Thanks giving story vol.homeboy throws up on jordans


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Nov 5, 2012
Alright its a question that comes with a story

Nah sayin its thanksgiving at my uncles house and my moms couldnt go cuz she had to work (cool wit me) go over there and found out my cousins coming back from the navy so me and the rest of my cousins go to pick him up

so we get him and get  back to my uncles crib

when everybody is getting out of the car , my cousin that drove called me back to the car to smoke im like cool so i get back in and he picks up the phone to call his grl outside ande before he hangs up he says to bring out my uncles friend (my old boss that is the manager for steak an shake) 
 so im like ima play it cool cuz i didnt want him talkn **** or go back to my fams telln them that i smoke

so after we where done i stand outside to cool out not tryin to tweak infront of the lil kids and the rest of my family so i decide to go home early i had my uncle drop me off around 10 as my moms was leaving for work

me thinking the night was over i chill out in my room playing Black ops 2

when my the homies tell me there outside so rush to put my **** back on and go outside when i get to the car they just told me to get in we fina turn up so im like all **** im like im already high as **** and they like "oh **** well in that case" and pass me one of these

and im like ........................... **** yo so we get back to my homies house and his sister and her freinds were there and they never saw me so they where talkn ****  at first then we was cool so we went to a room in the back and as soon as we sit down they bust in the room askn what we were doin one of the saw the bottle and they got ideas of a drinking game

so they game was who ever finish the shot last had to drink three more

(me , i dont **** wit liquor i think its just down right turrble im a smoker) but i grew sum balls couldnt look like no ***** cuz they woulda got to heatn my *** and they already thought i didnt drink so they fill our cups up and counted to three and i one gulpd that **** to make sure i was good

i look to the left and my homeboy clyde (last year clyde past out 12+ times  within 30 mins on new years including between his mothers lap while he was attempting to freestyle) anyway he finish last and they made hime take the three shots so after they laughd at him and left there was some more in the bottle

so we was like **** it lets do it so we can chill 

homeboy filld all our cups up to the brim

 we all counted to three and began drinking i was half way down the cup when i threw up in the vodka because of the smell of the vodka 

luckly  no one heard me yackin be cause of the music that was playing but i thought i was caught when the homeboy went around collecting cups so i put my hand out like im chill 

and sat there wit the **** look till everybody got up and went to the living room

 then i went to the bathroom and flushd it down the toilet and washed my mouth out

i met everybody back up in the living room when my homeboy (clyde) said he needs a black  to smoke so we were like how u gona get it your **** faced and he said "**** all yall im walkn " (cops be on it where i stay ,STL) so i was like man lemme go wit so he wont go to jail or pass out in the street 

bad day to have on jordans i had my kilroy 9s on he had on his olympic 6s

so im tryna to be cautious and not stummble in the grass 

on the other hand my boy had the **** it thing goin so he was all over the dam place so we get there and get back to the condo complex  he lights up the black 

cheifn  it like no tomorow then tells me "to hit it  , it ll make ya feeel good " in a 70s black mans voice im like im good brah i dont **** with that so we stumble back to my homeboys crib and go inside

i look at my phone its like 2 am and i had a dentist appointment to go to 

Hang over + tooth getting pulld =dont work too well so my homeboy gets the keys to the benz to drop me off at my house so we get in the car and we start driving we didnt even make it out the parking lot and i get a whiff of vomit 

i smell my self to see if it was me , it wasnt so i look left

(im in the back seat on the right side) and i look at the left window and it look like sombody got there brains blownout   my homeboy threw up in the car holding sum of it in his hand
 and it got on the whole door 

(remember we in a benz ,my homeboys moms that is) so my homeboy doesnt notice untill i start heaving while tryn to tell him to let the windows down thinking i was gona yack to i was struggling to open the door or window . he had the window lock on  turns out it was clyde again (new years clyde woke up in his bed to feel and smell the fresh scent  of vomit all over him self and his blackberry drownd in it also) 

so of course my homeboy that was drivin startd goin off on him slurring his words while pushing 80 on the highway to drop me off (for sum reason he didnt stop also i have a video if you yall wana see it) so we get to my house and my aunt is home so i tell the to shut the **** up and so i can get sum towels to clean my homeboy can clean it up so i get back to the car  and they get out of the car 

homeboy get out of the car had yack all over his jeans and his js

so i hand him some towels and we made him clean that **** up also it got cold and these dudes didnt have no jacket or hoody cuz they thought it was "hot "

so we were out there till like 4 helping to clean the car so homeboy didnt get  caught 

my boy clyde tryna  go ape **** on wiping the door he knocks off sum vomit from the door and they land right on my jordans (first pair of jordans, eh i was broke when i was younger)

note : im not suppose to be outside

my auntie can easily look out to window and see 5 drunk ****** stumbln around a benz cleaning a door

people have 911 on speed dial for noise complaints

anyway i look  down and i see vomit introducing itself  to my right shoe and i went 0 to #3hunna and went super sayin 4 fusion hyper mode and went chargin towards him friends holdn me back and im like "maaaaannn chill im fina beat yo *** bruh " then i remembered where i was and chilld out so the finally got down and shook i went in the house and passed out on my floor

a week later was at the homeboys house and i askd my homeboy did he get the vomit off  them shoes he had and he was like "nah i dont eem  give a **** i dont even wear them like" that so im like **** ill buy em  and said he will let em go for 140 so im like cool i went to look at em they would be ight if i did a wipe me down 

should i get em or what?
See that lil story you just wrote

well those are the j's that made it happen

appreciate you didnt die in that car.... and clean them up fool, its just shoes
I got to the part where you flushed the vomit down the toilet and I just couldn't bring myself to continue reading.

Cliffs pls
vomit stains on the shoe made me cringe.

and you need mess with the occasional comma. I read this **** in a fast latin american voice for some raisan.
WAIT my bad i did take helas for me to get to the point  my story telln is not always like this my fault
No prob LOL we all on here late as hell anyway. Once I started reading I was like "so are the shoes about to get yakked on"
:lol: yea cop them, take the laces out and wash em with some clothes soap... And get a baby wipe or a wet towel and rub them things down easy
I read all that to come to "should I buy these or not?" :lol: that **** was completely worth it.

>anyway i look down and i see vomit introducing itself to my right shoe and i went 0 to #3hunna

:lol: :lol:
it's the kilroy' act like you got vomit on some......not kilroys :rofl:
anyway nah man don't get em. spend your 140 on something that wasn't vomited on
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