Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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  • Clippers

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  • Spurs

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  • Mavs

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  • Grizzlies

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  • Rockets

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  • Kings

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  • Warriors

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  • Pelicans

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It's obvious D'angelo has a very good feel for the game. What appears to be missing at this early stage is a certain vigor and aggressiveness necessary to turn corners on the P&R.

And as P just stated, playing with the second unit for sure doesn't help matters. 
@SerenaWinters D'Angelo said his role off the bench past couple games has been "different," felt "foreign" to him, says he knows his role w/ starters...
I don't know what made me think of this but I had to go back and watch it. 
Bruh, check Carrie out at the 2:00 mark, she can't stop laughing at this fool.

Y'all crazy. Boston is a 5th seed or better. They have bodies after bodies. Okay coach and above average defensive team. Only thing is where are they going to get their scoring from besides Isaiah? He literally will have to put up no less than 20 pts a game for them to win.
You make a crazy claim and then go on to say they just have an "OK coach"? Come on bro
Basketball Forever @Bballforeverfb

Lamar Odom has not yet passed away. Fake account saying he did and a few NBA players saw it. #GetWellLamar

11:40 PM - 13 Oct 2015
Damn, hope his friends and family can at least be by his side if it is his time to go

BTW, I'm watching the 30 for 30 on USC Football and I never knew Billups was Lendale White's cousin. Mind blown
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Damn Lamar. Just saw this. How am I just seeing this, it said they found him early this morning at the Bunny Ranch.

They kept this low
Anyone watched the Complex video featuring his shoe collection? Pure comedy lmao. Don't ever play yourself.
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Just read he was on a 3 day bender of pills and alcohol. One of them **** should have alerted someone before it got this bad.
Awful situation especially as they needed to intubate him.  Who knows how long his brain was deprived of O2.  LO will almost certainly have severe brain damage if he manages to pull through
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The Lamar Odom situation is all bad.

Reading that post about his life a couple pages saying dude has had a rough life is an understatement.
And they didn't even mention his best friend Jamie passed away not too long ago as well. Just a rough life for LO
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Hope LO makes it through this. That said.....

Remember the TMZ video were LO blamed the media and folk in here actually agreed with him. Where they at now? Did the media do this to him too?

Don't cry about media bias in a drug users case and ignore the obvious bias in RG3s for example. We put the wrong things on blast and go to bat for the wrong people too often. One does drugs with a fame obsessed wife the other does Subway commercials and tweets. We've been conditioned to hate RG3 though. DC local radio listeners know what I mean.
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Please stop.

Sure. No one who defended that stupid video will step up and do the same now. Dude needed help then but probably had a bunch of yes men co signing that garbage instead of making him take responsibility for his fall and getting him help.
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Who's RG3?

He keeps being brought up in conversations like this but I don't even know who dude is. Is he like a baseball player or something? I don't like baseball.
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