The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I wonder how many players have said publicly that refereeing wasn't for Crawford. Can you name anyone?

The NBA did back in 2007 when they suspended him indefinitely for challenging TD to a fiight

If you remember anything about that episode Crawford was this close to being fired.

Originally Posted by Bennyhinn View Post

Huh? He never even mentioned Doc. That was the USA Today reporter. You read those tweets wrong b...

It's Doc's team...
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True, but you can't say that he might not have said the same thing about a male referee under the same circumstances. Seems to me a little unfair to try and get in his head and conclude he only said that because it was a woman referee. If we assume that it was sexist just because it wasn a woman involved, isn't that stereotyping in it's own right?
You realize your defense is the equivalent to "no you're racist for thinking I'm racist" right? You don't need to use a slur or be 100% obvious about it.

Let's be real - CP wouldn't say this about any other ref and plenty of refs have a quick trigger on Techs.
yep things like racism, sexism, etc aren't black & white issues. there's a lot of grey area in there. a lot of subtle ways of taking a **** on someone because you don't like their background, culture or gender
I wonder how many players have said publicly that refereeing wasn't for Crawford. Can you name anyone?

The NBA did back in 2007 when they suspended him indefinitely for challenging TD to a fiight

If you remember anything about that episode Crawford was this close to being fired.

Originally Posted by Bennyhinn View Post

Huh? He never even mentioned Doc. That was the USA Today reporter. You read those tweets wrong b...

It's Doc's team...

Lol. Not really answering my question but ok.



So you're saying Joey was so horrible he was almost out of the league and you guys can't come up with one player who questioned outright his right to be in the league?


But a rookie makes a bad call that ticks off Paul, suddenly she can't be in this league no more lol, according to Paul
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Officials get criticized every night, rookie or veteran. I'm just saying, I don't recall an athlete outright questioning if "this might not be for him or her". Regardless of the gender. If there have been cases like I said, I'd look at it entirely differently
Does Tim Duncan and Tony Parker holding guns on a dude dressed up as Joey Crawford count?
I feel like the Spurs players are probably tight with Crawford off the court
Lebron tried guarding milsap last year or some time before and was getting put in a blender. Stop trynna make it like u can slap him guys and that's that their done. Melo made the blueprint on how to kill lebron in the post. Horford can stretch mozgov away from the basket, demarre has been a knockdown shooter and shump better eat his Wheaties chasing kk around. Kyrie + love can't play d for **** so it wouldn't be a walk in the park for either team.

Melo made the blue print on how to kill lebron?

What happen when Lebron got melo CLEAN OUT OF THERE in the 2012 playoffs?
lauren holtkamp is the least of your worries. your starting wing players are reddick and barnes, doc not only traded for his son, but will probably give him minutes :lol:
@Rusty_SFChron Warriors head coach Steve Kerr opened his shootaround news conference with: "Welcome to the NBA Finals."
Kerr has that Pop humor.
I love it.

Get off your Knees you're blowing the game though. Wonder where that post is originally from
Melo made the blue print on how to kill lebron?

What happen when Lebron got melo CLEAN OUT OF THERE in the 2012 playoffs?
Calm down Stanley I'm talking about lebron guarding melo. Nothing about team wins or accomplishments. Simply melo spinning off that man and killing him in the triple threat.
Just thankful the media isn't dumb enough to parallel pronoun usage to race like some fools 

And the media is known to reach but even they're not that stupid 
i'm not sure that using anything that stephen a smith has to say on this chris paul ref issue bolsters anyone's argument. he kinda lost credibility speaking on gender issues
Lol. Not really answering my question but ok.



So you're saying Joey was so horrible he was almost out of the league and you guys can't come up with one player who questioned outright his right to be in the league?


But a rookie makes a bad call that ticks off Paul, suddenly she can't be in this league no more lol, according to Paul

The NBA outright questioned if he should be in the league. I don't know how more damning you get than that. Did you want them to come out and say, "We question if Joey Crawford should be in the league?" for you to see my point.

When you suspend somebody indefinitely typically you are trying to determine if that person needs to work there or not. If I remember correctly even Crawford thought he was getting fired.

So yes, Crawford's right to be in the league has been questioned and that questioning almost led to his firing.
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you're comparing the career of a lifelong ref who's had many many questionable moments to the career of a ref who hasn't even completed her first season

one is being questioned by the league the other by a player
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Players and management are different things.

Why you're not seeing my point right away, idk lol

Still haven't answered my question but ok.
Just waiting for that one NBA player to do the jack off hand motion behind her back after she makes a questionable call.
Juiced for tonights matchup between the dubs and hawks. I dont want no blow out im tryna get a heart attack from the suspense
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