TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Bummed I can't join you and bowflex on your drunken couples retreat this weekend.

My chick sent me a song late last night that basically said I love you. "The Line" by dvsn.
Same wish I could join but me and the lady are trying to save money. This month. I may be adopting 2 puppies.
Hen needs to get repped for that gospel he spit on being happy. Everything gets better in time.

Back on topic, I've had a girl fart before after I was done hitting it from the back. If I'm recalling correctly I just laughed about it and she did too. She ended up showering after so we were good.
Trust me dude, I'm not bothered one bit lol. When I'm with that girl...it's our world and nothing bothers me. I would share more with the thread but I don't wanna get it locked. Anyway, I was laying in bed after smashing her one of the times this weekend and my mind was blown how close and connected I felt to her. Not even just physically, but mentally too. We are on the same page with a lot. So I was just in bed with her cuddled up on my chest. I was still catching my breath and shaking my head. She's like, "what's wrong." And I tell her, "nothing, I'm happy, I really like you, don't even want to see other girls any more" She was all smiles but told me I could keep seeing other girls. From all of the hints she's dropped though I know she wants a relationship as well and it's inevitably happening. We both know we are really into eachother and can turn eachother on instantly. Actually having a hard time just functioning together in public. She calls me a sexual deviant.

I'm not making the same mistake I made with last chick. I know I want this one as my girlfriend. Don't want to play the field or whatever. She even mentioned a story how her guy friend is mad right now because he was seeing this girl who wanted to be official and he didn't want the title so she found another dude and got hurt. Told her I'd been there before and know not to make that mistake again. So I was upfront with her and told her I really like her. She doesn't go out and party a lot any more and I get the vibe she is definitely not seeing anyone else. I'm just gonna keep things casual and fun how they are now and wait for her to confess her feelings. Then make it official and just lurk the thread :rofl:

Y'all just gotta remember. No matter how bad a break up is or how hurt you are. There's always something better around the corner. And like I said in here before, the highs aren't as good without the lows. I'm on a super high right now but I remember a little over a month ago I was heartbroken and simping trying to get a girl back who wasn't even meant for me. We gonna make it just gotta keep moving through the hard times.

Needed that last part g. Repped for ever

Btw Henn, please make sure for a fact it's not just lust. One of the most accurate things i ever heard is falling in love that quick, you aren't falling in love with the person, but actually falling in love with the idea of that person. But for some reason I believe you two genuinely love each other and that's dope
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I'm visiting NY until Sunday...any brahs want to hang? I think I got some girls off okcupid and tinder to hang (if they don't flake )
Needed that last part g. Repped for ever

Btw Henn, please make sure for a fact it's not just lust. One of the most accurate things i ever heard is falling in love that quick, you aren't falling in love with the person, but actually falling in love with the idea of that person. But for some reason I believe you two genuinely love each other and that's dope

I've learned so much from this thread in the past few years I'm truly grateful I can give something back. Most of my lessons have come from making my own mistakes, but, so much good advice has been given in this thread and just reading other peoples stories, and the comments to them, can give perspective to a lot of things happening in your own personal life. It's helped me tremendously. I feel like my game is really polished right now and I wouldn't be flourishing as I am without ALL of you guys in here. I might be rambling so I'm putting this in a spoiler :lol:

It's scientifically proven that 6 months duration of the infatuation/last period. After that amount of time, the "lust" chemicals are out of your mind/body and you can objectively decide if you really love the person or you were just lusting. I never tell a girl I love her before 6 months. I broke this rule once because the girl was pressing me to say it a little and our relationship escalated very quickly any way due to certain circumstances. So I did, and she said it back, we both meant it eventually, but it was definitely a mistake to say it that early because after I said it I knew that wasn't truly how I felt...yet. We definitely were in love and I still love that girl as a friend dearly.

New chick we are definitely deeply lusting for eachother right now. Clicking on everything. Attraction, conversation, sex, food, music, family relations, career goals, etc... Literally everything feels so right. I think it's love. I just wanted to blurt out those words so many times but I know it takes time before that can be objectively said. I haven't felt this way since my first love. And I even didn't feel this strongly for her at first. My first love grew on me.

I feel we are both at the age (she's 23 and I'm 26) where we are looking for a serious partner now. I'm sick of dating 19-22 year olds TBH. I didn't want her to think I was just smashing. I've let her know that I really like her. I've complimented her mind, body, soul, face. She knows I like everything about her. But her response is always, "Remember, I'm just a human." As much as we are into eachother, we are being responsible and not moving too fast or sacrificing anything from our own lives. Her best friend came out for the end of our first date and I was cool with it. We met up with Suber before that any way and she was cool with meeting my friends on a first date. We both have other friends, family, careers, and personal goals to tend to before eachother sometimes. I actually won't even see her this week because she has some big projects at work and then I'm home for Easter. We text a fair amount each day but we are both busy. When we aren't caught up in anything else we respond to eachothers texts almost immediately. No game playing. She's very honest with me too which I really like. Like she told me Friday night she was hanging with some of her guy friends and I told her that was cool and to have fun then I stopped texting her. That was the night Nigerian came ove so I was busy any way. But she still texted me later that night to see how my night was going and said she wanted to talk. When I saw her Saturday she said she really liked I was ok with her having guy friends, and her best friend coming on our first date, and that I wasn't selfish or possesive of her. I really want her all the time, but I'm not going to lose myself like I did with last girl. And I definitely leave her hanging on texts more than she leaves me if I'm at the gym, cooking, doing whatever. I like that we both have our own lives right now, and we've only seen eachother a few times but we get completely caught up in eachother when we do. We need to take things slow so that we continue to compliment eachothers lives and not need the other person. I've fallen into that too many times before.
That best friend needs to come next time I'm there henn...make that happen for your boy. Please
She was all smiles but told me I could keep seeing other girls. 
If she's cool with that, then theres a Daquan fam.

Mannn get outta here with that. You can't block my shine right now :lol: I mean, you could be right. But I am saying no. If anything, I'm Daquan.

-Smashed first night, says that that was literally 1/1000 chance of happening, and added in "not that I've screwed 1000 guys, but I'm not even a third date type of girl" I know they all say this so taken with a grain of salt
-Made her tap out in bed, she said that literally NEVER happens
-Deleted OKC after our first date
-We are mutual best friends on snapchat
-Spent entire Saturday and Sunday together, 80% of the time spent in bed
-Texts me all day long, sends me songs to listen to, tells me about how our Zodiacs align perfectly
-Compliments me regularly, cooks for me, brings me :pimp:
-Tells me when she is texting her best friend about me/when her best friend is asking about what she's doing with me
-Apartment hunts for places in DC in front of me
-Tells me the guy friends she hung out with Friday all call her mom and that she was pissed because she was the only one not drinking trying to sleep in the guest room while they were all partying

I could keep going... I'm not going to be naive. But I think you are wrong. I don't see where Daquan would come in she lives with her family right now and all her free time spent in the past two weekends has been with me. Except the one night I had Nigerian lined up and said I couldn't chill.

I am gonna fall back for a bit from the thread and just see where this goes though. I am too hyped right now. Definitely sprung. Just wanted to share the happiness with the fam. But I'll give a better update when things turn real.
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Mannn get outta here with that. You can't block my shine right now
I mean, you could be right. But I am saying no.

-Deleted OKC after our first date
-We are mutual best friends on snapchat
-Spent entire Saturday and Sunday together, 80% of the time spent in bed
-Texts me all day long, sends me songs to listen to, tells me about how our Zodiacs align perfectly
-Compliments me regularly, cooks for me, brings me

-Tells me when she is texting her best friend about me/when her best friend is asking about what she's doing with me
-Apartment hunts for places in DC in front of me
-Tells me the guy friends she hung out with Friday all call her mom and that she was pissed because she was the only one not drinking trying to sleep in the guest room while they were all partying

I could keep going... I'm not going to be naive. But I think you are wrong. I don't see where Daquan would come in she lives with her family right now and all her free time spent in the past two weekends has been with me. Except the one night I had Nigerian lined up and said I couldn't chill
Flourish! I really hope you find happiness with this joint.

Only feedback I can give is to tread lightly (or lighter) if you can. Sounds like you are just entering the honeymoon phase and no one can tell you nuthin about shorty  

Sounds you guys are moving at a rapid pace. Just make sure you two are building a solid foundation and not to get ahead of yourselves. It's not a race but a marathon. All those qualities you listed sound cute & dandy but really means nothing in the grand scheme of things. 

Wish you all the best!  
Hey guys, let me ask you this...

How did you guys deal with YOURSELF after a break up?

Not only just a break up, but a long relationship, like being together for years.

Maybe after a marriage? Maybe after kids? or just a long *** relationship.

What I mean, is did you guys have attachment issues? Emotional issues?

Did you feel like you can never fall in love again?
I would say attachment and emotional issues for me but I knew I would fall in love again.

I am too young to think otherwise.
Hey guys, let me ask you this...

How did you guys deal with YOURSELF after a break up?

Not only just a break up, but a long relationship, like being together for years.

Maybe after a marriage? Maybe after kids? or just a long *** relationship.

What I mean, is did you guys have attachment issues? Emotional issues?

Did you feel like you can never fall in love again?

I just spent a lot of alone time with myself. I wasn't depressed or anything although I did miss her a lot. I just did the regular like its already been said in all the previous TAY threads including this one. Gotta get in touch with ya star player (katt w. voice) aka yourself. This was after my first love and first real long relationship and i've been nothing but better ever since.

As far as falling in love i knew there was love out there for me. Ima believer so I guess i just think different than most, but i always believe things happen for a reason and that she just wasnt the one for me.
You think smashing girls left and right is counter productive?

Sometimes I think smashing girls left and right makes me miss my ex even more. :lol: :rofl:
You think smashing girls left and right is counter productive?

Sometimes I think smashing girls left and right makes me miss my ex even more. :lol: :rofl:
It is for me :\

And getting out the crib to chill with the homies
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You think smashing girls left and right is counter productive?

Sometimes I think smashing girls left and right makes me miss my ex even more. :lol: :rofl:
Yes because you're trying to fill a hole with too much quantity not quality.
Fill a hole with water the water (quantity) that water will go away seep in to the ground. Over flow and go else where. Evaporate in to thin air. (Equate that to the women)

Fill a hole with something solid. (Quality) that hole stays filled and has better base
Mannn get outta here with that. You can't block my shine right now
I mean, you could be right. But I am saying no. If anything, I'm Daquan.

-Smashed first night, says that that was literally 1/1000 chance of happening, and added in "not that I've screwed 1000 guys, but I'm not even a third date type of girl" I know they all say this so taken with a grain of salt
-Made her tap out in bed, she said that literally NEVER happens
-Deleted OKC after our first date
-We are mutual best friends on snapchat
-Spent entire Saturday and Sunday together, 80% of the time spent in bed
-Texts me all day long, sends me songs to listen to, tells me about how our Zodiacs align perfectly
-Compliments me regularly, cooks for me, brings me

-Tells me when she is texting her best friend about me/when her best friend is asking about what she's doing with me
-Apartment hunts for places in DC in front of me
-Tells me the guy friends she hung out with Friday all call her mom and that she was pissed because she was the only one not drinking trying to sleep in the guest room while they were all partying

I could keep going... I'm not going to be naive. But I think you are wrong. I don't see where Daquan would come in she lives with her family right now and all her free time spent in the past two weekends has been with me. Except the one night I had Nigerian lined up and said I couldn't chill.

I am gonna fall back for a bit from the thread and just see where this goes though. I am too hyped right now. Definitely sprung. Just wanted to share the happiness with the fam. But I'll give a better update when things turn real.
Don't worry about justifying yourself/your situation to us. We know what you told us and words on a screen always read different than the reality that they tell. People can poke holes in a story made of adamantium. Live in that moment bruh
Hey guys, let me ask you this...

How did you guys deal with YOURSELF after a break up?

Not only just a break up, but a long relationship, like being together for years.

Maybe after a marriage? Maybe after kids? or just a long *** relationship.

What I mean, is did you guys have attachment issues? Emotional issues?

Did you feel like you can never fall in love again?
This is honestly my longest relationship. My last few were a few months for two completely diff reasons. But my last relationship was the worst break up and I wanted to just smash as many chicks as I could but ended up attaching myself to one and enjoyed being with her. I thought one day I'd wake up and be completely detached form my ex and suddenly be able to lose all emotion from her and it just never happened. Didn't know I could move on till I came back from Houston one night and my girl was gone and wouldn't return my calls and she was super hurt cause we were official and I had to force myself to move on and love her instead of waiting for a magical day to come and end my love for my ex.

I do still love my ex but there's not a chance that she'd could come between me and my wife.
You think smashing girls left and right is counter productive?

Sometimes I think smashing girls left and right makes me miss my ex even more. :lol: :rofl:
Yes because you're trying to fill a hole with too much quantity not quality.
Fill a hole with water the water (quantity) that water will go away seep in to the ground. Over flow and go else where. Evaporate in to thin air. (Equate that to the women)

Fill a hole with something solid. (Quality) that hole stays filled and has better base

Aye that's some deep **** man! Never thought of it like that.

I think that's what's going on right now. It don't matter if I'm smashing dimes all day.

It don't matter if they have a good head on their shoulders or make good money.

I channel all that off and treat them like a piece of meat when they deserve better than that.

But these females be on that "I can change him" mindset and I take advantage of that and use them physically.

I wonder if I should go on a No Fap/Sex month... ect.
You think smashing girls left and right is counter productive?

Sometimes I think smashing girls left and right makes me miss my ex even more. :lol: :rofl:

Most def. This was the stage I would break down every now and then, calling her to only feel worse. The disposable thing is good for a minute, but you realize you were with this person for more than they can offer right now. So in essence they were worse, not better, stunting the healing process. I had to leave them **** alone to get my mind right. You can date "wifey" type chicks for short periods too, hey, one might work out.

I didn't really get over my ex until after two years after when I dated women with more depth. This last one probably won't workout, as I don't feel anything anymore but I appreciate her place in my life. It was well needed.
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bruhs, i know i blessed yal w a couple stories but it all goes to the hard work and dedication.

lost 25 lbs in the last 6-7 months and the girls love it.

bruhs, i know i blessed yal w a couple stories but it all goes to the hard work and dedication.

lost 25 lbs in the last 6-7 months and the girls love it.

For me was the opposite, put on 60-70 pounds and ladies lovin' the swole
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