Team Marvel check in ... We Are Accepting Applications!

Originally Posted by IJUMPMAN

Iron Man is already taken, so I call:
Iron man is still available but if u want war machine, hook up the sig/avy and ill put him as taken
Originally Posted by kidjustice19

Thanks j steezzz... that was the one I was about to use...

I'll change my avy and sig tomorrow..
Do it now so i put him as gone
Originally Posted by Drips510

how do you center sigs?....
Just like in Microsoft Word. Highlight whatever you're trying to move and then click the center button (which is two buttons to the right ofthe strike through button.)
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by Drips510

how do you center sigs?....
Just like in Microsoft Word. Highlight whatever you're trying to move and then click the center button (which is two buttons to the right of the strike through button.)

dumb do you actually get the av to move...i only 'saved as' the image and uploaded it but the image comes up STILL...anyhelp?
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