The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Kevin Love literally can't play any defense. I guess Minnasota disguised it all these years with the bigs they have. Was his defense a topic at UCLA?

You must've been under a rock my man lol. K. Loves lack of D has been an open secret his whole career. He's so gifted offensively that it was easy to overlook. His D wasn't disguised at all in Minny.

With that being said, he's still one of the best PF's in the game...and a huge contributor. Bosh went thru what he went thru. A down year for K. Love is 18 & 10 on a playoff team. Let that sink know for a minute.
Disgusing what? Everyone knew love couldn't and can't play defense :lol:

I knew he was bad but, this is putrid. Cleveland already has elite offensive talent, and Tristan Thompson was already good defensively, and solid rebounder. Love does not even belong on the court.
@netw3rk: those barber stripes on the side of LeBron's head make me so sad. Like limp tinsel on a dried-out christmas tree.

@netw3rk: those barber stripes on the side of LeBron's head make me so sad. Like limp tinsel on a dried-out christmas tree.

was thinkin the same thing

son ain't got no right putting three cuts on the side of his head with all that mess up top
Love isn't horrible the way he's used is.

Are you sure? Sure he isn't one of those great stats on bad teams guys? And just an ok player on a good team?
yeah what do you expect out of a guy that's been a post player his whole career that's now being asked to camp out at the three point line all day long because he has a decent jump shot. So many different things you can do with love. Put him at the foul line run some hi Lo. Get him going on the block. He's a good passer that can hit cutters. So many different things they can do with him but all they have him do is stand around and chuck. I've been watch love since ucla, he's a top 5 talent at his positition when used correctly.
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