The art of pulling off a successful fart

Aug 2, 2006
for example, john doe is third in the queue of the local bank and one slips out.  john doe nonchalantly makes the slightest of hand gestures to cover his nose, which of course is a rouse designed to redirect the silent suspicions of other observers to the persons in front of john doe. 
or for example, jane doe, an aspiring executive is in an elevator with 3 colleagues on their way to an IR meeting with another firm.  After greeting the secretary at the front desk, and being escorted to the conference room, Jane has a strong premonition.   Jane aggressively maneuvers around two colleagues to be shoulder to shoulder Tod. Moments after Jane enters the doorway to the conference room she let's one slip.  The closing of the door to the conference room wafts the unpleasantness in.  Those already seated in the conference room are unsure as to whom the culprit is but assume it's one of the last two colleagues to enter.   
Easier way:
Hey everybody, I'm about to let one rip.
Everybody farts so
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