TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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I think im the only one that thinks germasian is actually trying with you. And I take it like this. Youre not in the best situation and she still holds you down. Shes been with you this long. She is stopping her old ways. I mean we can stick stigmas on people. But that doesnt mean the stigma has to stick
Man GermAsian sounds a lot like my old unstable Guatemalan chick. Dude with you hurting her the way you did, it's too late. She's going to leave you later on and she'll use the excuse you did it to her. She'll flip the script on you and make you feel guilty. Don't do it. Seriously, you've ended it so keep it moving.

I think Spanish will calm down, but in the mean time work on getting yourself back up. Don't focus on these women man. I want to see you back stable so you can flourish in DC forreal back at your own spot!
This is the same way I look it. And def a good call to focus on yourself and not these chicks. They always flock to stability. If you build it, they will come.
Spanish wont calm down. Shes been going back and forth in her head about me for a lil while. Me not coming back after happy hour was what she needed to convince herself she needed to wrap it up. I would of been walking on egg shells with her.

But yea. I need to focus on me
Spanish may not be as done if you really meant something to her. If so, she really wants you but can't deal with you and your situation at this moment. Which is practically where my feelings toward Germ would be. Her current situation is what would keep me from tryna push forward with her. She may have been there the longest but longevity =/= productivity. But you know your situation much better than we do, if you LOVE Germ. Tell her you wanna hang in there with her and fight the good fight, but if there's any other reason: DEAD HER
What's the move for happy hour today
It's whatever. After last night I think I may have effed things up with my girl and may need to drink the night away.

Seems like the DC crew is losing our women
.....tell me about.

Another problem my girl had with me last night was how I lied about meeting Dropten. I said we met playing ball but later I told her it was thru NT.

She said you lying about something as little as that questions what else would I lie about. My thinking is that it easier to say I played ball with some than the extra of meeting someone off a sneaker forum.

I told her I met Henn off NT and she also felt she would not have a problem if I was upfront because she already knows I meet up with people from NT.
Its difficult for people to see the good in German because of all the things ive said about her. So let me break down the good ive seen in German.

1-Shes realized one day she'll need to settle down and give up her old ways.
2- While Spanish payed for everything and spoiled me. German still had me come out of pocket from time to time. This may not seems like a good thing to some, but im a grown man and should be striving to make my own.

3- German is Buddhist and lots of times put other people before herself. She hates that she hurts people and knows shes needs to better herself. She just has this abandonment issue she needs to get over. She needs to love herself and she'll be just fine.

4- German is a little more sensible about taking things slower.
German wouldnt have me stay with her so quickly. Till this day Ive never been at her spot. While Spanish meant well by helping me out. She shouldnt of let me stay with her if she thought she would catch feelings.

Heres some bad about Spanish
1- Shes tight. She grips life with an iron fist. Because she had such a messed up childhood, she over compensates with her childrens and her love life. When the family is together eating or watching a movie, cellphones need to be away. We would do it anyway, but I can tell she would get pissed. Family is EXTREMELY important to her.

2- She loves too hard. She expects a man to give what she gives. But only particulars that she deems necessary. Some things she expects without her verbally expressing it.

3- She internalizes way too much. Any type of drama or stress and its all up in her head. And you almost have to pry it out of her. But when it comes out it comes out with a fury. Though shes calm and wouldnt curse you out, she leaves no room for argument. Her arguments are so strong, the only option is to agree or say nothing lol

So I had these women removing barriers and letting their guard down. German didnt have sex for 1.5 years before she met me. Spanish and German both wait months on end to have sex with someone, but I did on the 3rd date. I honestly feel used sexually. I had nothing to offer these women and both said they were afriad to have sex with me etc. But they still did soon after. Both said I have this mystery and energy about me, but I dont know what that is. Im just a homless dude with a god heart and no job. I have nothing to offer them
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Do yall think like the females yall mention read this thread? 8o 8o
I wonder if my girls does. But don't post anything wild nor do I care so she would be searching for answers.

Now if I was posting stories about a lineup I had while being with her I would be wondered.
Damn Sub. Cant believe yall beefin over us meeting up.
I feel you on being weird saying you met up with some dude from the net, but its best to be honest of you have nothing to hide
My girls will never know about NT. I'm down for happy hour but I'm not gonna go out after. I have a lot planned this weekend and don't wanna be too hungover. If y'all don't go out after you're weclome to come through and have some drinks and :hat at my place. Suber start a group chat with everyone so we can get organized for tonight. You're the glue. I think you've met almost everyone or at least have their numbers.
I think im the only one that thinks germasian is actually trying with you. And I take it like this. Youre not in the best situation and she still holds you down. Shes been with you this long. She is stopping her old ways. I mean we can stick stigmas on people. But that doesnt mean the stigma has to stick

Fam these are the type of women I specialize in for some reason. She'll try for a bit, but only long enough for you to show that you're human, exaggerating her confirmation that her hesitance was correct. Just like you know when it's right, she knows. Doesn't take that much back and forth. Think about your own history from her perspective, when it wasn't what you really wanted at that moment.
Is it serious issues? Or minor things that both of ya are being too prideful to resolve?

There's been times were my pride transformed the smallest misunderstandings into larger issues because I didn't admit I was wrong. Not saying that's your situation at all, but put things into perspective before throwing in the towel fam.
My girl unlike the rest that I've dated is independent and brave. This is attractive to me. Does her own thing and doesn't really ask me to get involved. She hangs out with her friends and what not. Her friends happen to all be single. Lately, every time I hit her up for us to do something she flakes. Got plans with this one or that one. When I call her, I hear them in the background.So I'm like whatever. Recently we had plans and it flopped, so before I could schedule for us to do something in its place, her friends already hit her up with other plans. Me and her get into an argument over something else and I tell her every time we try to make plans she flops and she hits me with the I've been busy blah blah blah which I understand. But not busy to hang with this one or that one.Anyway, I tell her that I hope everything is well and she said the same thing and haven't spoken to her since. Doesn't help that these jawns at work giving the kid some love.

If you've ever seen a woman in love(doesn't matter how independent she is) you already know the deal here.
I've told my girls about NT and how we gather to talk about women problems, lol some of the advice would be from them.
ive only told one i met people through here. I wouldnt tell a random but i'd tell an established.

NT DMV. I promise I am trying my best to get out there tonight. been up since 2 a.m. and started work at 4. if i can get these clients and cases in by 4, i'll be there by 6 at Henn's place. like Henn said, happy hour and hollah at some chicks. but i can't do the out til midnight/1 a.m. thing this time. I need to be back in VA Saturday Morning for training at 9:30.

If I dont go tonight (which again I am trying my best and rushing) I will def go to the bball games on Wednesday
where do yall usually do HH at round here?

the chevys in greenbelt my go to. the bar is small but some of the women that come thru are beautiful.
Its difficult for people to see the good in German because of all the things ive said about her. So let me break down the good ive seen in German.

1-Shes realized one day she'll need to settle down and give up her old ways.
2- While Spanish payed for everything and spoiled me. German still had me come out of pocket from time to time. This may not seems like a good thing to some, but im a grown man and should be striving to make my own.

3- German is Buddhist and lots of times put other people before herself. She hates that she hurts people and knows shes needs to better herself. She just has this abandonment issue she needs to get over. She needs to love herself and she'll be just fine.

4- German is a little more sensible about taking things slower.
German wouldnt have me stay with her so quickly. Till this day Ive never been at her spot. While Spanish meant well by helping me out. She shouldnt of let me stay with her if she thought she would catch feelings.

Heres some bad about Spanish
1- Shes tight. She grips life with an iron fist. Because she had such a messed up childhood, she over compensates with her childrens and her love life. When the family is together eating or watching a movie, cellphones need to be away. We would do it anyway, but I can tell she would get pissed. Family is EXTREMELY important to her.

2- She loves too hard. She expects a man to give what she gives. But only particulars that she deems necessary. Some things she expects without her verbally expressing it.

3- She internalizes way too much. Any type of drama or stress and its all up in her head. And you almost have to pry it out of her. But when it comes out it comes out with a fury. Though shes calm and wouldnt curse you out, she leaves no room for argument. Her arguments are so strong, the only option is to agree or say nothing lol

So I had these women removing barriers and letting their guard down. German didnt have sex for 1.5 years before she met me. Spanish and German both wait months on end to have sex with someone, but I did on the 3rd date. I honestly feel used sexually. I had nothing to offer these women and both said they were afriad to have sex with me etc. But they still did soon after. Both said I have this mystery and energy about me, but I dont know what that is. Im just a homless dude with a god heart and no job. I have nothing to offer them
What you describe as "bad" about Spanish is almost a stereotypical woman. My wife don't like phones out all the time, she feels like we should talk instead. I have had to explain to her that I can hold a full conversation with responses while I'm on my phone and that I don't get much time to do things on my phone/laptop/tablet that pertain to my business that I need to do so she's gonna have to get used to it. But I still put my phone away at times. My wife also holds in issues or "anger" because to her it may not be a big deal so she rather not trip over something small so she's quiet. You can tell she's pissed but she'll say nothing unless I pry it out.

All in all, Spanish sounds like she knows what she wants and what she wants is about hers. I can see how those "bad"s could be bad, but nah. That's life, that's an adult relationship to most, I would think
Do yall think like the females yall mention read this thread?
My wife don't know the name of this site. I tell her I'm on a forum and she carries on. If my ex is, couldn't care less but highly doubt it
Yea those things are "bad" to me. Its her house her rules. Her way or the highway. As she put it, she will never depend on a man for anything. Now I dont want a woman to depend on me but her mentality causes issues as it did with her exes. She needs to loosen up a bit. Im not mad at her though. My situation isnt something she wants in her life
Yo Dropten all I have to say is self preservation is key. You're a good looking guy, you hit the gym regularly, solving your legal issues and getting back on your feet. Keep all that up. I lost myself a little bit with my last chick and the mean stuff she said to me really gave me a reality check. I'm back on track now and these girls I'm dating/talking to have taken notice. A lot has happened to you lately maybe just taking a step back from women for a little bit will benefit you.

I was heartbroken two weeks ago, sending the chick flowers and asking for forgiveness. I barely think about her now and I'm flourishing out here. 3 new chicks. I have faith you'll bounce back better than ever. NTers are thick skinned and I know you've showed resiliency even with the recent unfortunate events that have happened.

I know there's A LOT on your mind right now and it's hard to chill. But you gotta chill man. Don't be like me and try to solve things with these girls while things are still in a bad situation and unclear. You may end up losing them for good, or a long period of time, just like I did.

Stay up though. Hopefully I can meet you tonight.

Edit: Wanted to add that the highs are nothing without the lows. You'll appreciate your come up more when you bounce back from this.
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Damn Sub. Cant believe yall beefin over us meeting up.
I feel you on being weird saying you met up with some dude from the net, but its best to be honest of you have nothing to hide
Yea it's always best to me honest.

Hmmmm a group me might be best for this HH today. PM me your number if I do not already have it.

I'm open for suggestions on where to go. Dupont, U St, Chevys in Greenbelt are all up for picking plus more.
My girl unlike the rest that I've dated is independent and brave. This is attractive to me. Does her own thing and doesn't really ask me to get involved. She hangs out with her friends and what not. Her friends happen to all be single. Lately, every time I hit her up for us to do something she flakes. Got plans with this one or that one. When I call her, I hear them in the background.So I'm like whatever. Recently we had plans and it flopped, so before I could schedule for us to do something in its place, her friends already hit her up with other plans. Me and her get into an argument over something else and I tell her every time we try to make plans she flops and she hits me with the I've been busy blah blah blah which I understand. But not busy to hang with this one or that one.Anyway, I tell her that I hope everything is well and she said the same thing and haven't spoken to her since. Doesn't help that these jawns at work giving the kid some love.

Her flaking is her telling you something without verbalizing it. Have you spoken since?

If not, it's time to let her go. She's not bringing to the table what you are.
Her flaking is her telling you something without verbalizing it. Have you spoken since?

If not, it's time to let her go. She's not bringing to the table what you are.
I hit her up and she was giving me atttitude and not saying much. I've cut her off. Deleted her number and such.Thanks for the input fellas.
So you think the chics you meet in "normal" places like the club, church, work, and grocery store still aren't getting piped by a # of guys from online? Unless you scooping Amish Nuns I don't see the difference. Just that you are limiting your own reach
Trust me I know. But I got a special gift where I can meet a person and read them internally with just a few minutes of conversation. I'm out the game anyways so this has nothing to do with me personally. I'm just thinking about the number of broads passing stds around like a spliff.. When I was in the sport I was online as well it's easy pickings out there. But the unknown unknowns is what got me out the game. figuring out 6 degrees of separation when I got out the military was crazy. Shorties from the hood was getting piped out by dudes who I didn't want on my aura. Sex is more than a conquest to me now. I rather build with a shorty know her in and out b4 I smash...
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^I agree with you as sex being a conquest is more fulfilling. And obviously, I always prefer to get to know the girl well before having sex. I understand where you're coming from and I'm sure the numbers support what you just said about the rise of STDs with online dating. That being said, every time you have sex you are taking a risk. Even if you are careful and wear a condom every time you can still get burnt. It's the nature of the beast. I get tested regularly and I'm good. If I was ever diagnosed with HIV/AIDS it'd feel like a death sentence. Anything else can be cured or at least treated effectively. I have a few homies who have got burnt before and it wasn't really a big deal to them. Minor inconvenience. I've never know anyone with HIV/AIDS though. That **** is truly terrifying.
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