The College Basketball Post

I don't think I've ever actually seen someone run into someone else's elbow. 👀 I mean, I know we joke about that kind of thing. "What? His face just ran into my fist." 😂 But that's exactly what happened..Bro just ran straight into buddy's elbow. The pointy part, too. 😬

I don't think I've ever actually seen someone run into someone else's elbow. 👀 I mean, I know we joke about that kind of thing. "What? His face just ran into my fist." 😂 But that's exactly what happened..Bro just ran straight into buddy's elbow. The pointy part, too. 😬

dikembe had to wear elbow pads in practice
tcu can get into the paint at will. there is no need to take long shots with how AZ is defending
highly sport entertaining game
Look, I actually have Arizona winning this game in my bracket, but I legit don't want Lampkin to lose this game. I'm just watching him every play on offense and defense, and bro putting it all out there.

Fully anticipating a "Mathurin should be the #1 pick" post in the Draft thread by tomorrow.

I’ve watched 60 minutes total of college basketball this year, all of them in the last 3 days. Who should be the #1-3 picks? Just curious. I can only name a couple dudes, and they play for Wisconsin. :lol:
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