The best album of 2011 so far is...

Haven't heard the first two albums posted in this thread.

I'm leaning towards Adele.

Cunninlynguists joint was very good but I know that's not their best album.

I don't think that Krit album is anywhere near album of the year and I'm a fan. Rae's joint wasn't better than his last joint and honestly isn't in the league of albums of the year.

Looking back on these past 6 months I am disappoint with the amount of quality and contenders. Feels like I gotta lower my standards to make a list or vastly expand my range (at least hip hop wise).
Haven't heard the first two albums posted in this thread.

I'm leaning towards Adele.

Cunninlynguists joint was very good but I know that's not their best album.

I don't think that Krit album is anywhere near album of the year and I'm a fan. Rae's joint wasn't better than his last joint and honestly isn't in the league of albums of the year.

Looking back on these past 6 months I am disappoint with the amount of quality and contenders. Feels like I gotta lower my standards to make a list or vastly expand my range (at least hip hop wise).
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Cunninlynguists joint was very good but I know that's not their best album.

I don't think that Krit album is anywhere near album of the year and I'm a fan.
out of the 2, which do you think is best?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Cunninlynguists joint was very good but I know that's not their best album.

I don't think that Krit album is anywhere near album of the year and I'm a fan.
out of the 2, which do you think is best?
i said this album even if it was released this year being a 2005-06 album


followed by....

i said this album even if it was released this year being a 2005-06 album


followed by....

these albums were on point as well


Listening to this @ the moment, sounds ok so far


^all this good hip hop out here, it aint dead
these albums were on point as well


Listening to this @ the moment, sounds ok so far


^all this good hip hop out here, it aint dead
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