Terrorist attack in Kenyan Mall (68 dead/175 wounded/30 being held hostage) - still ongoing

The Religion of Peace strikes once again. :rolleyes

And this is EXACTLY why there are tensions. Look at your POV. :smh:

Educate yourself before throwing an entire religion under the bus.

Not throwing a whole religion under the bus, but I wonder why the followers of other religions don't have as much problem being CIVILIZED and not killing INNOCENT people.

Aaron Alexis practiced Buddhism. Crazy is going to be crazy, people corrupting their books of faith in order to somehow justify these things give everyone a bad name. There's like probably less than .05 of a percent of people who happen to practice Islam who do crap like this
Not throwing a whole religion under the bus, but I wonder why the followers of other religions don't have as much problem being CIVILIZED and not killing INNOCENT people.

Not sure if srs.

Regardless, the common denominator when you look at wars that were waged and mass murder are humans, not religion.
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Islam AND Christianity are very violent.
If I wanted to commit heinous crimes I can justify it quite easily using the bible or Koran.
Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda-linked militant group based in Somalia, claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

Fifty-nine dead. At least 175 injured. About 30 hostages still inside, as well as perhaps a dozen gunmen.

It was the deadliest terror attack in the nation since al Qaeda blew up the U.S. Embassy in 1998, killing more than 200 people.

In a message on its Twitter feed, the group said "all Muslims" were escorted from the mall before the attack.   < I dont see how this is possible.. Seems like they just came in throwing tear gas, grenades and firing shots..
Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda-linked militant group based in Somalia, claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

Fifty-nine dead. At least 175 injured. About 30 hostages still inside, as well as perhaps a dozen gunmen.

It was the deadliest terror attack in the nation since al Qaeda blew up the U.S. Embassy in 1998, killing more than 200 people.

In a message on its Twitter feed, the group said "all Muslims" were escorted from the mall before the attack. 
^ I know deranged individuals come from all backgrounds, but those who kill others expressly in the name of religion seem to be mostly from the Islamic faith nowadays. In the past, it was the Christians during the Christian crusades, but it seems that some people still haven't come up to par, from a religious standpoint, as to what is civilized humane behavior. Might take several more centuries til we have no more large scale bloodshed in the name of religion, but that's being hopeful.

You honestly think the Crusades was about religion? Or what Al-Shabab did or what Al-Qaeda does is about religion? It's all a guise for some political or economic agenda they are trying to achieve. There is so much damn politics and history involved that to just say they killed in the name of Jesus or Allah would be naive. At the end of the day, it is about instilling fear in the masses in order to take territory and make money. Plain and simple. And there is no easier way to do it than to kill in the name of religion.
The Religion of Peace strikes once again. :rolleyes

And this is EXACTLY why there are tensions. Look at your POV. :smh:

Educate yourself before throwing an entire religion under the bus.

Not throwing a whole religion under the bus, but I wonder why the followers of other religions don't have as much problem being CIVILIZED and not killing INNOCENT people.

Most terrorist attacks in the united states have been perpetrated by white christian men.
From CNN Breaking News Twitter:

Three of alleged attackers at Nairobi mall are from U.S., according to sources within terror group Al-Shabaab. on.cnn.com/16j8R6k
wow my mom just told me that my cousin was there but she is ok but 2 of her friends died :smh:
mom told me she was hit in the chest and had to surgerically get it removed
:wow: Jeez TSX. Glad to hear your cousin is OK...real sorry to hear about her friends.
You are silly and displaying an extreme level of ignorance, most likely due to an abundance of CNN/ mainstream media.

Religion(all of them) is man made and prone to corruption just like politics and every other human institution.  

The situation in Kenya sounds crazy but I'm not interested in anything CNN has to say because they normally have a "dog in the race" which leads to biased opinions and story telling.

The most interesting thing to me was the association with Al Qaeda.  How the f is a ragtag group of rebels EVERYWHERE the drama pops off since 2001 according to CNN? 
you can call me whatever you'd like.

CNN does not influence my opinion.

I'm an American who has witnessed fellow Americans

jumping from towers to their deaths rather than burn alive

among other atrocities that have been committed by this group.

Al-Qaeda influence is far reaching.

stop making it seem like it is CNN fueled propaganda.

while i admit that CNN does employ that tactic (like every US media outlet)

Al-Qaeda is widely prevalent.

form your own opinion instead of wondering.
I feel the same way as GirthBrooks, but towards every religion. I don't mind people who practice religion, they're just blindly following words of a book written thousands of years ago. That's their choice and I'm fine with it, whether it be a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. I really dislike and do not associate with people who take their religion to an extreme. Because of people like that, religion has earned a bad name in the world.

Let's be real here, after the year 1700, possibly a little earlier religion was no longer necessary. It was nice in the beginning when there weren't laws so religion gave us that sort of rules/law to obey. Today it's unnecessary imo.
you can call me whatever you'd like.

CNN does not influence my opinion.

I'm an American who has witnessed fellow Americans

jumping from towers to their deaths rather than burn alive

among other atrocities that have been committed by this group.

Al-Qaeda influence is far reaching.

stop making it seem like it is CNN fueled propaganda.

while i admit that CNN does employ that tactic (like every US media outlet)

Al-Qaeda is widely prevalent.

form your own opinion instead of wondering.
I have my own opinions which have come from critically thinking. Every US media outlet is probably a bit extreme, but 99% are propaganda.  

As far as Al-Qaeda, what does a "terror" attack accomplish from the terrorist or their organization's perspective? They literally have no benefit because the people committing the act of terror almost always end up dead and the people behind the attacks are hunted down by the War on Terror.  

When people(yes people who practice Islam ARE people) do something which doesn't make sense to me I seek motives for understanding. When I don't see a motive it becomes difficult to understand why somebody would do something.  

Either way, I'm done with this discussion because it's not going to help me progress in life but open your mind and look around a bit.  Everything is not always what it seems.
I'm not concerned with you but confused about your ignorance.  Do you know America's involvement in external affairs does not help the other parties? Word to 114,000 dead civilians in Iraq during our time there. How do you think their families feel about America?
i never said I was a supporter of the Iraq war.

this country is built on corruption.

i'm speaking for myself.

don't be confused about anything I say.

i'm literally conveying an opinion, which I have the right to do.

take it or leave it.

So how is it so that ALL Muslims fall into the same category

And im not Asian im black but i see the ignorance in my culture. You fit right in
G...you wastin your time. Wise man told me not to argue with fools because from a distance it becomes difficult to ascertain who is who.  Just keep it movin lol
Islam AND Christianity are very violent.
If I wanted to commit heinous crimes I can justify it quite easily using the bible or Koran.
Lol, Christianity is not violent. 

Batman Movie Massacre? James Holmes. Not a Christian. “Match.com has confirmed that Holmes had an account on the dating site, in which he posted “agnostic” as his religion.” Just recently, he converted to Islam in prison.

Sandy Hook killer? Adam Lanza – Satan worshipper ? The main stream media never mentions his religion. But the UK Daily Mail says a former classmate, Trevor L. Todd, revealed that “Adam had an online page dedicated to Satan… he had the word ‘Devil’ written in red, Gothic-style letters against a black background.

There are no Christian Terrorist Training Camps. There are Muslim Terrorist Training Camps. There is no one shouting “Glory to Jesus Christ” and chopping people’s heads off on the streets of London and Paris. There are Muslims shouting “Allahu Akbar” while shooting people at Ft. Hood. “Islamic terrorists” who are breeding at an alarming rate, want to take over the world and instigate Shariah Law. “Mass Murderer/terrorists” like Harris, Klebold, and Loughner want to make a statement and kill themselves. That’s the difference. What they have in common is that they all did evil, and that none of them are Jesus-followers or adhere to the Bible, or its gospel message of love, redemption, and salvation. ..God of the Bible died for our salvation, and the Allah of the Q’ran wants you to die for your salvation; and Jesus said in Matthew 5 “Love your enemies,” and Mohammed said in Sura 9:5, “Kill the infidel (non-Muslims);”

90% of world terrorism over the last decade has been committed by muslims. 
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