The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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antidope got his wish 
What wish?

@Nawzlew  Avy 
I was doing some research on how Steph improved his handle, and whether he thought his handle had gotten better,(which he admitted has gotten heaps better and he's worked at it) and it led me to his workout video. **** was like the Insanity workout x10 and the whole thing was done with a flat ball being dribbled, in one of his hands.
need to see that video and copy it. got a link?
it's ok to dislike players/teams and make fun of them

this is one of the things we do in this thread. go someplace else if you don't like it
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NBA commissioner Adam Silver said he's open to revamping the current playoff structure by eliminating conference seeding and instead going with the league's 16 best teams.

"Ultimately we want to see your best teams in the playoffs," Silver said while appearing on Comcast SportsNet Bay Area during Wednesday's Mavericks-Warriors game. "And there is an imbalance and a certain unfairness."

The Western Conference has had a decided edge over the Eastern Conference for quite some time, especially this season with it having 10 of the league's best 16 records.

Silver said he'd be willing to talk to the league's competition committee about a plan in which the six division winners would receive automatic berths and the remaining 10 playoff positions would be determined by overall record, regardless of conference affiliation.

"I think that's the kind of proposal we need to look at. There are travel issues, of course, but in this day and age every team, of course, has their own plane, travels charter," Silver said. "... It's something I'm going to look at closely with the competition committee. A lot of owners have strong feelings on it, but I think it is an area where we need to make a change."

Silver said he'd need input from the league's owners before proceeding with any such changes.

Under the proposal, teams such as Charlotte (21-27) and Miami (21-28), which currently rank in the playoff-eligible top eight in the Eastern Conference, would be supplanted by New Orleans (26-23) and Oklahoma City (25-24) in the West in a changed qualifying structure.

"I don't think the discussion should end there," Silver said of potential changes. "And as I've said, my first year I was studying a lot of these issues, and Year 2 is time to take action."

 bruh this needs to happen. not sure how the playoffs ranking would work on who plays who but the West has been dominating
it's ok to dislike players/teams and make fun of them

this is one of the things we do in this thread. go someplace else if you don't like it

I hear you and generally agree, but the CP3 bashing happens so frequently in here and takes up so many pages that I think maybe it should have its own thread. If there's a stand-alone Kobe is overrated thread, maybe there should be a CP is overrated thread now too.
and if anyone cares Amare considering a buyout after All Star Weekend, not sure what team will take him, but i'm sure someone will
bruh. ESPN should be able to flex games, I want to see that warrior-hawks matchup tonight. I need dat league pazzz
It still kind of amazes me that the league/Knicks/Nuggets just handed the Cavs over the exact three pieces they needed :lol:

Had they not have made those two moves that Cavs team would still be struggling hard. The Knicks and Nuggets made them into the team that they thought they'd be. They're clicking on all cylinders right now, and I don't think anyone in the East is going to be able to stop them. Against the Hawks you can easily put Bron on Milsap, Mozgov on Horford, Love on Carroll, Shumpert on Korver and Kyrie on Teague. No team is going to be a match for them come playoff time. They're gonna head into the All-Star break on a 16 game winning streak.

Was thinking about this when I was walking my dog at halftime last night. It's almost like when the Lakers got Pau, but not quite. I mean, I can't even remember what the Knicks got for JR and Shump. I just know OKC somehow wound up with Waiters, who the Cavs really wanted to dump anyway.

And it was a couple of picks for Mosgov and some Cavs fans were actually complaining.

Credit to them for making the moves, but it is crazy they got helped out the way they did.
As good as the Cavs look and will probably continue to look they're 10 1/2 games behind Hawks for #1 seed with 32 games left. Not catching ATL.

They don't need to catch ATL. If they play in the ECF the cavs will win. Lebron isn't letting the hawks beat him in any play off series.
They don't need to catch ATL. If they play in the ECF the cavs will win. Lebron isn't letting the hawks beat him in any play off series.
Well they're gonna have to do without Home Court. See ya in the ECF. Just curious are you a lebron fan or a Cavs fan? Or an ex Heat fan? :lol:
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Chris was behind Michelle Roberts getting that job so him getting called a sexist is a huge reach 
If this was a dude and Chris Paul said "him" this would be a non-story. So how can folk be mad that he called her what she is. It's not like he said, "she was being all sensitive like it was that time of the month."

He did have a point though...that tech on him on the out of bounds was ridiculous. He didn't call her out her name, cuss or anything. The others were borderline. I wouldn't have called them but the Clippers are known whiners so you don't get the benefit of the doubt.
Skip trying to bring dude character down 

CP3 next on the ***** lottery......tired of these folks 
Well they're gonna have to do without Home Court. See ya in the ECF. Just curious are you a lebron fan or a Cavs fan? Or an ex Heat fan? :lol:

lol the cavs don't need home court to win.
And I was a Lebron/ Cavs fan back then, when he went to miami i was a Lebron/ heat fan, and now since he is back in Cle, Im a Lebron/ Cavs fan again. Brons my fav player. I go where he goes.

So again, Cavs will Beat the Hawks if they meet in the playoffs, mark my words!
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