Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

  • Thunder

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  • Clippers

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  • Spurs

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  • Mavs

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  • Grizzlies

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  • Rockets

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  • Kings

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  • Warriors

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  • Pelicans

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GSW>Clips still
Pierce will be okay, dude's old.
Smith, Stephenson are both half trash

Dude there's no point in trying to defend the warriors in here. For some reason they get discredit and will not get the respect they deserve until they win more games, playoff series and another ring. Which is fine with me because I have no worries about the team.

I have read it several times on here that people have moved on from the warriors winning the championship but I don't get what that meant exactly. Like do you mean the social media? Your social circle? The internet? Because it doesn't seem to different from other years IMO.
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Also the Clippers fans have no room to say anything about their team improving until the playoffs, especially for the stuff they were saying to the warriors fans last season.
Also the Clippers fans have no room to say anything about their team improving until the playoffs, especially for the stuff they were saying to the warriors fans last season.

Which Clippers fans are referring to? Because I had the Warriors as the favorites the whole time.
Also the Clippers fans have no room to say anything about their team improving until the playoffs, especially for the stuff they were saying to the warriors fans last season.

Which Clippers fans are referring to? Because I had the Warriors as the favorites the whole time.

*Looks at shoeking's direction

there were def more and I don't remember their sns ans you're a regular in here so I hope you remember how much **** the warriors fans got all season and playoffs :lol:
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If they don't repeat as champs or make another final within the next decade or so, I could easily see this chip from GSW as "the forgotten championship."

It's like everyone has already moved on from it. I actually don't know why either. Maybe because their best player wasn't a 6'6 transgenerational wing? Maybe because they have no other polarizing players or coaches (yet) that'll go down in NBA annals? Maybe they were too vanilla? Maybe because their appearance doesn't belie how dominant they were last year? Maybe because they had no "classic" series last year?

Perhaps their come up was Too Quick. Literally they went from a 6 seed to a ring within a year, without major roster changes. Literally I can't recall when that has happened in recent memory. Teams normally knock on the door, go through the romanticism faze of a rise to a championship. The whole losing before winning thing. It kind of never happened like that with them. 

But I could easily see a 30for30 15 years from now and NBA analyst on there saying "A lot of people don't realize how dominant the Warriors were during that campaign. They were historically great" or something like that.
Historically great regular season. Dominance.

Then the playoffs came and they were trailing against the Grizzlies who were dealing with injuries to Conley and later Tony Allen, two starters.

Later on, they were trailing again and forced to make a lineup change against an Eastern Conference team that was missing three starters.

Point being, if their playoff run was as dominant as their reg season, they wouldn't be as forgettable.

We'll see what happens if Durant, Westbrook, Irving, Love, Conley, & TA are healthy next season.

Why is it a knock on them because their opponent couldnt stay healthy?
If you have to ask why it's a knock then you just don't want to be reasonable. "Why is it a knock?"

Get out of here G
It's not their fault the other teams couldn't stay healthy, then again most yall were saying they were pretenders for most of the season :lol:
It's not their fault you are right.
Doesn't negate that it happened though.

They got a Chip, that's their reward.
the Warriors shouldn't be discredited cause their opponent wasn't at 100%.

they had a historically great season on both ends of the floor, they deserved that title

And they were rewarded with the Trophy.
It's not like they won and the NBA took their trophy, no, they gave it to them. Good job, next
lol but seriously all those roster "upgrades" won't mean much if they dont advance past the second round
The starters should now have enough help to make a legit push, at least make it 7 games fight to the finish

I really like the LAC team and I think they will make a deep playoff rush, negating any major injury. I would kill for another LAC/GSW playoff series.
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Kobe has a pair of FluGames too?

What was he wearing in 96-97? Those Crazy Space Adidas?
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the Warriors shouldn't be discredited cause their opponent wasn't at 100%.

they had a historically great season on both ends of the floor, they deserved that title

Warriors had no control over who they played on their run to the title, nor the injury status of key players on said teams.

They had an amazing season and capped it off with their first title in over 40 years and deserve props for that. Can't discredit that.

All that said substitute the Cavs for the Warriors and it would be *'s and "LeBron got another "easy" title.
65 wins, league mvp, high playoff win % and a championship just isn't good enough for some people
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*Looks at shoeking's direction

there were def more and I don't remember their sns ans you're a regular in here so I hope you remember how much **** the warriors fans got all season and playoffs :lol:

What the hell I do lol?

Fam we had several exchanges regarding the warriors last season lol

Nothing too bad but pretty much how you didn't buy into the warriors success and thought the Clippers were better last season. You also thought there was no proof that bogut would've helped out the warriors during their series.
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65 wins, league mvp, high playoff win % and a championship just isn't good enough for some people

Not unless all those mentions and goals pertain to your team.
They mean even less when it's GSW.
Not because they played injury riddled teams to get there but, more so because Cali people do Cali things, and GSW isn't one. That, is in fact GSW's fault when it comes to being heard over those loud mouths.
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