The College Basketball Post

You know what, my sympathy is very limited for Niang.

So has gotten FATTER since entering college, can't be running around at 6'6 250 and expect me to feel sad if you get a foot injury.
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You know what, my sympathy is very limited for Niang.

So has gotten FATTER since entering college, can't be running around at 6'6 250 and expect me to feel sad if you get a foot injury.
I was kinda waiting to see who would bring up his weight on the Cyclone boards, but it looks like you beat everyone there.

It's a big loss offensively.  I think we can still make some noise with the guys we got.
UCLA fortunate to get away with this poor play against by playing Tulsa. Won't get another chance to muck it up and win after this.
I CANNOT wait til Wiggins gets to the league next year so he can shut some of ya'll the hell up.

There's a thin line between constructive criticism and just flat out nitpicking. Alot of ya'll are swan diving 5 feet into the end zone of nitpicking.
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LA Tech 28- UGA 9 
Man, AMAZING first two days of the tournament. Best of all time.

KU...knew that EKU would give Tharpe and Mason trouble...(What team doesn't 
)...Big boys stepped up though. I like their match up against Stanford.

SFA YOOOOOO. My boy (and NTer...not sure how often he gets on anymore) plays for SFA. Really nice to see them win...

Also...strongly recommend you guys do a player pool next year, it's a lot of fun. 12 guys pick 20 players with most points at the end of the tournament wins.
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