Thanks for the change, Obama.

I bring up Obama because that's the topic of this thread.

- He funded Mubarak.
- He is now celebrating Mubarak being overthrown.

It's that simple. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I would rather we didn't fund Mubarak in the first place. Would that mean possible war with Israel ? Yeah, so what. I couldn't care less about a terrorist government's well being. Why should Egypt make peace and negotiate with terrorists ? I'm not looking at this from America's selfish self-good angle.. I'm just looking at it from the perspective of a decent human being. I don't see why you dance around it if you claim to not agree.... Obama = hypocrite. Obviously politics is full of hypocrisy. Doesn't mean I'm going to give him a pass.
I bring up Obama because that's the topic of this thread.

- He funded Mubarak.
- He is now celebrating Mubarak being overthrown.

It's that simple. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I would rather we didn't fund Mubarak in the first place. Would that mean possible war with Israel ? Yeah, so what. I couldn't care less about a terrorist government's well being. Why should Egypt make peace and negotiate with terrorists ? I'm not looking at this from America's selfish self-good angle.. I'm just looking at it from the perspective of a decent human being. I don't see why you dance around it if you claim to not agree.... Obama = hypocrite. Obviously politics is full of hypocrisy. Doesn't mean I'm going to give him a pass.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I bring up Obama because that's the topic of this thread.

- He funded Mubarak.
- He is now celebrating Mubarak being overthrown.

It's that simple. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I would rather we didn't fund Mubarak in the first place. Would that mean possible war with Israel ? Yeah, so what. I couldn't care less about a terrorist government's well being. Why should Egypt make peace and negotiate with terrorists ? I'm not looking at this from America's selfish self-good angle.. I'm just looking at it from the perspective of a decent human being. I don't see why you dance around it if you claim to not agree.... Obama = hypocrite. Obviously politics is full of hypocrisy. Doesn't mean I'm going to give him a pass.

I don't agree, but I also understand that America is going to look out for its interests no matter what. War is not going to solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict, ever. It will only cause more innocent people to be killed.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I bring up Obama because that's the topic of this thread.

- He funded Mubarak.
- He is now celebrating Mubarak being overthrown.

It's that simple. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I would rather we didn't fund Mubarak in the first place. Would that mean possible war with Israel ? Yeah, so what. I couldn't care less about a terrorist government's well being. Why should Egypt make peace and negotiate with terrorists ? I'm not looking at this from America's selfish self-good angle.. I'm just looking at it from the perspective of a decent human being. I don't see why you dance around it if you claim to not agree.... Obama = hypocrite. Obviously politics is full of hypocrisy. Doesn't mean I'm going to give him a pass.

I don't agree, but I also understand that America is going to look out for its interests no matter what. War is not going to solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict, ever. It will only cause more innocent people to be killed.
I also agree that war won't solve it, but neither will "peace" bought about by propping up puppet dictators. The whole US policy towards the ME needs to be reworked from the ground up, and IMO Obama has been a complete failure in that regard.
I also agree that war won't solve it, but neither will "peace" bought about by propping up puppet dictators. The whole US policy towards the ME needs to be reworked from the ground up, and IMO Obama has been a complete failure in that regard.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I also agree that war won't solve it, but neither will "peace" bought about by propping up puppet dictators. The whole US policy towards the ME needs to be reworked from the ground up, and IMO Obama has been a complete failure in that regard.

To be perfectly honest, there could have been nothing said about the Egyptian revolution publicly and the go ahead could have been given to fire on the protesters with little regard and that would have been supporting the status quo. What we did was stay out of it, while making sure we voiced our support for the free speech of the Egyptian people the entire time. This isn't a failure at all. This is in fact the tacit support of the reworking of how the governments in the region are headed, and it was done in the most important country it could have occurred in. 
Peace will only be a real possibility when the real issues that are keeping things from progressing are discussed. Until then nothing is going to get done.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I also agree that war won't solve it, but neither will "peace" bought about by propping up puppet dictators. The whole US policy towards the ME needs to be reworked from the ground up, and IMO Obama has been a complete failure in that regard.

To be perfectly honest, there could have been nothing said about the Egyptian revolution publicly and the go ahead could have been given to fire on the protesters with little regard and that would have been supporting the status quo. What we did was stay out of it, while making sure we voiced our support for the free speech of the Egyptian people the entire time. This isn't a failure at all. This is in fact the tacit support of the reworking of how the governments in the region are headed, and it was done in the most important country it could have occurred in. 
Peace will only be a real possibility when the real issues that are keeping things from progressing are discussed. Until then nothing is going to get done.
It's most definitely a failure because this isn't a revolution in the first place as I previously touched on. 
I'm getting bored of the back/forth esp. with only 1 person so I'll be back in this thread later.
It's most definitely a failure because this isn't a revolution in the first place as I previously touched on. 
I'm getting bored of the back/forth esp. with only 1 person so I'll be back in this thread later.
Definitely arguable since more than likely the people who were had power and wealth in Egypt before are going to keep it.
Definitely arguable since more than likely the people who were had power and wealth in Egypt before are going to keep it.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

America needs a Jewish president
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Define "Jewish" and we'll go from there.[/color]

A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

America needs a Jewish president
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Define "Jewish" and we'll go from there.[/color]

A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism.
I refuse to argue with people who know nothing about the world as a whole. Pigeon holed into thinking Obama is really a game changer.... Nothing changes unless "they" say so or we take it back...

This generation doesn't have the testicular fortitude to sacrifice for real change... "Too many size 30 skinny jeans"
I refuse to argue with people who know nothing about the world as a whole. Pigeon holed into thinking Obama is really a game changer.... Nothing changes unless "they" say so or we take it back...

This generation doesn't have the testicular fortitude to sacrifice for real change... "Too many size 30 skinny jeans"
Using data from the National Priorities Project, ThinkProgress calculated ten investments America could’ve afforded if it didn’t spend $113 billion — the allotment made in Fiscal Year 2011 — on the war in Afghanistan. Each one of these policy options represents an equivalent $113 billion cost:

– Provide 57.5 Million Children With Low-Income Health Care For 2011

– Provide 23 Million People With Low-Income Health Coverage In 2011

– Give 20.2 Million $5,500 Pell Grants To Students In 2011

– Provide 14.35 million Military Veterans With VA Medical Care In 2011

– Give 14.7 million Children Head Start Funding In 2011

– Give 14.26 Million Scholarships To University Students In 2011

– Employ 1.93 million Firefighters In 2011

– Hire 1.75 Million Elementary School Teachers In 2011

- Hire 1.65 Million Police Officers In 2011

– Equip 67.8 Million Households With The Ability To Use Wind Power In 2011

– Equip 25.39 Million Households With The Ability To Use Solar Photovoltaic Energy In 2011

Of course, none of this accounts for the human cost of losing our sons and daughters in war. 177 American soldiers have died in combat in 2011, and countless Afghans lost their lives as well.
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