nice score ****zle. hold onto them because i'm pretty confident the future will eventually yield some sort of shrink-ray


Judging by email spam though, I think much more effort is being placed toward learning how to enlarge things... Maybe, there will be a foot growth pill or cream on the market one day. I'll tap into my NFL connections and see if Jimmy Johnson has some intel on any upcoming products.

Seriously though, those are amazing. Most of my "grails" are highs, but they are among my most sought-after lows.

Maza's a 13. Maybe he'll hound you for them.
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Ive already tried them on multiple times to see if I could pull them off but they are waaaaaayyyyyy too big. I wear between a 9-11 and 11 is pushing it. First time I ever saw this color was in that post a few weeks back and now they are just teasing me in the corner of my room.
rampage- sick id's!
jae & bip- nice canvas!
i've officially been buying sneakers & registered on NT 10 years this month :D
and what better coincidence of timing to FINALLY pick up my very first pair of af1's ever, back in late 2000. before all the hype and boom of the af1, hell i didn't even know what an af1 was back then, i just loved the way the shoes looked. i'll admit i called them "nike air's" back then :tongue: i beat them up, started mowing the lawn with them (stained them green), skated them, etc. gave them to my cousin and shortly after they were thrown out. so i'm happy to have a piece of my youth back :smile:
shouts to jae for the heads up!

If this is the pair I think it is... Then you mean shoutout to me for shouting out to jae for giving you the heads up.. or something like that.

At any rate, congrats on the pickup - it's a very nice pair.
If this is the pair I think it is... Then you mean shoutout to me for shouting out to jae for giving you the heads up.. or something like that.
At any rate, congrats on the pickup - it's a very nice pair.

yes it is that pair, thanks to you as well!
the leather isn't completely smooth, it has a little bit of grain to it, the camera flash washed it out a little though.
thanks all!

those jewels...
 So I guess those sz 10s on ebay were legit after all. I was just on the fence since I had never seen them before. Now I kinda regret not scooping them up (the guy wanted rape though).
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[The Wire] Shieeeeeeeet [/The Wire]

I'll take those size 13 golden Rods.
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Lovely Jewels!! The shape goes to a low-mid to me, nice pickup 

Here is a White/Navy High "20th".
What's up-been a loong time since the last time I posted in here...sadly I've stopped copping AF1s since I decided not to keep spending money on pairs, only to have them sit in my closet forever, plus the competition for sz 10.5 is brutal! Anyway, since I don't have any new pickups to show, I figured i'd show the other side of the coin...

I've owned these since they first dropped, they've since become my daily drivers

Trying to wear a hole through the bottoms...

waiting in the wings to take over for the next 10 years

all that remains

Keep the pickups coming, I'm living vicariously through y'all!
Pulled the trigger on the black/blue embroidery pack. found a pr in my size for $55 shipped. that's enough to get me off the fence haha
good price on the embroidery pack!

and kudos to BIP for calling people out for not wearing their shoes, lol!
Yeah - shout to Tech too.

After acquiring his pair to make doubles, Kicks4Eva proposed me a trade.

Seamless transaction. He got those and I got a pair of '96 patents. I'll post pics later. Still at freaking work. >:

Edit - here's my half of the trade

Bonus, recently came in as well (for dirt cheap)

...not sure what is up with the color on the camera - it screws with browns and reds when I compress pics.
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...I've had some stuff stored away waiting to be shipped for a while. My wife has been away for 2 weeks on business - getting back very soon. So, I took the opportunity to orchestrate a bunch of shipping in this window so I wouldn't have to smuggle tons of boxes in under her sneering eyes. :tongue:

After the Ewings this weekend, I may slow back down a bit, other than stockpiling these B-grade Jordans from hella outlets for insurance and future trade bait.

Pearson - do you collect other models? I don't think I see you post outside of this thread. Just curious.
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MFPearson- yeah i had some ovals laying around so why thnks dude, just curious why was it just the red ones tht had oval laces and the orang and yellow didnt..? personally i love the oval laces..
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I think the oranges did have oval laces. My other pair has them. But, neither pair was brand new when I got them.

A lot of the mid jewels jewels from the same time had ovals too, so I'm thinking the oranges did as well -

(they SO should have made a low version of these!!)

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Just bought these B-Grade Sakura's, never seen a B-Grade before? Anyone help me on these, dude said he bought them in France, from the Opium store. Are they suspect? Thanks
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