thanks but delete

<blockquote> I have like actual gangsters and stuff waiting for a call i guess</blockquote>

i dont see how thats funny. people think they have people but dont. i do but not trying to use them by any means.
yet you dont seem to have a reply for the actual story but that was expected by someone. congrats on being that guy.
Man up. Go after her. If dude comes at you sideways pop him with your chancleta!
Honestly, bro if you like her, and she feels the same. Then You should just ignore this dude, and go with what you both want. I'm glad to see that you arehandling the situation in a mature manner and not fighting. He has nothing to do with the both of you right now. He is the ex-boyfriend.

If he does decide to fight you, then you should talk to him. if he still feels the need to fight, then your going to have press charges or get the authoritiesinvolved.

Go for it my dude!!
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Honestly, bro if you like her, and she feels the same. Then You should just ignore this dude, and go with what you both want. I'm glad to see that you are handling the situation in a mature manner and not fighting. He has nothing to do with the both of you right now. He is the ex-boyfriend.

If he does decide to fight you, then you should talk to him. if he still feels the need to fight, then your going to have press charges or get the authorities involved.

Go for it my dude!!



How bout you just stop being so scared and square up with this dude?

He's getting in the way of something you want, handle your business. Be a man.

Dont listen to this dude up here, because your just gonna look like a female.

"Don't worry baby, he won't be bothering you anymore...I pressed charges"

Theres a diff between being mature and not fighting, and just being a straight up %+@%%.
Aint a man alive that's stoppin me from havin the kinda life I wanna have so if shorty and you get along..great! It's all on you, don't back offfrom the situation. Go for yours, otherwise somebody else will and that's definitely how I live my life. Word to the Good Lord in heaven~
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