Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok well quite a story to be told, got there pretty early saw an opening band on a smaller stage, then The Treatment opened for MC saw them they were cool. MC comes on with chicks and strippers on them giant hanging clothes where they do tricks n ****. about 5 songs in with Vince Neil introducing the night I get a call from my mom saying that our dog is missing.... FFFFFFFFFUUUU!! well I stayed for one more song (Sex) just to try to get a callback since reception is bad and got my bro's GF to help while I get there and just decided to leave the concert and get him. ended up finding him around 10:45 near our neighborhood park. concert started like around 7:30.

I missed KISS and half of MC completely, but I saw MC play Sex, Shout At The Devil, and Girls girls girls (if that's the real title to the song) and like3 others but idk names

Life throws you curve balls I guess... Any who... did you hear Dave Mustaine publicly thinks that Obama staged the most recent shootings?

"After sort-of endorsing Rick Santorum and aligning himself with the "birther" viewpoint earlier this year, notoriously conservative Dave Mustaine is speaking out against President Obama again. This time, the Megadeth frontman and Rock ‘N’ Jock softball player has accused Obama of “staging” the shootings in Aurora, Colorado and at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, all so that he could “pass a gun ban.”
In the speech, which he made last week between songs at a Megadeth show in Singapore, Mustaine says that Obama is trying to turn the U.S. into “Nazi America,” and that if things keep going the way they’ve been going, he’s going to be forced to move away. After a heckler shouts out in opposition, Mustaine chastises him, saying, “Did you guys pay to listen to him or me?” Luckily for Mustaine, being a total idiot d-bag is not one of the offenses punishable by caning in Singapore.'',83895/
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Not exactly metal, but Serj Tankian's new album, Harakiri is great. As his third solo album, I dont like it as much as his first (Elect the Dead), but alot more than his 2nd (Imperfect Harmonies)

Hello my fellow metal head bretheren just checking in seems like you guys are hitting up tons of shows and having quite some time. I miss yall and Physicx I know exactly how you feel. I've left with bruised ribs and torn jeans lol. Nice to see you guys are keeping this alive. had to figure out how to get my account again lol.
Hello my fellow metal head bretheren just checking in seems like you guys are hitting up tons of shows and having quite some time. I miss yall and Physicx I know exactly how you feel. I've left with bruised ribs and torn jeans lol. Nice to see you guys are keeping this alive. had to figure out how to get my account again lol.

Woo woo! Welcome back, man![BR]
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:nerd: BCF sighting!? Its like seeing Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. Welcome back brodee.

To be honest I've been slacking on finding new/newer metal music lately.

But if you haven't had the chance to listen to The Faceless' latest album do so right now. Much more clean vocals but as much as I liked them being total death tech before I feel like the clean vocals mixed with harsh vocals shows growth. They even have a saxophone on a couple tracks unless my ears deceive me.

well after recovering from rock the bells and Summer slaughter I can say both halves of me are satisfied for the time being
I didn't get too many pic but I'll post them here. Goat***** was really great, surprised me. now I'll definitely check out their newest album. Periphery cancelled the rest of the tour because of a family emergency which disappointed my brother the most. the venue was super air conditioned which made moshing in a sweater ideal/possible conditioned haha. was in the Island or Moat of the circle pit (if there is a name for it) most of the time, Cannibal corpse killed it as usual, Between the buried And Me played 2nd to last and had a new song. bit slower then their hits but it had its mosh moments. pretty convinced that their this generations Dream Theater
Also My lil bro's band whos gonna play with Napalm Death and Municipal Waste in november got some news. The date is being moved up to 1 day sooner and changed to a bigger venue, the Oakland Opera House instead of the DNA lounge in SF. My bro's going to play at a venue where I can get backstage passes to!!! it's like he's really making it now. the oakland opera house is like I guess the size of the apollo theater which means probably the biggest crowd he's ever gotten. damn I'm proud of him. also this local band below is so dope if anyone should make it big I'll put money on these guys

I didn't know Ne Obliviscaris re-recorded his song for the new album

Also the new The Faceless album is :nthat:
Des Moines physician Daniel Baldi was charged Wednesday with eight counts of involuntary manslaughter for allegedly prescribing large amounts of narcotic painkillers to patients who later died of overdoses.

One of the eight patients was identified in court papers as Paul Gray, an internationally known musician who helped found the band Slipknot. Gray was found dead of a drug overdose at an Urbandale hotel in May 2010.|topnews|text|Frontpage&nclick_check=1

Des Moines physician Daniel Baldi was charged Wednesday with eight counts of involuntary manslaughter for allegedly prescribing large amounts of narcotic painkillers to patients who later died of overdoses.

One of the eight patients was identified in court papers as Paul Gray, an internationally known musician who helped found the band Slipknot. Gray was found dead of a drug overdose at an Urbandale hotel in May 2010.|topnews|text|Frontpage&nclick_check=1

especially since I was reading up on Slipknot's history out of coincidence along with the other Mayhem Fest bands. terrible
Also My lil bro's band whos gonna play with Napalm Death and Municipal Waste in november got some news. The date is being moved up to 1 day sooner and changed to a bigger venue, the Oakland Opera House instead of the DNA lounge in SF. My bro's going to play at a venue where I can get backstage passes to!!! it's like he's really making it now. the oakland opera house is like I guess the size of the apollo theater which means probably the biggest crowd he's ever gotten. damn I'm proud of him. also this local band below is so dope if anyone should make it big I'll put money on these guys
post some of your bro's music
^the name of that song is a hero in HoN

but my bro isn't playing with municipal waste and napalm death anymore. Napalm's tour manager decided that they want to choose the local talent to open up for them instead of meeting with local big people who know the scene and book events to give them bands like they did for my bro's. win some lose some i guess
actually also who made the list Team Metalheads on youtube right after we hit 200? gotta save n play it from now on
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