The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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What did Shaq and Barkley say?

Shaq, Chuck & Kenny agreed that he seems soft for those comments. And said they walk with a limp now because of injuries but dont regret anything
Im a little pissed Rose thinks he deserves all the money he gets and doesnt owe anyone a thing. Sounding selfish. He owes his fans everything.

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serious question, do you think the grizzlies made the right decision between lowry and conley?

Yep. I think both PG's do a lot of great things, but in different ways. I see Lowry more as a vocal leader that likes to create his own tempo. I'm not sure how well he would have worked out with the current team Memphis has. Conley is more of a steady PG that just makes great decisions with the basketball. When I think of Conley, I think of Tony Parker (not saying he's as good as Parker, but just the way he approaches the game).

Its crazy that both of those guys were on the same team together. Its also crazy that Houston had both Dragic and Lowry :lol . Lowry fits perfect where he's at in Toronto. He just needed the right situation. The fact that Conley plays on the one of the slower teams in the league, I think his numbers could be much better on a faster pace team. Put him on a team like Golden State and I think you get around 20ppg and 8apg from him with less turnovers than Curry.
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Surprised at Shaq saying he's soft after watching what Penny went through .. but I guess as he's just following protocol and kicking a guy while he's down. Typical.

But it's ok for LeBron and Dirk to say shorten the NBA season for future health risk ..
D rose knows he got away with robbery. Theseason has been the same for how long? All of a sudden lebron, kd and a guy that can't even play 20 minutes without grabbing his leg thinks its too much people want it to change. Its been done before them and should be done after them.
Surprised at Shaq saying he's soft after watching what Penny went through .. but I guess as he's just following protocol and kicking a guy while he's down. Typical.

But it's ok for LeBron and Dirk to say shorten the NBA season for future health risk ..

Dirk and Lebron actually play games.

So I guess Brook Lopez should've said it instead.
So I guess Brook Lopez should've said it instead.

No one props Lopez on this pedestal though like bulls fans do with Rose.

Even nets fans say he's always hurt.

Rose is basically a urban myth and this point, he's big foot.

He's no longer on that pedestal but I luv how people act like dude broke a fingernail and should be 100% after missing two years of basketball. Then you have former players chiming in as if they experienced the same type of injuries or missed the same amount of time in their careers at a young age. Most of these guys didn't start breaking down till they got older, how can they relate to what he's saying? Like Jalen & Bill said last night, not every player in the league wants to be on the sidelines moving like a robot when they're in their 40s ala Kevin McHale

I can respect those comments/opinions if they came from Penny or Grant Hill, hell even Tim Hardaway or Livingston.

What does Dirk and Lebron's comments have anything to do with Derrick Rose's statement

They were basically looking out for their future health similar Rose.
Drose, lol starts the game with green bar, but drains fast, cuz he bull rushes everything. Drives hard on every play likr a psycho. lol thought dude bulked up to shoot Js, guess he trynna build that body to cradle the rock.
We should play a game "what's the highest level of employment Derrick Rose would have in the real world if he never subjected his body to the extreme physical nature of basketball?"
I'm sorry, but Jalen Rose is uber trash on that Grantland joint. Dude reminds me of a token black guy in one of those late 90's/early 00's teen comedies.

Bill Simmons should've picked a better running mate. 
They said Reggie Jackson is a bigger Eric Bledsoe.

Somebody got paid to write that.

I need a moment.
We should play a game "what's the highest level of employment Derrick Rose would have in the real world if he never subjected his body to the extreme physical nature of basketball?"
at least he wouldnt be sore while mopping up the floors after his son's highschool graduation 
Saw this on Realgm
It is a human IMPOSSIBILITY for a person to see a ball get touched, press a button, the electricity to go through the machine, and a clock to start in a fraction of a second. It's impossible. Pure physics. Kings fans can blame God on that one.

For this reason, EXACTLY this reason, we have the Trent Tucker rule as described and posted above. The entire point of this rule is due to the fact that a clock can not start at the exact tenth of a second. And it's a very simple rule.

If you have LESS than .03 seconds, you can not catch and shoot. It would have to be a tip. If the clock shows .03, that means you have AT LEAST .03 seconds left, and a catch and shoot can be done.

This was an example of about the fastest catch and shoot a basketball player could get done. Flying through the air and over his head.

By rule, this is the easiest call on the planet, and I have no idea what the Kings could possibly be protesting. Sorry guys, as a pelicans fan, I would have loved to see you beat the Grizz.
I didn't know about that rule at all. I also thought they were initially looking at the fact the clock did not start on time and was going to call the basket no good. Hollins tipping the ball was an afterthought.
I never knew it had a name
The fact of the matter is you can make jokes about derrick Rose being dumb but his athletic ability has put his family in a better financial situation than what his brain could have done and because of that, he's a smart man. He's sacrificed and worked on his craft in order to make millions.

I doubt he's at the crib like "I wonder what these people talking about me what do in a NBA game"
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