Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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D rose man [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] glass man
Butler on Rose taking facial elbow: "Didn’t really see the play. I was probably too busy waiting for the ball to come back to me."
3:07 PM - 29 Sep 2015

Lol I don't know if I'm reading too much into that but....
Butler taking this "I'm the point guard now" thing serious 
Derrick Rose, bruhs.

Like I legit feel bad for Bulls fans.
I don't know man, I don't think I do.

The Bulls fans that took issue with his press conference yesterday, yea, I feel bad for them.

The ones that didn't take issue with him preparing for Free Agency as opposed to preparing for a Healthy season, nah man, this is what life does to you.
Rose good

What about Mike Dunleavy and his back surgery
Kyrie glass knees
Shumpert getting his rap career going on after his wrist injury

There's bigger injuries stories than Rose's
I ride with my Wolves but we are not making the Playoffs. If we do I'll get the NT logo tatted on my arm :lol:

I just want to see Rubio HEALTHY with this squad. This might be the second best roster he's been with since the lockout squad :smh: Beas and Dwill killin the Clips with 30 each man I had hope...

I just want to see Wiggins grow. Lavine play more at the two and let Shabazz unleash :smokin
Am I reading this correctly? D Rose had group sex with his homies and 1 girl?

Wait wait what?

Yep. First he drugged her. Then he followed her to her apartment. Then he broke into the apartment with his homies. All while on crutches as he's recovering from his acl surgery

Dude has flair :pimp:

Story doesn't sound implausible or anything :pimp: :pimp:
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Jared Dudley:

"Remember Adam Morrison? He never took showers, he did the chewing tobacco that he spit all the time, and he wore the same three polos the whole year. This is a guy who made a lot of money, too, at that time. He was the face of diabetes, he was doing everything, he was on the cover of college games, he was [everywhere], and he was by far the worst and [most] disgusting."

Face of what?? :wow: :lol:
I feel bad for rose cuz he knows nothing else but basketball, he's 1 injury a way from not doing that. Dude gonna have to be involved with the league somehow. We know commentating is a nono, maybe he can be a good camera guy. Son don't even dance so he can't be Benny the bull smh.
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From Adidas and his bulls contract dude is paid.... Don't feel sorry for rose at all . The way he talks you can tell he don't even love the game that much .
I know Faux News did not just put elite and Wes Johnson in the same sentence, I just got my eyes checked a few weeks ago. 

:lol:. In the real world he shot 35% from 3

We'll see what happens, bro. But for some perspective, recall that most Lakers fans said Pau was completely washed before last season. So they're not always the most objective about their former players.

I was always saying pau still had juice left, mda just grossly misused and antagonize him. Good luck with wes tho

I'm legitimately wondering what Lakers fans were expecting from Wes Johnson? Was he supposed to turn into an all-star and lead them to the playoffs? He basically played to the level of everyone he was surrounded by.

At one point he was surrounded by nash kobe pau. He just seems like one of those guys that hoops because he's tall. He's a nice enough guy and always says the right things there's just something off. Dude trains with kobe in the summer, seems aware that an nba career isn't guaranteed and just never seems to get any better. It was hilarious how everyone would try to turn him into this defensive stopper, every interview they would slip in some subliminal about his defensive potential and it just never materialized. He's fully aware of how he's perceived and once was quoted saying you're gonna see a new wes johnson from now on, more fired up or whatever but outside a few cuss words it was more of the same. That's the kinda thing that makes you give up on a guy and just accept that he is what he's shown you. I really don't get the idea that he'll play better with cp3 etc when you guys have been struggling at the 3 spot for a minute. None of the other 3s seemed to benefit playing with the rest of the clipper starters.
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Jared Dudley:

"Remember Adam Morrison? He never took showers, he did the chewing tobacco that he spit all the time, and he wore the same three polos the whole year. This is a guy who made a lot of money, too, at that time. He was the face of diabetes, he was doing everything, he was on the cover of college games, he was [everywhere], and he was by far the worst and [most] disgusting."

Face of what?? :wow: :lol:

read this earlier today :lol:
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