The Brandon Jennings Thread (Will Be Updated Regularly)

Just checked out his profile page...

Favorite Class: Lunch

i dont think ppl understand the maturity as a hooper he has gon thru playin over pullin for this kid
who ever passes up on him in the draft will be ******ed. It will be the Portland Traiilblazers effect!
Originally Posted by haiti5

i dont think ppl understand the maturity as a hooper he has gon thru playin over pullin for this kid

I'm with you on that. On a couple of mock drafts for next year I seen that hes going to the warriors.. I wouldn't mind that one bit.
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

How long is his contract overseas ?

1 year. He should be entering the NBA draft this year.

False. His contract is for 3, but he has a resonable buyout after each year if he declares for the draft.
Dude is gone, he's in the league next year, top 10 pick. He'll show out at workouts and could even go top 5.
You Know ... Ummm ... BrandonJennings

July 17, 2009 11:42 AM

Posted by Kevin Arnovitz

The Milwaukee Bucks became the first team to complete its Summer League schedule with their 84-83 loss to Toronto on Thursday afternoon. The Bucks have looked strong, particularly their starting guards, Brandon Jennings -- chosen No. 10 overall -- and second-round pick, Jodie Meeks. With each game, the pair of rookies have cultivated better and better chemistry, the kind of symbiosis you love to see in the backcourt. Jennings knows exactly when Meeks is ready along the arc for a spot-up, both on the break, and in halfcourt drive-and-kick schemes. �

We caught up with Jennings after the game. Jennings spoke about the on-court dynamic between him and Meeks, but really lit up when we asked him about his new relationship with Steve Shenbaum, who coaches athletes on how to communicate with the media. Jennings has experienced a couple of hiccups in recent weeks. First, he threw a little trash talk Ricky Rubio's way prior to the draft. Then there was the somewhat incriminating, off-the-cuff conversation (in the eyes and ears of many) that made its way around the interwebs at lightning speed.�

It turns out Shenbaum was also in Cox Pavilion to see some of his clients at work. After our brief conversation with pupil Jennings, we visited with teacher Shenbaum:

League-Wide Issues, Milwaukee Bucks, BrandonJennings, Jodie Meeks, Steve Shenbaum

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