a 10 years. We use to work together and she is the ex of someone who use to be a close friend who for no particular reason we have just stopped talking. This past summer was the first time our friendship was taken to another level (now I can’t lie I have wanted to take our relationship to a higher level for some time especially when I was younger I wanted to have sex with her but every time I would flirt with her I’d get shut down) . So we would go out to dinner all the time, this time after dinner we went to a movie. While in the movie I put my arm around her. Expecting her to give me the stop playing, move your arm, surprisingly she snuggles even closer. After the movie I drive her back to her place where we kiss for the first time (I can’t go in she lives with her friend and his family). Now I am thinking I was just lucky that night and maybe she was feeling vulnerable whatever.

A week later I am very surprised that I get a text from her asking me to spend the night with her. She is babysitting her niece and nephew at her brother’s house and he is out of town. Now she is asking me to come and spend the night at 11pm and her niece and nephew are under the age of 3 years. Only one thing is coming to my mind. Before I leave my house she texts me “I want you to spend the night but I don’t want to do anything with you.” I don’t want to spend the night alone because this is the house where my mother passed away. Now I completely understand that she doesn’t want to spend the night alone because of this but my question is why call me??? She has her roommate who is such a close friend. She has her girlfriends who were actually at the house while she was texting me to spend the night. Why me???? Being the good friend I am I still go. Now since I know that she is not trying to do anything with me thinking the night when we kissed meant nothing. Well I get to the house with the expectation of sleeping on the couch and start to get comfortable. Well this girl says to me you can sleep with me upstairs. We end up cuddling all night long. She even asks me if I was mad when she sent me that text about not wanting to do anything with me. Now I’m thinking to myself what’s up with this girl? Why would she ask me this? Maybe she does want to do something more, maybe she on her period. I don’t know. We text very little, after I spent the night and when we do we mostly talk about BS. One day she tells me about this finance class she wants to take and I tell her I have I have a great book for her. I never get to see her because of our schedules or she is too tired. This is mid-august.

Fast forward to last weekend. This was the first time seeing her since I spent the night at her house back on July 31. It is her birthday and a bunch of her friends and I go downtown to hang out. I finally give her the book as a present. While downtown she is getting drunk and asks me to take care of her. Once again I’m thinking why do you come to me for this? But yea I will make sure you don’t get too messed up. A friend of hers asks her why the two of you aren’t together. Like you both give me the vibe that you would be great for each other. Now her friend is asking us this all night. Right before she leaves she apologizes for asking so much. I’m wondering did My homegirl said something to this girl. I’m about to leave and ask my homegirls if she’s good. She seems that she has sobered up quite a lot but she says no. I offer to take her home. Now part of me is like man you super simpin call this girl an uber and go home its 4am. Another part of me is like would you want a dude doing this to your sister and what would your parents say? So I take her home in her car, I will call an uber to take me back to the venue and drive home (that’s doing the most but whatever it’s her bday and she’s a friend) Now I get her back to her place Im waiting for an uber, this girl puts her arm around my arm and lays her head on me. I lean over and kiss her on the forehead. A second later I look down and she is giving me a certain look. We start to make out and this girl takes the initiative to grab my stuff. Kissing her that night I can easily say was the best kiss of my life. We don’t have sex and right before the uber arrives, this girl goes down on me but instead of giving me head she literally kisses it and that’s it. Im like WTF???? Im so lost. Did all this happen cuz shes drunk? Does she like me? Is it just to thank me for taking her home? She texts me as the uber driver is taking me to my car thanking me and she thanks me again the following morning. We talk for a quick second this morning My question to you after this long *** story is what do you think is going on?
this girl goes down on me but instead of giving me head she literally kisses it and that’s it.... Does she like me? Is it just to thank me for taking her home?


Bro wtf??? She could not make it anymore obvious she wants to **** you. If this girl is attractive at all you should thank god if she ever gives you the opportunity again. This is going on 2-3 months, most girls would moved on from all this simpin you doing. Your behavior screams " im scared of ***** and dont know how to ****".

Bro wtf??? She could not make it anymore obvious she wants to **** you. If this girl is attractive at all you should thank god if she ever gives you the opportunity again. This is going on 2-3 months, most girls would moved on from all this simpin you doing. Your behavior screams " im scared of ***** and dont know how to ****".


If a chick whips my thang out and kisses it, im puttin the moves on her.

You blew your chance, change your ****** demeanor stop bein a lil woosy.
“I want you to spend the night but I don’t want to do anything with you.”
this girl says to me you can sleep with me upstairs.
this girl goes down on me but instead of giving me head she literally kisses it and that’s it

My question to you after this long *** story is what do you think is going on?

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Ok so we didn't have sex because she gave me some bull saying we don't have enough time. And when I whip it out all she does is give it a kiss and that's it. That's a first for me I've never had a girl go down on me to just kiss it. That's what really confused me.
***** she put her mouth on it even though she's "short on time". The hell. Make/schedule some time.
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Seems like she doesnt want to come off like a complete **** or make it seem like a one night stand type of situation becuase of yalls prior friendship. But she wants to get the sexual tension out of the way so you can go forward from there. Shes eager but just doesnt want to seem too eagar and ruin things.
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I don't want to type a long drawn out story so I'll put it like this.

Recently got back with my ex (long distance), but one of the women I was dealing with down here says her period is late (had sex one time ever early September while she was on her period).

It's about a week late or so. I shouldn't be freaking out right?
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