The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Yo I had no idea the Wizards played tonight. This is how much I've emotionally checked out. Smh
I don't block people I disagree with. I block people who add nothing. You're not one of those people.

Nothing soft about it. It's like seeing someone on your FB or Twitter timeline being extra lame consistently. No ones hurt or upset. I'm not trying to waste time even reading that garbage b

exactly. dudes talk so silly its ridiculous. so i block them fools, i dont wanna see the nonsense.
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wiz getting beat by charlotte 
yall sliding, whats going on? :nerd:

You tell me. I'm convinced it's something personal in the locker room or they want Randy fired. They play with no heart as a team. It's more than just a tougher 2nd half schedule.
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