The Combat Jack Show Thread

the word and platform for podcasts was created by apple

it’s called a podcast cause it was exclusive audio being streamed or uploaded to the ipod

joes an idiot

Rory sitting there trying his best to let Joe know "slow is a small part of what Apple does". Joe refusing to hear it and just screaming over top of him "Apple is in trouble" :lol:
That tech conversation was stupid.

The iPhone is about convenience and ease of use, and the built in podcast app gives you that. Apple did half assly pay attention to podcast for a while. Their app used to be terrible in certain iterations. I guess they weren't concerned because they were giving away free content and there was no shortage of podcast. But is someone picking Spotify over Apple or Google because of one podcast?

Him referring to what Spotify is going to do. They have to do it, Spotify isn't profitable. So throwing money at podcast doesn't hurt them. They're trying to gain subscribers. It's sort of a last resort.

And speakers, Amazon, Apple and Google have that sort of cornered, because they have their services and the hardware. Spotify is sort of on the outside looking in, hoping to be let in. You can install the app, but all of them have their native service. Nobody needs to install Spotify to stream. I think Spotify is trying to show themselves as being profitable long term so that they can be acquired. Right now they pay so much to labels, and that won't be going down.

Joe heard a sell and believed it. Of course they're going to be positive and have all these plans about what they're going to do.
All while they're simultaneously playing music from their Iphones and producing their "Podcasts" on Macbooks :lol: :smh:

Apple is so omnipresent that **** didn’t even register for him :lol:

iPhones and MacBooks have become the generic “phone and computer” for a lot of _’s now
How much do you think Joe is getting from this Spotify deal?
Well he did say in a previous pod
that they was offered a significant amount
from other spots that woulda made mal and rory instant millionaires
but they turned it down to have more ownership
and that they getting significantly less
I mean according to the data, while still doing numbers, iPhone and mac numbers and satisfaction have decreased.

They definitely represent the go-to laptop and smartphone but that's changing. I don't even remember all of that discussion but weren't they more talking about Apple and streaming instead of devices?
Yea they were more so talking about streaming and podcasts. Just found it funny how hard he was ****ting on Apple with all of the Apple products they probably have in their studio.
Yeah, they were talking about streaming and podcast. Mainly Spotify's two acquisitions. I've never listened to anything on Gimlet and the other besides Combat's Chris Lighty pod.

Joe needs to think of his deals as a he does record labels. He's not on a team, it's a short term deal that both can benefit and profit off of. He shouldn't be too attached or cheering them on.

IMO that was more important to Loud Speakers Network. Because I could see something happening with them. If someone wanted to tap in to the urban side.
To be fair to Joe, he really just re-iterated what people have been saying for a while now and that’s the fact that Apple lacks innovation.

As a creator I think Joe would like one of the most successful companies in the world to push creativity a bit more and fund creatives but that hasn’t real been Apple’s thing since the death of Steve Jobs.

If u look at the way tech moves with Apple, someone usually does it first and Apple waits until the product has been refined before giving it to the masses (see the AirPods, the HomePod, fingerprint ID etc.)

Apple is lucky that the masses still see them as cool but what happens when the influencers go elsewhere. They definitely still have the market share for now but there’s no telling what that will look like in a decade. 10 years ago no one thought blackberry would be going anywhere especially the business guys. Now look....
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To be fair to Joe, he really just re-iterated what people have been saying for a while now and that’s the fact that Apple lacks innovation.

As a creator I think Joe would like one of the most successful companies in the world to push creativity a bit more and fund creatives but that hasn’t real been Apple’s thing since the death of Steve Jobs.

If u look at the way tech moves with Apple, someone usually does it first and Apple waits until the product has been refined before giving it to the masses (see the AirPods, the HomePod, fingerprint ID etc.)

Apple is lucky that the masses still see them as cool but what happens when the influencers go elsewhere. They definitely still have the market share for now but there’s no telling what that will look like in a decade. 10 years ago no one thought blackberry would be going anywhere especially the business guys. Now look....

Apple is a tech company but as a brand they’ve infiltrated and firmly implanted themselves into pop culture in a weird way, a way that I don’t think we’ve seen before. Blackberry can’t even be loosely compared to this **** we seeing with them

Like look at something like the AirPods, a lot of the analysts and general public straight up said “Nah this cost too much”. But they made a chess move by nixing the headphone jacks on iPhones and telling you it’s better for you and that they bringing you into the future :lol: 2 years later everybody got ******* AirPods dangling from their ears to the point that they’ve now been firmly cemented with meme status lol

Now they gearing up for AirPods 2 and the experts saying AirPods sales gonna quintuple over the next few years :lol: :smh:

I think a big part of it is the general public really don’t care about innovation to that degree, they just like refined, easy to use **** that’s presented nicely and brands they make them feel at least middle class or better. Apple is the king of delivering on that
Joe - Have you even been suicidal?

Mal - Um no

Joe - Then shut up


They definitely be giving Chris Bron a pass talking bout he's rehabilitating dealing with women. :lol: Ol girl got a retraining on him and son be ready to fight every dude she with. Ironically that's the reason him and Migos been beefin.


and they mixing up Grammy weekend with BET weekend. _'s don't fight and rob during Grammy weekend. :lol:
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Also the craziest part about Joe caping for Spotify is just how in depth he's gotten into the streaming talk & how it's bad for creatives, yet Spotify seems to be the main ones short changing.
Park's girl having vocals :lol:

That's Jill Scott

Joe seems to have very limited knowledge about streaming in general. Apparently he was asking AK about twitch, which is something every artist should be on if they game and want to pick up a different base.

But he also trashed SoundCloud so Apple would be next in the chopping block.

I'm starting to think he gets most of his talking points from black Twitter and gives it extra sauce for the views.
Nah I was talking about the flirting convo in the last ep. They mentioned producers/engineers who bring chicks into the studio to "lay vocals down". Parks said he's never done that but then mentions his girl having some vocals recorded :lol:
Also the craziest part about Joe caping for Spotify is just how in depth he's gotten into the streaming talk & how it's bad for creatives, yet Spotify seems to be the main ones short changing.

and even for podcast, they're paying for a few. They're not paying for everyone else.

Nah I was talking about the flirting convo in the last ep. They mentioned producers/engineers who bring chicks into the studio to "lay vocals down". Parks said he's never done that but then mentions his girl having some vocals recorded :lol:

I took it as meaning singing.
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