The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Kemba looking sour he didn't get the last shot while the whole team is celebrating.
serge entered the lane early :nerd:

memphis fouls on three pt shot attempt by lamb, lamb hits first and misses the next two, long rebound, reggie bank shot from 15 :nerd:
serge had a solid look too.

conley may not be in ppl's top 5 pgs list, but he holds his own every single night
I just can't see OKC making the playoffs this season. They'll be in too big of a hole by the time Durant and Westbrook return in December.
I'm just glad Ibaka didn't melt to the floor after the miss. Every time I see dude miss a game tying/winning shot, he slumps to his death.
Not bad for a D League team playing NBA starters...

GG Grizz bruhs

GG bruh

I kept trying to guarantee you that close game. :lol: You should always have faith in your squad when they are depleted playing the Grizz. They will always play to the level of their competition.
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