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True. Man I'm in Fontaines city on some work **** tryna get to this tall thick light skin joint at the hotel bar. She's surrounded. Never had crowd work game but I want that . Who got spitta tips through mad ****** in suits?
ahhhhhh Hi my name is Mark Antony have you tried a peanut butter and jelly shot? 

Dont post about thinking about talking to a tall chick cause you know im going to say go in for the kill every time!
To the dudes that is there

Aight one dude got the smiles and the hand touching locked in. I'm finna roll on the chubby friend.

Side note, you Texas mo ******* really be rockin cowboy hats and boots.
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Is there advice for men that doesn't reek of bitterness and/or misogyny?

It feels like the kind of confidence building techniques I've read involve some sort of negative emotion.

I'm just not that kind of guy to harbor negative feelings. I live and let live. I let things go. I thrive off of positive thoughts.

I just want to reach my full confidence (though I have made STRIDES these last few days just from reading and practicing) without thinking all girls are o's and all other dudes are scum trying to smash my girl.

Where is the advice about being a fulfilled individual? Where is the advice that is about channeling positive emotion and not harboring negative experiences/memories?

mugen81 mugen81 :nerd:
Damn bruhs just kicked it with this girl and had an amazing time

Didnt eem smash but still was satisfied.

Coolest personalitty plus she a cutie
Yo I was talking to this chick earlier today just getting to know her small talk and all that. Ask her about her birthday and we get on the subject of star signs. She gets kinda heated/defensive saying it's nonsense but I'm just being cool and explaining to her I look at it like how certain fruits are in season at different times of the year. She makes some dismissive comment about horoscopes and I tell her I don't read horoscopes just look for certain characteristics people have in common and it's not 100% but it's a good gauge. She's a gemini. It just now hit me that I had this same exact damn convo with one of my boys like a year ago and he's a gemini too :lol:. Crazy. He had the same attitude perspective opinion and everything :lol:. Just thought that was ironic
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That's what I'm saying.....now dudes going to start second guessing posting pics when I asked

TAY takes another L....I miss the OG thread.
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Is there advice for men that doesn't reek of bitterness and/or misogyny?

It feels like the kind of confidence building techniques I've read involve some sort of negative emotion.

I'm just not that kind of guy to harbor negative feelings. I live and let live. I let things go. I thrive off of positive thoughts.

I just want to reach my full confidence (though I have made STRIDES these last few days just from reading and practicing) without thinking all girls are o's and all other dudes are scum trying to smash my girl.

Where is the advice about being a fulfilled individual? Where is the advice that is about channeling positive emotion and not harboring negative experiences/memories?

mugen81 mugen81 :nerd:

Yeah I assumed he meant outside the thread, ain't really no hate or misogyny here.

And I was gone so nothing popped off , but I will take the crowd work tips. I typically don't waste my time unless she already chose with subtle hints.
Too amped for this NYC trip right now. Hopefully that chick comes through.

I don't even want to talk to my gf any more. It's sad. There was a major lack of facetime communication the first few months she was abroad and it caused a lot of damage to the relationship. Like I really tried to make it happen a lot but she was never there. Always had an excuse. I'm just bitter now. Was facetiming her this past weekend and I just abruptly told her I had to go because I wasn't feeling it. Then she asked what was up with that and I told her that it was boring, we have nothing to talk about besides what we do in our own separate lives, it's hard to find things to talk about with her if we aren't sharing an experience together. Got in another lil argument about it last night because she was saying we finally facetime and then I ignore her.

Basically told her the world doesn't revolve around her and I'm done caring about someone who doesn't care back. Always there for her and get nothing in return. Told her I'd talk to her when I get back from NYC and I don't wanna hear from her at all for a few days cuz I'm fed up. Then called her mad ******* selfish. I woke up with zero regrets because that's exactly how I feel.

Just sick of this girls attitude. Yesterday was a year for us but I did absolutely nothing for it because I brought it up a while ago about our 1 year anniversary and she said the term "anniversary" doesn't apply because it's not significant enough. That anniversary is reserved for weddings and **** like that. I told her, "nah it just means ONE year of anything, ANNUAL, anniversary." And she says it's not a big deal (when this is her longest relationship thus far) so I didn't do anything for her. Texted her and said, "we've been dating for one year today" :lol:
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Too amped for this NYC trip right now. Hopefully that chick comes through.

I don't even want to talk to my gf any more. It's sad. There was a major lack of facetime communication the first few months she was abroad and it caused a lot of damage to the relationship. Like I really tried to make it happen a lot but she was never there. Always had an excuse. I'm just bitter now. Was facetiming her this past weekend and I just abruptly told her I had to go because I wasn't feeling it. Then she asked what was up with that and I told her that it was boring, we have nothing to talk about besides what we do in our own separate lives, it's hard to find things to talk about with her if we aren't sharing an experience together. Got in another lil argument about it last night because she was saying we finally facetime and then I ignore her.

Basically told her the world doesn't revolve around her and I'm done caring about someone who doesn't care back. Always there for her and get nothing in return. Told her I'd talk to her when I get back from NYC and I don't wanna hear from her at all for a few days cuz I'm fed up. Then called her mad ******* selfish. I woke up with zero regrets because that's exactly how I feel.
Playing therapist with no return gets old. She sounds like the type to regret it after a while, come back more caring and attentive than ever before, then drop right back into her old routine.

You was knocking back them Bourbon on the company dime?

Belee dat pleghboi
Playing therapist with no return gets old. She sounds like the type to regret it after a while, come back more caring and attentive than ever before, then drop right back into her old routine.

Yeah man. Honestly, I could go the next few months not even talking to her and be happy. Then try to rekindle things when she gets back. I told her it's hard to communicate with her now because I feel no connection any more. She says she understands and it will rekindle when we see eachother again. But I'm done being the one to set up facetime every time. She is pretty good with texting on whatsapp but whatever.

I'm just gonna do my own thing now. If she reaches out to me it's cool, if not, whatever. The girl I'm seeing this weekend is probably finer than her any way. And my boys are telling me I'm an eligible bachelor and to be single again. I dunno. Maybe it's this dry spell just getting to me. 2 months is the longest I've gone in years.
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For me I just had to come to the conclusion "she's just not that into you" . Communication shouldn't be this difficult. So I had a what the **** am I doing moment and just stopped. I truly have better ways to waste my time.
Except I know it'd be totally different if she was back here and we could see eachother. It's hard to just cut someone off or ignore them when you know things will eventually be alright and back to normal. If this was happening and she wasn't studying abroad somewhere I'd already be done by now. But there's a lot to look forward to when she gets back and we both miss eachother a lot but yeah...just not into eachother at the moment I guess.
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My number in the group text. Just hit me up whenever you guys decide on something if I'm around I'll prolly be down. I can be the アミーゴ アミーゴ white boy for the east coast. White TAYer of the group :lol: And I know you guys like the taller chicks I like the short ones so we can cook together.
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