Tebow, Lin, now Amukamara pro athletes bout that chaste life

Not respect as in admiring him like "He earned my respect by holding out" but as in being considerate of his personal decision and views.
I see, I too am considerate of his personal decision even though I don't find it admirable.
I don't really care if he's a virgin or not. How the hell you're in the NFL and scared to ask a girl for her number? I'm glad he made it to the league, cause he would have been hopeless without that.
Wait....JLin is a virgin!? :wow:

Bay area dude, loves basketball, asian... and no yambs ever.


I now have the final peice of the puzzle, thus I now know why NTers love him so much. :lol:
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I couldn't (not) do it but I've got a lot more respect for Prince for this than the all too common athlete with multiple baby mommas.
No respect here from me, I don't care how religious he is. It's like congratulating a Muslim for not eating pork.

Not having sex is not a meritorious accomplishment.

:lol: If we're supposed to respect and congratulate people for losing weight and being healthy. I dont see a problem with admiring someone who is discipline in other areas.

We like to use getting yambs as an accomplishment like lesser animals dont do it daily. What separates a man from an animal? Discipline.

So a human going against his natural animalistic urges is commendable.

We're not talking about a nerd who cant get girls. We're talking about an athlete who has self control. That is commendable.
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If we're supposed to respect and congratulate people for losing weight and being healthy. I dont see a problem with admiring someone who is discipline in other areas.

We like to use getting yambs as an accomplishment like lesser animals dont do it daily. What separates a man from an animal? Discipline.

So a human going against his natural animalistic urges is commendable.

We're not talking about a nerd who cant get girls. We're talking about an athlete who has self control. That is commendable.
Human beings are animals, and very sexual animals. In fact it's what makes us unique, we are one of very few species who have sex for leisure. Most animals only have sex when the female is in heat, during a reproductive period. Your comment is a display of human arrogance.

But anyhow he waited, it was important to him I still don't see how its an accomplishment. He probably has other means of releasing sexual frustration like masturbation, lifting weights etc.
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We get it you don't think it's an accomplishment

Atheist are so annoying
WTH does this have to do with being an atheist? He is following his religious beliefs, I think he should and I'd fight for his right to. I don't have to "commend" it tho, it isn't an accomplishment.
Holding out as a pro athlete is an accomplishment. Not to mention, all 3 played/or did play in NY.
No one ask you to commend it you were the one that voice it didnt merit respect. Well to some people it does
I will just never understand the logic. Having sex is a human function, like I'm not gonna eat on my lunch break **** out of here.
We get it you don't think it's an accomplishment

Atheist are so annoying
Haha, calm down. I think people are just wondering what exactly is virtuous about being a virgin. It doesn't make a lot of sense to wait till marriage to find out if you and your partner are sexually compatible, so why is that moral to do so? Is there an answer besides "my religion says so"?
We get it you don't think it's an accomplishment

Atheist are so annoying

Haha, calm down. I think people are just wondering what exactly is virtuous about being a virgin. It doesn't make a lot of sense to wait till marriage to find out if you and your partner are sexually compatible, so why is that moral to do so? Is there an answer besides "my religion says so"?

We get it you don't think it's an accomplishment

trolls Atheist are so annoying

That's the same guy who applauds any gay or transgender expression, and claims to be gay himself, yet can't find any type of empathy for one of those "virgins." :lol:
That's the same guy who applauds any gay or transgender expression, and claims to be gay himself, yet can't find any type of empathy for one of those "virgins." :lol:

Why do virgins deserve empathy, if horrible human being start shunning them I will speak up against it. But they don't deserve any accolades for not having sex.
Why do virgins deserve empathy, if horrible human being start shunning them I will speak up against it. But they don't deserve any accolades for not having sex.
People are just giving props to someone for doing something they would have difficulty achieving...

It's like those deep divers that go underwater without oxygen assistance and set world records, they get props for those achievements. 

Dude, just stop being contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian
If I was in his position I'd go into the club, point at 4 of the baddest ******* in dere, and invite them all back to the tele.

So I can't eem hate on this man.
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