Tell Me How EVERY video in Youtube turns into a racist argument.

Apr 6, 2004
Real talk the video could be about power rangers, a dunk, a baby laughing and you scroll to the comments and its people bickering about race. I guess itsobvious but I'm just venting. Closet racists just come out of no where and drop the N bomb or say something that doesn't even pertain to the video.
lol...have you been on the lupe fiasco vids...there is always this dude that hates on this dude whether cause hes muslim/black...they just live to hateman...just put a thumbs down to their responses that is what i do.
That's how it starts, the way you just described it.

It makes the internet more fun.

If you loose sleep cause of this Log off cause the internet is a bad bad place. Think of it as a ghetto
Yeah I agree and for real though, people do that just for the sake of making an argument. They want people to lash out at them and criticize them because theythink its funny and no one will ever find out their real identity.
Originally Posted by Been Here

That's how it starts, the way you just described it.

It makes the internet more fun.

If you loose sleep cause of this Log off cause the internet is a bad bad place. Think of it as a ghetto

I don't lose sleep over it but I'm just saying the video could be a tutorial on microsoft word and dudes are cursing entire races
Oh you don't read Penny Arcade?

I was trying to find the Usher/Jeezy "love in this club" so I could listen to it... I found this: Dude's not even waitingto make racist comments, he's just going hard in the video.
Russ tha G wrote:
I was trying to find the Usher/Jeezy "love in this club" so I could listen to it... I found this: Dude's not even waiting to make racist comments, he's just going hard in the video.

�i like how he put it to a usher song so you can be relaxed as you are being taught your racial "history" smh
white people get brave behind the internet......98% wouldnt say it to somebody in person unless they had them outnumbered or something....
Originally Posted by FlyDaily

white people get brave behind the internet......98% wouldnt say it to somebody in person unless they had them outnumbered or something....

yeah because it's only white people that pull this kind of BS....

you get the
That's so true, I've noticed that and it could be about the most random thing ever. But I guess that's the way people actually think or just doingit for shock value. I object to the ghetto reference loll
I always thought it was kinda funny how people can just go off over nothing. There was a video of my friends chubby little brother doing a backflip and thecomments consisted of "FAT %@%$" and other variations of that sentiment.
Originally Posted by FlyDaily

white people get brave behind the internet......98% wouldnt say it to somebody in person unless they had them outnumbered or something....

Please. It goes for all races. No need to look further than NT for proof.
real talk, ive noticed that alot of undercover racist white kids lurk on youtube to comment.
im not the type to go out and just call someone racist, but the comments ive read are crazy.

and its about all sorts of races... its not just black vs white, youtube needs to have a moderation for comments like that.

but of course its not just white kids, its all races. but i tend to see them the most.
i hate all the comments on youtube. no one knows what the hell they are talking about so i don't read it at all.
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