The College Basketball Post

Ricardo Malta:

By your logic, you shouldn't be talking @%$% about any players either, seeing as how you didn't play basketball in college...yet I see you talking @%$%about people every now and then...what makes you more qualified to talk @%$% about players than Chitown? Is it because you played soccer for Duke?
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by Chitowns Back

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

This N' Zeller for UNC is a STRAIGHT scrub I swear
. Dude won Mr. Basketball in Indiana but played NO ONE good. AAU he was scrubbing it up too. N' only gets leeway because dude is 7 feet tall
. He's basura IMO.
Says the guy who couldn't make it at Purdue.

Zeller played well the 2 games he participated in, so what the hell are you tommbout youngin? And were all those rolling smileys necessary? You should be practicing your up and unders right now.
Pretty sure I got a scholarship offer my junior year my guy. Zeller is trash my dude. And who they play against? Scrubs right? Know your place my dude. And Zeller broke his wrist off a MISSED DUNK. How you that all and can't dunk the damn ball

And I guess 2 pts and 1 rebound in 22 minutes is good too huh?

@%*# outta here dude is trash.

Oh yeah %$$# Painter

Here we go.....

Stop wit' all that coulda, woulda, shoulda, bull +##!. You got a scholarship junior year....where its at my dude? The #$$+ you hatin' on a dude who playin' while you eatin' orange slices on your couch, poutin' like a lil !%+%@? He broke his wrist off a missed dunk? I'm pretty sure they called a foul on the play but you probably ain't see that watchin' the game on a 15 inch Ha****ashi in your dorm room.

Son, you sound like a herb, real talk. Kentucky is trash this year but far from scrubs. But wait, if he playin' against scrubs then who you playin' against? The closest thing to college basketball you touchin' is on an Xbox controller. Know my place? You're a peon to me young scrap. You sound like a ++@$*@' disappointment to your parents. Shoulda wrapped you up in a wet wipe when your moms had the chance.

I don't even like this dude Zeller like that but you got me defendin' this soft serve cause of some stupidity. Try to keep your font all the same size next time you reply. We get you're bitter buddy


I'm pretty sure he wasn't fouled at all on that play. N' just missed the dunk. And I know I'm not playing right now, I can still transferthough

And I know I $%*!$# up, but thank god I was good in school. I woulda got kicked the %+!@ out

Edit: Wait you played soccer...................



Don't even get me started
Ricardo Malta:

By your logic, you shouldn't be talking %#*% about any players either, seeing as how you didn't play basketball in college...yet I see you talking %#*% about people all the time...what makes you more qualified to talk %#*% about players than Chitown? Is it because you played soccer for Duke?
Nope. What sport I played has nothing to do with my qualms against dude, nor do I feel it gives me justification to go at him. And when did Italk !#@@ about any player? Chitown? He's not a player, so by your logic I'm not talking !#@@ about any player. What other players have I talked!#@@ about? Any post I've made critiquing a player has been well supported in a calm demeanor and not spewed in a bull !#@@ manner. The only player inthe history of college basketball I've ever really talked !#@@ about is Tyler Hansbroad, and that is to be expected.

How you ran to the phone booth and threw the cape on boggles my mind but you need to settle the %$+% down. I don't ever wanna see you talk !#@@ aboutanother college basketball player cause I'll pull your card quick and quote the %$+% out of your last reply.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't fouled at all on that play. N' just missed the dunk.
If he did, then I'll gladly admit the L. He still got closer to the basket than you have or will this season.

Don't even get me started

Oh please do....

Dam I come back and heat rocks getting thrown left and right. Don't +@@* on soccer though because you probably know nothing about it.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

How you ran to the phone booth and threw the cape on boggles my mind but you need to settle the %$+% down. I don't ever wanna see you talk !#@@ about another college basketball player cause I'll pull your card quick and quote the %$+% out of your last reply.
at "running to the phone booth and throwing onthe cape." It's not even like that...

I'm not the one saying people that don't play basketball can't talk @++$ about a player...that was you. Personally, I couldn't care less whotalks @++$ about a player, I was just trying to figure out how your logic worked.

And I edited my post I guess right as you were typing that...I changed it to say "every now and then" instead of "all the time." AndI'm not trying to call you out or take shots at you or anything. Yea, you usually do have at least a somewhat valid reason when you hate on players, I wasjust trying to figure out how your logic worked.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't fouled at all on that play. N' just missed the dunk.

If he did, then I'll gladly admit the L. He still got closer to the basket than you have or will this season.


We got something in common though, we both won't be on the court for the rest of the year

Dam I come back and heat rocks getting thrown left and right. Don't +@@* on soccer though because you probably know nothing about it.

Nah, I'm half Dominican son, all we know is baseball, soccer and platanos.
Originally Posted by Dr 715

Zeller missed that dunk.

He was expecting contact that never came...



I guess knocking a dude in the head doesn't count as contact.
just when you thought this thread was safe from the rest of NT's tendencies...

Chill guys... it's not that serious, let's just talk hoops.
How in the world did Wake run up 120 on UNCW when they only hit 4 threes and shot 68% at the line?
I'm not the one saying people that don't play basketball can't talk +@*@ about a player...that was you. Personally, I couldn't care less who talks +@*@ about a player, I was just trying to figure out how your logic worked.
The funny thing is, I'm not the only one who has a problem with dude running his mouth. I'm just the first one to really call him out. Iknow ya'll out there too

I guess you don't remember from the summer when he was hyping himself up about playing for Purdue and gonna do this and do that, yadda yadda yadda. I'm a humble dude so when I see someone poppin' off at the mouth about this and that, and then doesn't do this and that, I'ma pull that card. Why does he feel the need to call out Zeller? That run of UNC game posts was a day ago so why is he all of a sudden pushing his personal vendetta against dudeon us for us to read? Take my initial post for whatever logic you want to construe it as but dude seems immature as hell.

I'm pissed we gotta have this garbage in this thread when it was going so well and I'll apologize for taking it to the next level but I'd gladly doit again and take it to that HT level if it came to that.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

I'm not the one saying people that don't play basketball can't talk +@*@ about a player...that was you. Personally, I couldn't care less who talks +@*@ about a player, I was just trying to figure out how your logic worked.
The funny thing is, I'm not the only one who has a problem with dude running his mouth. I'm just the first one to really call him out. I know ya'll out there too

I guess you don't remember from the summer when he was hyping himself up about playing for Purdue and gonna do this and do that, yadda yadda yadda. I'm a humble dude so when I see someone poppin' off at the mouth about this and that, and then doesn't do this and that, I'ma pull that card. Why does he feel the need to call out Zeller? That run of UNC game posts was a day ago so why is he all of a sudden pushing his personal vendetta against dude on us for us to read? Take my initial post for whatever logic you want to construe it as but dude seems immature as hell.

I'm pissed we gotta have this garbage in this thread when it was going so well and I'll apologize for taking it to the next level but I'd gladly do it again and take it to that HT level if it came to that.


"Oh I'm about to have a BF"


I know I took the ultimate L and I accept that. Hopefully I can mess with the other schools that gave me offers.
Oh wow. But I definitely never hyped myself up at all
. I never said anything about beasting or anything, quote me if so. I knew I wasgoing to start or anything. Never said I was going to be a star.

I wasn't even trying to come at you like that, sorry if it came off that way.
Yeah Kerlew...

This _ never really hyped himself up...

He just told us about his offers and %%%%...

Remember him talking about when Jeff Teague fried his ( Y ) in AAU ball or some %%%%???
Yo im an Ariz State fan (currently go there), Harden look a little off tonight and we have to get Pendergraph going.

but it made my night when i watched those UofA oh man what a horrible play
He just told us about his offers and %%%%...

Remember him talking about when Jeff Teague fried his ( Y ) in AAU ball or some %%%%???

man i wanna say something but im not gonna get this post locked..son already look bad enuff
Originally Posted by haiti5

He just told us about his offers and %%%%...

Remember him talking about when Jeff Teague fried his ( Y ) in AAU ball or some %%%%???
man i wanna say something but im not gonna get this post locked..son already look bad enuff


Basketball !%$#?

Spill it!!!

Did he get murked by Eric Gordon or some !%$#...
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