THAT GUY.......

That guy that takes forever to get ready but always comes out wearing just sneakers and t shirts
That guy that is somehow (not really) knowledgable on every subject and has to add some generic *** opinion on every topic
That guy that's always telling you about his new workout
That guy that always talks about all this shhh he's gonna do but never follows through
That guy that always needs some type a favor
That guy that's always asking for something
That guy that's always telling you to go talk to some girl but won't go talk to her hisself
That guy that always needs a wingman
That guy that's asks you **** he could easily google
That guy that finds Jesus changes all his bad habits then goes exactly the way he used to be
That guy that that talks about every broad he ever encounters
That guy that always days he's gonna be somewhere but never shows up
That guy that is always doubting hisself
That guy that lies about little stuff for no reason
That guy that sits there silent until someone walks out the room then immediately talks **** about them
That guy that's always trying to tell people how to live their life
That guy that talks about work all the damn time
That guy that's cynical about everything
That guy that talks about drugs all the time
That guy that never gets any girls
That guy that always embarrasses hisself in front of girls
That guy that can't dress
That guy with the stupid tattoos
That vegetarian guy
That guy with the annoying girlfriend

Lol vegetarian guy
Two guys that annoy me

1. That guy that was an All American in HS (any sport) but has no evidence to support that claim and a little research will show you he never played sports in the first place.

Seems to be a lot of these guys at low level jucos.
the guy in that outfit is usually a volunteer firefighter

lmao, I'm crying...

this was every one of them in my 2nd high school.
dudes wouldn't turn the walkie talkies off in class.

That guy that knows people owe him money and won't do a thing about it.

that guy posting facebook photos of his vacay and expensive dinners with his girl while he owes you BIG $$$!
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That guy that show up to your house.. Ringing your doorbell quickly.. Annoying the hell out of you.. You open the door and cuss out that big dummy!!
That guy who agrees to making plans, then hits you up at the last minute via text to say "changed my mind at the last minute"
That guy who agrees to making plans, then hits you up at the last minute via text to say "changed my mind at the last minute"
The guy who says "yeah grab me a ticket i will give you money and go with you"  Then 2 days before the concert "hey i can't get off work"....we ordered the tickets 2 months ago you serious?!?  And then doesnt pay you
That guy who agrees to making plans, then hits you up at the last minute via text to say "changed my mind at the last minute"

stopped messing with a few people because of this... "like wtf fam im dressed & in the whip already, i spoke with you an hr ago duke"
stopped messing with a few people because of this... "like wtf fam im dressed & in the whip already, i spoke with you an hr ago duke"

What made it worse is that we talked about that on Friday, and he does it again by Saturday after talking about how he was down to go party.

Inconsistent people, smh :lol:
That guy, who drives a Prius but throws his cigarettes butts and trash out the window of the car.
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