The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Completely random but I just realized that that Norris Cole play against Minny happened in the 4th quarter with less than a minute left :rofl: :rofl:
what did WeaselP3 say?

So how big is that Chris Paul fine going to be? Questioning officials is dangerous grounds on its own, & this has the gender component.
— Sam Amick (@sam_amick)

February 6, 2015

@KevinDing: Chris Paul critical of ref Lauren Holtkamp's "terrible" tech on him (and Jordan). Said if she calls that way, "this might not be for her."
When I saw she was reffing the game I thought for sure she would be intimidated by the guys

she proved me wrong :smokin
Opinions on David Blatt?

He's a playoff series loss away from people saying he needs to be fired.

I think he's a solid coach, but I would like to see the Cavs get better on defense. If their defense remains subpar, you can probably kiss their title shot this season goodbye. Its very difficult to win a title with a average to below average defense in today's league.
Chris Paul of all people complaining about recieving a tech is hilarious 

Chris Paul 
Chris Paul gonna catch so much heat for that comment. Feminist gonna go HAM on him. Bet he apologizes by the end of the night...
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