The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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:lol: at being used correctly.

You're supposed to be the best 4 in the league and a bonafide star. FInd other the ways to make an impact on the court if your shot isn't falling. He's horrible around the basket on both ends. That's why he got benched for ******* James Jones. He can't finish unless there's noone within 20ft of him under the rim. :x
That laugh
"He's laughing in French at you."  Great quote made even better by the laugh
cavs gonna lose in the finals and go get mark jackson. Id watch that.

they can still easily win the chip if they get the right draw
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There's no way Love stays with the Cavs. I bet the Cavs want him gone too.

Bosh turning into a spot up shooter was fine because he was still an elite PNR defender and a HUGE part of their identity. They needed his defense.

Love is none of that. If he's not a huge part of the offense, he's pretty useless. Definitely not worth the max. not anywhere near that.
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