I don't understand all of the hate lately. Who cares how much people drop on forces? Who cares if they get them from ebay, Japanese websitesor older collectors? Why do any of these things matter? All I care about is if the other people in this thread love kicks as much as I do. This threadisn't about impressing other people. It's about appreciating AF1's and sharing our passion for this hobby. And even if people enjoy getting propsfrom others in this thread for their collections or pickups, that's their prerogative. Who doesn't like being complimented, whether its directed towardtheir sneakers, looks, intelligence, etc? I hate to break it to some people, but all of us live in the world WITH other people. No one in here is livingsecluded in a cave or in a forest. If you were, you probably wouldn't be on the Internet. That means you impact and are impacted by others. This meanssometimes you're trying to impress someone or someone is trying to impress you. It also means at some point in your life you've wanted what someoneelse has. It's called human nature. The ignorance on this board astounds me sometimes. I swear, nonsense like this has been getting to me lately. If youdon't like the thread, then stay out of it. If you think the thread is jacking up prices, too bad. Even if it does raise prices, being able to share mypassion with other people who enjoy it is worth it to me (and by the existence of this thread it appears to be worth it to others). Besides, collectibles (suchas baseball cards, sneakers, and a million other things) tend to jump in price as they get older (especially something like sneakers, which greatly dwindle innumbers due to people wearing them). If you think you're going to pay $50 for a pair of relatively popular sneakers that dropped 5 years ago thenyou're crazy.

I'm tired of ignorant people acting like they know everything about everything. Who cares? Get a life. If you're getting forces for $50, great. Go patyourself on the back and do a dance.

I'm done with my rant.

this kid
The first picture isn't even yours unless you wear a size 4Y andpurchased those from dj bana
and both of the shoes in the secondpicture were ebay purchases both of which cost you more than $50. You must a compulsive liar and that makes you pretty sad.

I forgot to say excellent pick up James and well said Jv.
it must be real exciting to love af1 more than what life has to offer...good luck in your future endeavours paul
^ great mushrooms james. even though i'm not sure if i'm allowed to say that anymore but i envy you a lot for these.

and mario ... just delete that nt bookmark and leave us with our poor lives, overpriced shoes and ebay accounts and go preserve the rest of the world. man getit: WE DON'T NEED YOU HERE. we're just a bunch of people talking shoes. if you need to pack a fight go somewhere else or behave
You couldn't be more wrong Mario, I have a great life, a beautiful girlfriend, a great family and a job that is hard work and very busy but I find iteasy so what am I missing? and hell yes I love collecting shoes I have been a shoe addict since the age of five.

At having to edit your post, for the people that didn't heposted a picture of a few jewels that he doesn't even own and yet he acts as if I need to get a life? Ironic.
wow MyOnes, that flames fitted is SERIOUS BUSINESS

thanks for the compliments everybody
def. need some more pics in here after this whole ordeal, so POST EM UP!
my fave AF1's from my collection (recycled pics)

one of my fave 07 AF1's (other than Blue Bobbito Highs, need a pair)
To add on what many have said, here's my point of view, i joined niketalk for the very same reason why many have done the same, to learn more about what ilove, it's the very same basis why people join tech forums or car forums, same thing. But niketalk has been on a slump previously on recent years wherescams were on a common place and it just doesn't feel the same, the buy sell thread was not what it was used to be...and that's a very good example howit has been affected, mostly sales now have been done thru private connects/contacts, ebay and alternatively the much preferred ISS forums. But seeing threadslike this sort of became the last few reasons why i stayed on to niketalk, the sharing of the wealth of knowledge is still there and all i can say everyday ilearn a new thing about my passion for sneakers. The beauty and passion of the shoe game is that you sort of give back to the shoe community and i feel threadslike these and the air max as well as vintage and air jordans threads are what it's all about. For the old timers(not saying myself), this is proof of yourdesire and existence why you've not stopped collecting shoes; for the new comers, it's a place where you find your grails, goals and dreams come true.Doesn't hurt to learn a thing or two, new colorways, PEs, never released samples, hyperstrikes and the list goes on...And to mario, I don't know whatis you with your comment on why true af1 heads shouldn't be on this threads, but i'm pretty damn sure they might be amazed at how much they would learnfrom this thread, i wouldn't be suprised if they're viewing this everyday without having an account on Niketalk, and this is proven because YOU HAVEPOSTED ON THIS THREAD. So don't be shy and not admit the fact that you're reading this thread as of now. I'm really glad that i've contributedsome pics of forces though not mine to this thread, that is before i took them down because some were on watchlists of other members, but i feel gratified thatin a way i've contributed my part, even though a small and minute part, back to the sneaker community which has made me learn so much more over the years.And the best's free haha. To the many people that have learnt thru my contributions, glad to be of any help or service and for the many countlessothers, i wanna thank you for teaching me so much!
can someone help me locate a sz 11 Ronaldinhos? Been looking everywhere and there's only 10, 10.5, 11.5, and 12s, no 11 smh
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