The College Basketball Post

the check passed. welcome to cameron whisky 
Wisky had like 5 good chances for a shot that possession

doing too much
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Hayes has Grayson Allen in him 3ft away from the basket and passes it out...smh.

Worst part is he never reposted and they didn't look for him. So many mismatches for Wisconson
Jahlil holding his own vs Frank so far

Winslow is my favorite player in the draft :smokin

Grayson was born to play basketball for Duke :lol:
Wisc on offense look like theyre panicing forcing a dribble drive and kicking out to nowhere, instead of trying to create off the dribble drive and then look to kick out if you have nothing

Duke putting that D to em
this dude just slapped frank's arm on that shot attemp
cbs not even showing the replay

dekker got to take over
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I got a feeling these Wisc dudes gon choke it off :smh: (based of these first 13 min)

Furthermore shows how bad UK gave that game away
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