The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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the Canadian Prime Minister doesn't even care who Anthony Bennett is 
This fool Kevin Martin got 18 points in the 1st with 4 3 pointers and no assists.

Classic K-Mart line. :lol:
What happened to u after u were talking all that noise to me before the Cavs - Hawks game couple weeks ago? U went ghost afterwards :lol: still waiting on your response in the 2014 2015 Atlanta Hawks thread.

What noise? I never trash talked the Hawks. I just find you extremely annoying like everyone else in here.
Spurs looking wild suspect.
Let Shved and Amundson give them the work, now they Zaza and Ilaysova out playing them.
Must be really annoying to have svg as a coach. Alays on the sidelines looking frumpy and disgusted after every little mistake
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