TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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This past Saturday, while I was waiting for my train, I saw a beautiful, dark skin, slim thick woman. She was wearing my favorite color and something about her was captivating.

Imagine this but darker and with box braids:

(@lilythegenie for the curious)

Can't lie. I was eyeing her. Then she started eyeing me. Then she walked over to my general area, started fiddling with her hair, being blatant as hell. She must've been within 2 feet of me. She eyeing me. Me eyeing her.

And then I felt a wave of guilt. I just looked away and started fiddling with my phone. After about three minutes of me blatantly ignoring her she walked away again.

I felt bad at first because in my head I'm like C'MON MAN YOU CANT BE EYE F*****G PEOPLE LIKE THAT! GET. IT. TOGETHER.

 Then later that night I felt bad for wasting this random lady's time. Getting her hopes up. Making her think I was gonna ask for the digits.

What is wrong with me?
This. Also didn't know you guys were throwing around the L-word like that :nerd:

When I use it it's real. Never been the type to throw it around just for skins. Didn't tell my wife when we were dating until I finally discovered that I wasn't going to wake up and not love my ex anymore but I had to move on
I will never say until I'm with a girl for at least 6 months and even then I really gotta feel it.

This past Saturday, while I was waiting for my train, I saw a beautiful, dark skin, slim thick woman. She was wearing my favorite color and something about her was captivating.

Imagine this but darker and with box braids:
View media item 1922422
(@lilythegenie for the curious)

Can't lie. I was eyeing her. Then she started eyeing me. Then she walked over to my general area, started fiddling with her hair, being blatant as hell. She must've been within 2 feet of me. She eyeing me. Me eyeing her.
And then I felt a wave of guilt. I just looked away and started fiddling with my phone. After about three minutes of me blatantly ignoring her she walked away again.

I felt bad at first because in my head I'm like C'MON MAN YOU CANT BE EYE F*****G PEOPLE LIKE THAT! GET. IT. TOGETHER.

 Then later that night I felt bad for wasting this random lady's time. Getting her hopes up. Making her think I was gonna ask for the digits.

What is wrong with me?

Nothing. You ain't obligated to get digits after you eye bang a chick's lights out
Yeah I eye bang chicks all the time. That's actually how I got the one chicks number this past weekend. I was in the elevator with suber and she came in with her outfit on so I was staring any way. Then I got thirsty, literally, and she had an unopened Coke so I asked if I could have some for my drink (Jim beam and Dr Pepper I think). She gave me some and asked for a sip of my drink and then I gave her my phone and said put your number in. However when I met up with her later she was like 6 deep [emoji]128529[/emoji]
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Bro we all have a "the one who got away"

What you do is put your last plea in and keep it moving. Either she'll think back, remember your last words, and return or she wasn't for you. A year later, you'll be fine.

I've had two that have gotten away that I regretted but it ended up working out in the end. My fiancée ended up being the best match for me
Yeah I eye bang chicks all the time. That's actually how I got the one chicks number this past weekend. I was in the elevator with suber and she came in with her outfit on so I was staring any way. Then I got thirsty, literally, and she had an unopened Coke so I asked if I could have some for my drink (Jim beam and Dr Pepper I think). She gave me some and asked for a sip of my drink and then I gave her my phone and said put your number in. However when I met up with her later she was like 6 deep [emoji]128529[/emoji]

Eye banging was my #1 move when I was single. So simple yet effective
Yeah I eye bang chicks all the time. That's actually how I got the one chicks number this past weekend. I was in the elevator with suber and she came in with her outfit on so I was staring any way. Then I got thirsty, literally, and she had an unopened Coke so I asked if I could have some for my drink (Jim beam and Dr Pepper I think). She gave me some and asked for a sip of my drink and then I gave her my phone and said put your number in. However when I met up with her later she was like 6 deep [emoji]128529[/emoji]

Eye banging was my #1 move when I was single. So simple yet effective

See this is why I like bars. See a chick eye bang me just walk over to her and ask what she's drinking on and get her one then start off the convo.

But Damn the recent posts a lot of y'all make it harder than it has to be. Most of the L's taken by not talking to a girl are derived from the fear of rejection. Hell **** it the way I look at it is if she rejects me for whatever reason chick must be a gump and it wasn't meant to be. Either that or she likes simp that compliment/gas her constantly. All a numbers game. Even Steph misses three pointers B. The key is to get good shots
This is one of the occupational hazards of the game. Fall in a hole you ain't even know you dug.

Gotta remember some of these chicks ain't too far from our full on type. Most of em just need attitude adjustments and they wifey material.

This is lowkey one of the realest posts ever in this thread
Also who got banned 
remembered this girl i used to talk to. ended with just no more talking. its been 4 years or 5 maybe. looked her up online , no ig or fb but found the number. anyway to hit her up w.o seeming creepy?
Fellas, Fellas, im confused.

The one who got away has popped back up... and during a time where im now getting really comfortable with one of the chicks i had on the bench for the longest. (Suber knows her as my snowflake thicky thick)
and spanish chick is still in the picture (although not for long)

so back story on the one who got away.
we met when I was in 8th grade she was in 7th (she's older than me but i started school early cuz my mom said f what them white people say.. you'se kind. you'se smart, you'se special)
so we met at the boys and girls club use to ball together play soccer all that.
her and I had always been teh better friends because we were the fat ones so always got picked on so we hung out together formed a bond.
so highschool rolls around we still talked but went to different HS. now shes starting to lose weight and so did I. so dudes were on her and i was doing my thing.
we hung out one night me, my best homie at the time and her. we drinking (mind you we're like 17/18, i had to go home. she wanted me to stay , she was drunk and ended up hooking up with my boy (he told me he hit, she told me he didn't... still dont know the truth behind that)
so we kinda fall out of contact after that cuz she knew i was hurt. since we had just started reconnecting and really thinkign about dating.

so now it's like my Jr. year of college, which i think is when facebook start to get big. and i find her and we reconnect. talkin it up like old times. but she has this dude.
i meet her anyway and it's still like instant chemistry. but nothing we can do cuz shes with dude.
so we keep in contact minimally. then it was Summer of 2010. I was just done with a break up she was done with a break up. we had made this rule when we were younger, if we're both not married by 25 we're going to do the thing... just a little teenage bet.
but she hits me up in the summer and is like yo what's up. we start hanging out and kinda getting to the point where we were about to put a real title on us. but I notice she has sort of a problem with drugs. nothing hard, but like a lot of weed a lot of drinking some pills.
and her pops passed away so it was like an every morning every day thing.

so October 2010 comes around her birthday is the 17th, mine is the 26th. I get a call on the 14th asking if I can come to korea to work on the 18th.
Fam she was devastated but I had to take it, I had already postponed going overseas for one girl prior to her i couldn't pass up the opp.

so we fell out of contact a bit. did some skype sessions in the beginning but that was it.
so i come back in fall 2012 and my first thought is hit her up but she had a dude.
and her drug use was still bad. Dude wasn't a bad dude either i met him, he just had no control himself.
fast forward to Feb 2013, my pops passed away (RIP P.Hawk) and we kinda rebonded over that since she lost her dad too. but she was still dating dude but she would always throw those luring questions out to me like.. so if we ever got together what would it had been like type of stuff.
Wanting me to take her from her dude and her situation. but my funds were tight. I had just got fired from my job so I was looking to go to Korea again. If she was single though i absolutely would of tried to make that work.
so from Jan 2014 til TODAY 2/23/16 we may have contacted each other twice.

so Today im on FB and shes uploading pics .. and i had said happy birthday to her last year, merry christmas, no response.
so i was like f it i'll try one more time to say what's up and she responds.

tells me she had been in rehab and sober for a year now. in to church, broke up with the dude.
and tells me how much she misses me and already making plans to meet up exercise together eat.

like yall dont understand the love I had/(possibly have) for this girl is unreal.
I dont believe in the soul mates as far as a lovers since, but i do believe in soul mates as far as a person that was destined to be in your life. and I always felt she was one of them.
my feels right now is through the roof.

but at the same time................ I'm not sure if I could even handle really getting in to it with her again. i feel like that train left the station in 2013 when she never left her man.

and now im hanging out with the bench player... a lot. and she holds me down like no other. we just had sex for the first time before i left for korea.2 weeks ago and about to get it in tomm for lunch. and possibly everyday after if I want it.
and when i say chick holds me down. she had her sister go to the store and go out and get something i really wanted.
had her go to fed ex for me today because i was sick and forgot my paper work. we go out a lot and just pay for each others meals.
She claims she doesnt want a relationship (which I believe) but you know Time = feelings.
I would say i really like her as well there are just a 2 things that make me not want to wife her and that's 1. she's already had the tube ties. (will be shooting all up in the club) . 2. she's atheist. (which i have no problem with, personally, and not saying im mister religious, but I do believe. and i just feel that wouldn't work out in the long run)

spanish chick well. shes cool but this not letting me get some for almost 3 months now is getting old ( i hate to be selfish) but she also has 2 kids already and in a crappy baby daddy situation. and is constatnly trying to push me away because of it (which is why i think i try to hold on)

i dont now why im in feels so much.

The one who got away i cant wait to hang with her again.

but the current chick is so damn cool also. likes what i like, or atleast tolerates it. we do things for each other , and great sex.
The adrenaline rush when you reconnect is :smokin but it'll die down sooner rather than later. You'll regret it if you don't see what it is so just do it :lol: keep your options open
^Damn dude, that's deep. I can understand your reservations but it does sound like there's something real there, maybe she is the one.

So the chick got the flowers I sent. Just said,
"Thanks for the flowers. You really actually shouldn't have." Now, I was going to leave it at that and give her space like y'all said but there was just some things I had to get off my chest first. I really had to leave it all on the table. So I said, "You're welcome. I wanted to say sorry for all of this **** lately. Clearly I'm not ready to talk to or see you right now given my feelings for you. I appreciate you asking me out to dinner last Monday if that was an attempt to give me closure. But right before that you said you thought I needed more time, and you were right. I can't be just friends with you and it's clear you're over me. I can't fight this and push you away so I'll try to accept it. It won't be easy to get over you. I don't want to have the conversation from yesterday, the same one we've been having, ever again. I have no other way to right my wrongs but to you leave alone."
She didn't respond.

This morning, I had one more thought I had to get out. So I texted her,
"You should've told me you loved me earlier (she never told me until after all this how much she was on love with me). I would've said it back. Truth be told my ex ended it with me because of our family's cultural differences. She said it would never work between us because of that. I've been extremely reluctant to meet any family/parents after that. I thought you'd do the same thing to me. I'd get attached to the relationship and then wouldn't mesh with your family. I was talking to Mike and he says none of that matters as long as you love the girl. You deal with the family/parents for the girl. I should've been there for your brothers birthday. I should've been there for you. But I'm a coward and selfishly thought of my own fear of rejection from your family."

Chick has me really broken at the moment. It's really killing me because this is all my fault. It'd be so much easier if she screwed me over and I could just say FDB. Just resenting myself right now though. If y'all remember how cocky I was earlier this fall and through the winter. I thought she'd be the one that'd catch feels and it'd be easy for me to cut her loose. Honestly, this is exactly what I didn't want. I was dating and playing the field. I think innately I'm just a relationship dude and fall into things with one girl. But I mean I haven't been drinking at all, been hitting the gym super hard and angry (been going twice a day sometimes), eating right. I'm doing everything I'd usually do to recover but the amount of self-loathing I have this time around is just hard to deal with.
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The adrenaline rush when you reconnect is :smokin but it'll die down sooner rather than later. You'll regret it if you don't see what it is so just do it :lol: keep your options open

Yeah don't get too hyped, she's someone new now. It's fun though.

Last chick held me down like no other (which she likes to remind me of now that we're broken up), but I didn't feel anything, don't know why. Can't make the heart do what it don't want to and vice versa.
remembered this girl i used to talk to. ended with just no more talking. its been 4 years or 5 maybe. looked her up online , no ig or fb but found the number. anyway to hit her up w.o seeming creepy?
No. But it don't matter. If you laid the foundation correctly it'll still be there
i dont now why im in feels so much.

The one who got away i cant wait to hang with her again.

but the current chick is so damn cool also. likes what i like, or atleast tolerates it. we do things for each other , and great sex.
Take her out and see whats what. That history you have with her is what has you excited but she might not be on the same level as the other chick(s). Don't empty ya roster for a possible
^Damn dude, that's deep. I can understand your reservations but it does sound like there's something real there, maybe she is the one.

So the chick got the flowers I sent. Just said,
"Thanks for the flowers. You really actually shouldn't have." Now, I was going to leave it at that and give her space like y'all said but there was just some things I had to get off my chest first. I really had to leave it all on the table. So I said, "You're welcome. I wanted to say sorry for all of this **** lately. Clearly I'm not ready to talk to or see you right now given my feelings for you. I appreciate you asking me out to dinner last Monday if that was an attempt to give me closure. But right before that you said you thought I needed more time, and you were right. I can't be just friends with you and it's clear you're over me. I can't fight this and push you away so I'll try to accept it. It won't be easy to get over you. I don't want to have the conversation from yesterday, the same one we've been having, ever again. I have no other way to right my wrongs but to you leave alone."
She didn't respond.

This morning, I had one more thought I had to get out. So I texted her,
"You should've told me you loved me earlier (she never told me until after all this how much she was on love with me). I would've said it back. Truth be told my ex ended it with me because of our family's cultural differences. She said it would never work between us because of that. I've been extremely reluctant to meet any family/parents after that. I thought you'd do the same thing to me. I'd get attached to the relationship and then wouldn't mesh with your family. I was talking to Mike and he says none of that matters as long as you love the girl. You deal with the family/parents for the girl. I should've been there for your brothers birthday. I should've been there for you. But I'm a coward and selfishly thought of my own fear of rejection from your family."
Chick has me really broken at the moment. It's really killing me because this is all my fault. It'd be so much easier if she screwed me over and I could just say FDB. Just resenting myself right now though. If y'all remember how cocky I was earlier this fall and through the winter. I thought she'd be the one that'd catch feels and it'd be easy for me to cut her loose. Honestly, this is exactly what I didn't want. I was dating and playing the field. I think innately I'm just a relationship dude and fall into things with one girl. But I mean I haven't been drinking at all, been hitting the gym super hard and angry (been going twice a day sometimes), eating right. I'm doing everything I'd usually do to recover but the amount of self-loathing I have this time around is just hard to deal with.
Both y'all tore up at this point man, you just gotta let fate do it's thang
I would meet up with the one who got away and see what she is saying. F Spanish chick cause she ain't bout ****. As for your current, it sounds like this will be short lived. I'd still keep her in my life until I find out if the old fling is a serious thing and not just a momentary thing like in the past.
like yall dont understand the love I had/(possibly have) for this girl is unreal.
I dont believe in the soul mates as far as a lovers since, but i do believe in soul mates as far as a person that was destined to be in your life. and I always felt she was one of them.

Trust I understand, it's like you feel their vibration sometimes, like a damn crazy person. I remember the first few months after we were going through it, at my worst moments, she would call or text soon after outta nowhere, and i'd do the same and she would say she was just thinking about me. Thoughts of her don't consume me, but they're there. I won't lie, if I ever move back to that city, i'm not dating anyone and we don't cross paths despite mutual friends, i'm hitting her up. I'm actually at the point we could legitimately be just friends (though i'd rather not). Gotta close that distance though. Our thing ended in 2012 depite the retries, but it still feels like it should be right. I don't think i'm crazy.
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a friendly "hey (nickname)" suffice or should there be more involved?
Keep it simple. Once again there's no magic word or phrase that I know of that will eliminate the awkwardness of the first "Hey" in some years. Gon head and shoot that half court shot, there's been plenty of people who have done it and made it
DMV TAY bros. My bday is this weekend. Who wants to meet up somewhere in DC on friday to celebrate??
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