Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Countdown to Fleshgod Apocalypse's Mafia

Seriously, I can't wait


20 more days!
Well my day was brightend by this. I have never seen them and this would be awesome.

Fates Warning

3/29/10 - Parallels Reunion - Show Updates

Confirmed Tour Dates:

* June 4 @ The Webster - Hartford, CT

* June 12th @ Sweden Rock - Solvesborg, Sweden

* July 9th @ Scout Bar - Houston, TX

* July 10th @ Scout Bar - San Antonio, TX

* July 17th @ Bang Your Head - Balingen, Germany
what a wonky sched. they go to hartford, then to sweden, then to back to america for a couple of texas dates, then to back to europe for germany


ISIS Calling It Quits - May 18, 2010

ISIS, the innovative Los Angeles-by-way-of-Boston-based band, has released the following statement:

"ISIS has reached an end. It's hard to try to say it in any delicate way, and it is a truth that is best spoken plainly.

"This end isn't something that occurred overnight and it hasn't been brought about by a single cataclysmic fracture in the band. Simply put, ISIS has done everything we wanted to do, said everything we wanted to say.
Originally Posted by Physicx

what a wonky sched. they go to hartford, then to sweden, then to back to america for a couple of texas dates, then to back to europe for germany


ISIS Calling It Quits - May 18, 2010

ISIS, the innovative Los Angeles-by-way-of-Boston-based band, has released the following statement:

"ISIS has reached an end. It's hard to try to say it in any delicate way, and it is a truth that is best spoken plainly.

"This end isn't something that occurred overnight and it hasn't been brought about by a single cataclysmic fracture in the band. Simply put, ISIS has done everything we wanted to do, said everything we wanted to say.
Are you serious man.  I wanted to see them at least one time.  There was just something about their music that I loved. 
*$*@! Just as I was getting into that band. This is the second time in the last month or so cause I was just getting into Despised Icon when I read they were breaking up.
im doing well brother, how are you? just bumping some razor of occam here at work. the newest album is better than d666's effort last year, and i loved defiance

apparently, limp bizkit has cancelled their north american tour. reason: durst says they are not an amphitheater type band. sorry to break it to you bud, but this isnt the year 2000, you will not sell out an arena. the only reason why i would have went to this is because ice cube is opening for them (what he's doing there i have no idea
Doing well here as well. I'm grateful for my summer break and enjoying the rest as much as I can because the classes get harder.

Disappointed about Limp Bizkit's cancellation.......Not. He knows no one really likes them here so he made up some lame excuse as amphitheaters.

By the way how's the band doing Matt?
By the way anybody hear about SODOM canceling on the Maryland Deathfest. They just pissed off a lot of the U.S fans because of their lack of touring and constant cancellations of tours here in the U.S.
^was wondering where you went. what up man? been introduced to anything new lately?

and bcf, yeah man, i heard about sodom. that sucks hardcore. theyre supposed to be headlining the noctis festival up here too but its in september. i hope they resolve their visas until then. i wonder if maryland will be able to get a replacement in just, what, one week?

makes me glad i didnt actually go
Doin well! Trying to unload my 7 string to try to get an 8. Chris (our other guitar player) has always had this belief that the guitars should always have 2 more strings than the bass, so when Al (bass player) got a 5 string, Chris got a 7. Al then decided to go up to a six, and at the time Meshuggah was the only band on the planet using 8 strings, so they weren't really a possibility. I've been thinking real hard over the last two years about doing the 8 string thing since I played the Ibanez RG2228 at Guitar Center. Had I been approved for a GC credit card that day, I would've walked out of the store with it, and I wouldn't be doing any of this haha. I'm working on an endorsement from a custom builder out of Ohio, but until I can afford that, I'm gonna get a reasonably priced 8 to tide me over.

BCF, the band is doing well. The next show we've got is June 3rd with Pestilence, Vital Remains, Goatwhore and Warbringer. I hope to have the 8 by then. I've got a new Line6 x2 wireless that is the absolute *$@$, and I can't wait to play that big +!* stage at Ridglea with it.
Originally Posted by Physicx

^was wondering where you went. what up man? been introduced to anything new lately?
I still don't have much...

Just downloaded lamb of god, sodom, and bathory discrography's so now i have tons of music to sort through and edit

Give me time, though
Originally Posted by matttherippersanchez

Doin well! Trying to unload my 7 string to try to get an 8. Chris (our other guitar player) has always had this belief that the guitars should always have 2 more strings than the bass, so when Al (bass player) got a 5 string, Chris got a 7. Al then decided to go up to a six, and at the time Meshuggah was the only band on the planet using 8 strings, so they weren't really a possibility. I've been thinking real hard over the last two years about doing the 8 string thing since I played the Ibanez RG2228 at Guitar Center. Had I been approved for a GC credit card that day, I would've walked out of the store with it, and I wouldn't be doing any of this haha. I'm working on an endorsement from a custom builder out of Ohio, but until I can afford that, I'm gonna get a reasonably priced 8 to tide me over.

BCF, the band is doing well. The next show we've got is June 3rd with Pestilence, Vital Remains, Goatwhore and Warbringer. I hope to have the 8 by then. I've got a new Line6 x2 wireless that is the absolute *$@$, and I can't wait to play that big +!* stage at Ridglea with it.
Damn Matt an 8 string
.  Thats beastly right there.  Anyway tear it up man.  Show all the people you can hang with those groups.  Eat your vitamins and drink your milk.  Let us know how it goes and you got to post some pics for us Metalheads.
Yeah, I'm hoping to make the 8 string thing happen before the show with Pestilence, so I can shred those 8 strings for the first time on a big stage

Thanks for the kind words, dudes. I know we can hang with any band, especially in a live setting. We throw out a pretty badass live show, partly cause we practice hard. I've been to practice where the guys kinda lean, or sit, basically giving the impression they don't wanna be there. We thrash around, move around a lot, act like complete *#%%, and it not only boosts our chemistry, but it also gets our muscles, particularly in the back and neck, used to the abuse all the headbanging we do live. Of course with the adrenaline, we thrash harder live, so it doesn't take away all the pain haha. We're supposed to be filming it, so I'm sure I'll have photos and videos for you guys.
In the wake of Dio's passing, we've seen an outpouring of tributes from metal bands far and wide, we've seen an idiot post some terribly unfunny jokesat Dio's expense, but it wouldn't be a party unless the Baptist churchgot involved. The Westboro Baptist Church to be more specific. Theseare the whackjobs behind the site GodHatesFags. They will be staging apicketing outside Dio's memorial on Sunday. Why? Well, cause Dio isevil and stuff. One look at their "press release" shows that thesepeople barely even knew what the guy stood for and are probably justlooking for something to do on a Sunday after hitting up Church. Checkout this drivel:
WBC to picket this public memorial to remind you whoworship that old Serpent, Satan, that your time is very short. You know67 year old, Satan-worshiping (or at least one of their enablers)Ronnie James Dio (of showing his devil horns to the world each time hegoes in public) Black Sabbath fame is dead, right? We'll be there! Justbecause the chances of any of God's elect being amongst this group ofheavy metal sycophants is slim to none does not mean they should notget some good words. Yes, it is true that Ozzy Osbourne did "accidentally" bite off thehead of a bat, but THAT is the least of their sins (little nasties!),they currently do not do that, but they throw raw meat to the audienceand encourage violence of EVERY FORM! (Note from Ed: Umm, what?! When has Black Sabbath EVER done this??)Here you have the list of admitted sins of this now dead and in hell pervert:

1) He hates his neighbor(s) starting with Ozzy Osbourne, and continuing down to his pornography star niece Gen Padova! (Note: First off,  I didn't know he hated Ozzy. Second off, he has a porn star neice?! These guys know more about Dio than I do!)
2) He hates God. Pay especial attention to the fact that he changedhis original sir name from Padova to Dio, which means God in Italian. 3) Ronnie the simpleton enabled, and encouraged Sorceries:everything he was about including the little finger horn thing (he gotthis from his mother which is an incantation to ward off the "evileye") to the drugs, bloody raw meat and his fellowship with thosepentagram necklace wearing freakish band members. (Note:Can these guys please provide me with footage of Dio throwing raw meataround?! Where the *%%+ did they get this info? Also, when I think Dio,the last thing that comes to my mind is druggie)Yes, Ronnie James Padova (NOT DIO) is currently residing in hell.When all those who worship him and his false gods meet him in hell itwill be just like this: Isaiah 2:12 For the day of the LORD of hostsshall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every onethat is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: Isaiah 14:11 Thy pompis brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm isspread under thee, and the worms cover thee. Praise God all ye, Hispeople. The Great Day of the Lord draws nigh. AMEN!
Anyway, these people are clearly @@#+%#@ out of their minds. I trulyhope a bunch of metalheads show up to this and egg these morons ORBETTER YET, bring a bunch of raw meat to throw at them. Maybe even somelatkes and gefilte fish to really piss them off. There is nothing thatgets me angier than a bunch of houlier-than-thou morons disrespectinggood people like Dio. Go *%%+ yourselves Westboro Baptist Church!

I really hate these people and I hope nothing good ever happens to them.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

In the wake of Dio's passing, we've seen an outpouring of tributes from metal bands far and wide, we've seen an idiot post some terribly unfunny jokesat Dio's expense, but it wouldn't be a party unless the Baptist churchgot involved. The Westboro Baptist Church to be more specific. Theseare the whackjobs behind the site GodHatesFags. They will be staging apicketing outside Dio's memorial on Sunday. Why? Well, cause Dio isevil and stuff. One look at their "press release" shows that thesepeople barely even knew what the guy stood for and are probably justlooking for something to do on a Sunday after hitting up Church. Checkout this drivel:
WBC to picket this public memorial to remind you whoworship that old Serpent, Satan, that your time is very short. You know67 year old, Satan-worshiping (or at least one of their enablers)Ronnie James Dio (of showing his devil horns to the world each time hegoes in public) Black Sabbath fame is dead, right? We'll be there! Justbecause the chances of any of God's elect being amongst this group ofheavy metal sycophants is slim to none does not mean they should notget some good words. Yes, it is true that Ozzy Osbourne did "accidentally" bite off thehead of a bat, but THAT is the least of their sins (little nasties!),they currently do not do that, but they throw raw meat to the audienceand encourage violence of EVERY FORM! (Note from Ed: Umm, what?! When has Black Sabbath EVER done this??)Here you have the list of admitted sins of this now dead and in hell pervert:

1) He hates his neighbor(s) starting with Ozzy Osbourne, and continuing down to his pornography star niece Gen Padova! (Note: First off,  I didn't know he hated Ozzy. Second off, he has a porn star neice?! These guys know more about Dio than I do!)
2) He hates God. Pay especial attention to the fact that he changedhis original sir name from Padova to Dio, which means God in Italian. 3) Ronnie the simpleton enabled, and encouraged Sorceries:everything he was about including the little finger horn thing (he gotthis from his mother which is an incantation to ward off the "evileye") to the drugs, bloody raw meat and his fellowship with thosepentagram necklace wearing freakish band members. (Note:Can these guys please provide me with footage of Dio throwing raw meataround?! Where the *%%+ did they get this info? Also, when I think Dio,the last thing that comes to my mind is druggie)Yes, Ronnie James Padova (NOT DIO) is currently residing in hell.When all those who worship him and his false gods meet him in hell itwill be just like this: Isaiah 2:12 For the day of the LORD of hostsshall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every onethat is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: Isaiah 14:11 Thy pompis brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm isspread under thee, and the worms cover thee. Praise God all ye, Hispeople. The Great Day of the Lord draws nigh. AMEN!
Anyway, these people are clearly @@#+%#@ out of their minds. I trulyhope a bunch of metalheads show up to this and egg these morons ORBETTER YET, bring a bunch of raw meat to throw at them. Maybe even somelatkes and gefilte fish to really piss them off. There is nothing thatgets me angier than a bunch of houlier-than-thou morons disrespectinggood people like Dio. Go *%%+ yourselves Westboro Baptist Church!

I really hate these people and I hope nothing good ever happens to them.

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