That boy Chris Brown Put Hands on Rihanna!!!

i hate to laugh at that...
but that's hilarious LongBeach

Although the court slapped Chris Brown with among the least restrictive of protective orders, Rihanna does have the means to gather evidence against him if hecauses trouble. She may tape record conversations with the R&B singer. Brown, 19, who was charged Thursday with two felonies in the alleged beating ofgirlfriend Rihanna, 21, is barred from exhibiting a host of bad behaviors toward Rihanna, with whom he has reconciled. According to the protective order,signed by the Superior Court commissioner on Thursday and served on Brown in court, he may not "harass, strike, threaten, assault (sexually or otherwise),follow, stalk, molest, destroy or damage personal or real property" of Rihanna's. He also may not "disturb the peace, keep under surveillance orblock movements" of her, and must get rid of any guns he may have by surrendering them to police or selling them to a licensed dealer within 24 hours. Andhe cannot "dissuade or prevent" anybody from attending a hearing or making a report to police. Under the order, however, he is allowed to contactRihanna in person or by telephone, and there are no limitations to how physically close he may be to her. The only restriction checked on the form is the boxreading: "The protected persons may record any prohibited communications made by the restrained person." The order expires in March 2012.
that boy Chris gone have to grow his hair and get some braids and a few tatts on is face to MAYBE save his career...wth is he gone do after this? I mean youcan't just drop another single or do a show like nothing ever happened
Originally Posted by crobers 78

that boy Chris gone have to grow his hair and get some braids and a few tatts on is face to MAYBE save his career...wth is he gone do after this? I mean you can't just drop another single or do a show like nothing ever happened

you do know this is the American public we are talking about here? Wait the summer is over/school starts back up,somebody on NT will have some leaks of hisnew music ,plus Ri Ri is basically saving him. Combine that with going on Oprah looking sorry in the face for 45 minutes , maybe Dr.Phil and do the morning tvcirciut, some chill out time, PSAs, paparazzi following him shopping around LA, hes good to go
Did Chris Brown put hands on the NT/Yuku servers tonight too?

When that duet drops I'm really about to puke. Why do people even put effort into reviving his career. There are people with more talent that haven'tbeen charged with violent felonies out there.
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