The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Russell Up(Thunder down as a result)
Westbrook played a fantastic game but when the game is in the trenches, just like last night he looses all composure and reverts to just bad shots and flat out bad decision making.
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Are yall serious?

You do know without him they aren't even in this game at all?

Games aren't won and loss on 1 ft, reactionists.
I didnt know why you guys said it, but I guess I never watched enough OKC games...

SCOTT BROOKS is a muther******* dumb *** piece of **** excuse for a coach.
No plays called? You just have Russ n shoot 100% of the time?
McGary was demolishing Portland, so you make him ride the bench in crunch time???
No matter what gold Presti scrapes together, he will continue to habitually **** it up.
Someone end this fool.

End rant
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If CP missed that free throw this thread would be full of jokes right now

Thread would've went full napalm status with CP3, Harden, or Lebron missed those, and possibly KD. Funny thing is I don't even mind that not happening :lol: I was pulling for Russ
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