Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

  • Thunder

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  • Clippers

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  • Spurs

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  • Mavs

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  • Grizzlies

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  • Rockets

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  • Kings

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  • Warriors

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  • Pelicans

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My mans brought up an interesting point about Lamarcus Aldridge not working in SA.

Basically, he said LMA is going to work out the way Richard Jefferson did when he came to SA. RJ was 28 and averaged 20ppg and shooting 40% from 3 the year before joining the Spurs. He struggled from 3 his year in SA, and struggled not getting touches.

His whole thing is that Pop does best with castaways (Diaw, Mills, Bonner, Green) and Rookies.....but doesn't do well with established stars who are set in their ways.

Not saying prime Richard Jefferson & Prime LMA are the same caliber of player....but he brought up a very interesting point. Dude is a Spurs hater, so it's probably rooted in that lol.
I heard someone compare LMA-Spurs to the Gasol-Lakers. A proven all star that just needed a new team to flourish on after years of let downs from their previous team. Bette coach, better teammates, a system that works too. I see it but gotta watch it play out.
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My mans brought up an interesting point about Lamarcus Aldridge not working in SA.

Basically, he said LMA is going to work out the way Richard Jefferson did when he came to SA. RJ was 28 and averaged 20ppg and shooting 40% from 3 the year before joining the Spurs. He struggled from 3 his year in SA, and struggled not getting touches.

His whole thing is that Pop does best with castaways (Diaw, Mills, Bonner, Green) and Rookies.....but doesn't do well with established stars who are set in their ways.

Not saying prime Richard Jefferson & Prime LMA are the same caliber of player....but he brought up a very interesting point. Dude is a Spurs hater, so it's probably rooted in that lol.

Remember someone posted an article here during that season and it was mentioned on ESPN, that he and the coaching staff were at odds about the way he caught the ball when he was shooting. He was catching and shooting it one way and the Spurs wanted him to do it another way. And that they wanted him to primarily shoot from the corners. And he wasn't to fond of that. (Hence, Manu throwing a hook pass to the the corner for a 3 out of a timeouts alot.) As most of us can see the corner 3 is a big part of the Spurs offense.
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I heard someone compare LMA-Spurs to the Gasol-Lakers. A proven all star that just needed a new team to flourish on after years of let downs from their previous team. Bette coach, better teammates, a system that works too. I see it but gotta watch it play out.

I see that too. Good point.
 @ 26 players in the league better than Melo
Well he didn't go in the first round of the redraft either.
2nd round fantasy pick 
man, Tim Duncan will be missed when he's finally gone

to a far greater extent than KG, dude has been playing like Belize for the last 3 years anyways
My mans brought up an interesting point about Lamarcus Aldridge not working in SA.

Basically, he said LMA is going to work out the way Richard Jefferson did when he came to SA. RJ was 28 and averaged 20ppg and shooting 40% from 3 the year before joining the Spurs. He struggled from 3 his year in SA, and struggled not getting touches.

His whole thing is that Pop does best with castaways (Diaw, Mills, Bonner, Green) and Rookies.....but doesn't do well with established stars who are set in their ways.

Not saying prime Richard Jefferson & Prime LMA are the same caliber of player....but he brought up a very interesting point. Dude is a Spurs hater, so it's probably rooted in that lol.

rj was never a star. kidd made him look like one
Man if Lorenzens wife had something to do with his death smh, that whole story is crazy :x
What's stopping it? The same thing that always stop the Clippers and Thunder.

And I've come to the conclusion that Lorenzo's wife definitely had something to do with it. A lot of the money guys in Memphis run in similar circles and everything about his death was fishy. Also, how she handled the insurance money made it even more fishy.
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Woah. The LeBron hate is so thick in here. Listen all I'm saying is LeBron loss to some great teams in the finals. Warriors excluded tho. Only because without Love and Kyrie, LeBron still took them to game 6. That mental ******, sensitive bunch should have swept the Cavs like any other team would have done.

How are you defending lebron in that weak eastern conference and then bash the warriors for having one of the greatest seasons in the nba of all time in an extremely hard western conference?

Your not making any sense man
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