The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Come on g, You know how it goes around here :lol: when we beat the spurs or mavs by 20,or the blazers its all quiet. But a tight game against a non playoff team, or something like tonight, it's comments like those. Agreed with what you said though.

With all that being said the clips need to make some upgrades to go deep in the playoffs...

Wrong matchup and it's over
Exact same record, is the point they havent take a step forward and still have the same glaring weaknesses in their roster

I feel like their title window is gonna be out and in a packed west, theres no hope for them

Exactly. Like being at the same level they were last season is a good thing
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With all that being said the clips need to make some upgrades to go deep in the playoffs...

Wrong matchup and it's over

Every team is flawed, and every team, with the wrong match up could be in trouble. That's literally a moot point.

Of course if we hit a bad match up then it'll get difficult, it's 1 through 8 in the west, every matchup is going to be difficult. If we're a championship contending team (Which I think we are) then we're going to have to face a SAS, Memphis, or GSW, eventually. So, **** it, when it happens it happens and we'll see what happens.
Exact same record, is the point they havent take a step forward and still have the same glaring weaknesses in their roster

I feel like their title window is gonna be out and in a packed west, theres no hope for them

There aren't that many steps to take. Cmon man. Everybody outside of Spurs/OKC in the west in largely unproven.

Clips will most likely finish with 55-60 wins and a top 4 seed. To say there's no hope for them to me is crazy.
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Exactly. Like being at the same level they were last season is a good thing

It isn't? They literally were this close to the wcf last season :lol: if they are the exact same as they were last season, I like my chances, especially if the matchups are in our favor.
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Come on g, You know how it goes around here :lol: when we beat the spurs or mavs by 20,or the blazers its all quiet. But a tight game against a non playoff team, or something like tonight, it's comments like those. Agreed with what you said though.

Man you hit it right on the head. Don't even know why I keep getting pulled in lol.

Nobody said s*** when the Clips beat Portland, Gsw, Dallas and the Spurs by 20 on natl TV.

But get blown out on the road by HGH Bron Bron and they come out the woodworks [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I know Clips were down 3o going into the 4th.

But giving up?

Nah man. Doc must have been tired of watching them play. 

Never that though. 
people slander the clippers and christina everyday on NT

win or lose, the slander bus keeps on rolling 
It isn't? They literally were this close to the wcf last season :lol: if they are the exact same as they were last season, I like my chances, especially if the matchups are in our favor.

Goes both ways, could've easily been out in the first round. And despite the record you know this team isn't as good as last year's team bro
I know Clips were down 3o going into the 4th.
But giving up?
Nah man. Doc must have been tired of watching them play. 
Never that though. 

Nah, it's a back to back against Toronto tomorrow night. He had to pull the guys, the game was out of reach.
Goes both ways, could've easily been out in the first round. And despite the record you know this team isn't as good as last year's team bro

That's the thing, by what metric are they not as good as they were last year? They were ho hum defensively last year but by the end of the season they were a fringe top 10 defensive team. They are literally following the same pattern this season. Their high points this year are better than they were last year. I don't know how you could even say they were better last year. Based on what?
i cant even think of a bandwagon clippers fan

the team is finally half decent and the entire country starts hating them 
I like the Clipper core but I cannot ride with that bench, DJ's FT shooting and Barnes being the only respectable wing defender. Cannot go deep in the playoffs like that. I think that's the sort of stuff you can get away with in the RS but gets exposed in a series. They BADLY need to pick someone up at the trade deadline. One of the guys in China or fleece someone in a trade. Anything.
I like the Clipper core but I cannot ride with that bench, DJ's FT shooting and Barnes being the only respectable wing defender. Cannot go deep in the playoffs like that. I think that's the sort of stuff you can get away with in the RS but gets exposed in a series. They BADLY need to pick someone up at the trade deadline. One of the guys in China or fleece someone in a trade. Anything.
i cant even think of a bandwagon clippers fan

the team is finally half decent and the entire country starts hating them :lol:

I am.

The whole country hating them actually turned me into a fan. Like there are bandwagon haters [emoji]128514[/emoji].

Really started liking the clips when people thought foolishly that "all blake did was dunk"...and now, the irrational all around hate just makes me more of a fan.

The hate is stupid and comical lol.
Clippers cut from the same cloth as the Lebron Miami teams.

Not surprised no one likes them.
this is an insult to lebrons miami teams


austin rivers

matt barnes

big baby

dante jones

are all more annoying than anyone on those heat teams

some how they managed to top ryan hollins 

thank god we only have to watch this group of bums for two rounds max 
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